- ~に関わりない。(副詞的に用いて)にもかかわらず、かまわず、無関係に
- Irrespective of age, patients with PDA require surgical or catheter closure.
- 関
- (adv.)irrespectively 関係なく(of)
- independent, irrelevant, unconnected, unrelated
- not controlled by a party or interest group
- (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb" (同)main
- free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"
- having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "an irrelevant comment"; "irrelevant allegations"
- not joined or linked together
- not connected by birth or family
- not connected by kinship
- lacking a logical or causal relation
- 《be irrespective of+名》(に)かかわりない
- (他に)『頼らない』,依存しない / 『独立した』ほかの支配(影響)を受けない / 『関係(関連)がない』,独自の / (収入・資産が)働かなくても暮らせるだけの / 独立者,独立したもの / 党派に属さない人(無所属議員,自由な投票者など)
- 見当違いの;取るに足りない
- 連結されていない,離れた,別々の / 関係のない,関連のない
- 無関係の;語られていない
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English Journal
- Effect of transglutaminase on properties of tilapia scale gelatin films incorporated with soy protein isolate.
- Weng W1, Zheng H2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Feb 15;169:255-60. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.08.012. Epub 2014 Aug 13.
- The effect of transglutaminase (TGase) on the properties of tilapia scale gelatin films in the presence of soy protein isolate (SPI) was investigated. When 3% TGase was added into gelatin films, the total soluble matter and protein solubility of films were decreased from 89.36% and 92.78% to 35.83%
- PMID 25236224
- The multidrug ABC transporter BmrC/BmrD of Bacillus subtilis is regulated via a ribosome-mediated transcriptional attenuation mechanism.
- Reilman E1, Mars RA1, van Dijl JM2, Denham EL1.
- Nucleic acids research.Nucleic Acids Res.2015 Feb 1;42(18):11393-407. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku832. Epub 2014 Sep 12.
- Expression of particular drug transporters in response to antibiotic pressure is a critical element in the development of bacterial multidrug resistance, and represents a serious concern for human health. To obtain a better understanding of underlying regulatory mechanisms, we have dissected the tra
- PMID 25217586
- sPARTA: a parallelized pipeline for integrated analysis of plant miRNA and cleaved mRNA data sets, including new miRNA target-identification software.
- Kakrana A1, Hammond R1, Patel P1, Nakano M2, Meyers BC3.
- Nucleic acids research.Nucleic Acids Res.2015 Feb 1;42(18):e139. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku693. Epub 2014 Aug 12.
- Parallel analysis of RNA ends (PARE) is a technique utilizing high-throughput sequencing to profile uncapped, mRNA cleavage or decay products on a genome-wide basis. Tools currently available to validate miRNA targets using PARE data employ only annotated genes, whereas important targets may be foun
- PMID 25120269
- Role of irradiation in the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles mediated by fig (Ficus carica) leaf extract.
- Ulug B1, Haluk Turkdemir M2, Cicek A3, Mete A4.
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy.Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc.2015 Jan 25;135:153-61. doi: 10.1016/j.saa.2014.06.142. Epub 2014 Jul 8.
- Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles in an aqueous mixture of fig (Ficus carica) leaf extract and AgNO3 solution exposed to a set of irradiances at different wavelengths are studied. Nanoparticle formation for irradiances between 6.5mW/cm(2) and 13.3mW/cm(2) in the 330-550nm wavelength range is inve
- PMID 25062061
Japanese Journal
- Temperature induced complex formation-deformation behavior of collagen model peptides and polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution
- Terao Ken,Kanenaga Ryoko,Yoshida Tasuku,Mizuno Kazunori,Bächinger Hans Peter
- Polymer 68, 221-226, 2015-06-26
- … While the dimensional properties for the three polysilanes were almost irrespective of temperature, the second virial coefficient for PSi-2 and PSi-3 significantly decreased and became negative below the thermochromic temperature at −60 °C and −50 °C, respectively. …
- NAID 120005613959
- Influence of OH-group concentration on optical properties of silica glass in terahertz frequency region
- Tsuzuki Satoshi,Kuzuu Nobu,Horikoshi Hideharu,Saito Katsuya,Yamamoto Kohji,Tani Masahiko
- Appl. Phys. Express 8(7), 072402, 2015-06-23
- … The results show that the absorption coefficient in the THz frequency region varied with the OH-group concentration and that the variation depended only on the OH-group concentration, irrespective of the glass-manufacturing process. …
- NAID 150000110863
- Magnetization Process of the Spin-<italic>S</italic>Kagome-Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
- Nakano Hiroki,Sakai Tôru
- Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 84(6), 2015-05-25
- NAID 160000000727
- ゼブラフィシュは知覚学習以前に反時計回りに左から右へ (L→R)泳ぎ、円形を避け倒立三角形に近づく
- 三谷 惠一
- 岡山実験動物研究会報 31, 11-32, 2015-04
- … They avoid circle and go to thetriangle in group following the leader without perceptual learning irrespective of the position(Experiment 1,2,3,4)。 …
- NAID 120005611351
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- irrespective / ˌɪr ɪˈspɛk tɪv / Show Spelled [ir-i-spek-tiv] Show IPA adjective without regard to something else, especially something specified; ignoring or discounting (usually followed by of): Irrespective of my wishes, I should go.
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- 非依存性の、非依存的な、独立の、独立的な、独立性の、無関係の、別個の
- 関
- apart、independence、independency、independently、irrelevant、irrespective、unconnected、unrelated
- 不適切な、筋違いの、見当違いの、的はずれの、ちぐはぐな、関連性のない(to)
- 関
- improperly, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately, inappropriately, independent, irrespective, unconnected, unrelated
- 英
- unrelated、independent、irrelevant、irrespective、unconnected
- 関
- 独立、独立性、独立的、非依存性、不適切、別個、非依存的
- 関
- independent、irrelevant、irrespective、unconnected
- 関
- independent、irrelevant、irrespective、unrelated