- together with this
- together with all that; besides; "thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal remit thy other forfeits"- Shakespeare
- the necessary means (especially financial means)
- そのうえに,かてて加えて(besides) / =with
- それに加えて;それとともに
- (何かを行うための)手段,資金《+to do》
- 《随伴・協調》…『と』,と共に,といっしょに / 《所有・所持》…『を持っている』,がある,の付いた / 《道具・手段》…『で』,を使って / 《財料・供給物》…『で』,を与えて / …を支持して,に賛成して / …『に反対(敵対)して』,を相手として / …『と同時に』,と同様に / …『に比べて』,に比例して / 《様態》《名詞を伴い副詞句として》『…で』,を示して,をもって / 《付帯状競》…『して』,しながら / 《譲歩》…がありながら,にもかかわらず / 『…が原因で』,のために,…で / …に任せて,のもとにあずけて,のところに / …に関して,について / …から離れて / 《連結・混合》…と / 《副詞と共に命令文で》
English Journal
- Boosting diagnosis accuracy of Alzheimer's disease using high dimensional recognition of longitudinal brain atrophy patterns.
- Farzan A1, Mashohor S2, Ramli AR3, Mahmud R4.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2015 Sep 1;290:124-30. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.04.010. Epub 2015 Apr 15.
- OBJECTIVE: Boosting accuracy in automatically discriminating patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and normal controls (NC), based on multidimensional classification of longitudinal whole brain atrophy rates and their intermediate counterparts in analyzing magnetic resonance images (MRI).METHOD: Lo
- PMID 25889456
- Kinase S1, Sato S2, Sakamoto R3, Yamamoto H2, Saito K2.
- Radiation protection dosimetry.Radiat Prot Dosimetry.2015 May 6. pii: ncv275. [Epub ahead of print]
- Changes in ambient dose equivalent rates noted through vehicle-borne surveys have elucidated ecological half-lives of radioactive caesium in the environment. To confirm that the ecological half-lives are appropriate for predicting ambient dose equivalent rates within living areas, it is important to
- PMID 25953794
- Surface complexation modeling of inositol hexaphosphate sorption onto gibbsite.
- Ruyter-Hooley M1, Larsson AC2, Johnson BB1, Antzutkin ON3, Angove MJ4.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2015 Feb 15;440:282-91. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2014.10.065. Epub 2014 Nov 15.
- The sorption of Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) onto gibbsite was investigated using a combination of adsorption experiments, (31)P solid-state MAS NMR spectroscopy, and surface complexation modeling. Adsorption experiments conducted at four temperatures showed that IP6 sorption decreased with increasi
- PMID 25460716
Japanese Journal
- 小浜 正子
- 史學雜誌 103(9), 1629-1661, 1735-1736, 1994-09-20
- … Under the Headership of local elites, particularly the bourgeoisie, Shanghai not only had the economic where withal to afford nongovernmental social welfare services but also had motivation and organizing capability to support them. …
- NAID 110002361748
- Effect of intraperitoneal administration of liver biomatrix and hepatocytes on rats with D-galactosamine induced hepatic failure.
- 斎藤 信也,阪上 賢一,宮崎 雅史,松岡 順治,塩崎 滋弘,田辺 高由,小出 典男,長島 秀夫,折田 薫三
- 人工臓器 16(2), 916-919, 1987
- … In order to evaluate the ability of biomatrix-hepatocytes culture system for developing hybrid type artificial liver using cultured hepatocytes, biomatrix-hepatocytes were administered intraperitoneally to the rats withal-galactosamine (d-GalN) induced hepatic failure. …
- NAID 130001734846
Related Links
- In addition; besides: "And, withal, a wider publicity was given to thought- provoking ideas" (Holbrook Jackson). 2. Despite that; nevertheless. 3. Archaic Therewith. prep. Archaic. With. Used after its object at the end of a sentence or clause.
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