- 抑える、制する、差し控える。(承諾などを~に)与えずに置く(from)。留めておく、使わせない。(税金などを)源泉徴収する、天引きする
- In cases in which an emergency exists, the patient is incompetent to give consent, and the withholding of treatment would be potentially life-threatening, the physician must obtain consent from a close relative of the patient.
- 関
- refrain, reserve, suspend
- hold back; refuse to hand over or share; "The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room" (同)keep back
- retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments; "My employer is withholding taxes" (同)deduct, recoup
- obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance; "We managed to reserve a table at Maxims"
- something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose (同)backlog, stockpile
- (medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functions
- the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary (同)reticence, taciturnity
- arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please hold a table at Maxims" (同)hold, book
- hold back or set aside, especially for future use or contingency; "they held back their applause in anticipation"
- render temporarily ineffective; "the prison sentence was suspended"
- cause to be held in suspension in a fluid; "suspend the particles"
- bar temporarily; from school, office, etc. (同)debar
- make inoperative or stop; "suspend payments on the loan" (同)set aside
- hang freely; "The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them"
- resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping" (同)forbear
- the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers (同)chorus
- a person who refrains from granting; "a withholder of payments"
- a person who restrains or checks or holds back
- income tax withheld from employees wages and paid directly to the government by the employer (同)withholding
- the act of deducting from an employees salary
- the act of holding back or keeping within your possession or control; "I resented his withholding permission"; "there were allegations of the withholding of evidence"
- (…に)〈承認・真相など〉‘を'『与えないでおく』,差し控える《+名+from+名》 / (…から)…‘を'抑える,制する《+名+from+名(doing)》
- (特定の人・目的などのために)…‘を'『別にしておく』,『取っておく』;…‘を'『予約する』《+『名』+『for』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…のために)…‘を'『残しておく』,蓄えておく《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 〈権利など〉‘を'保留する / 〈C〉(特定の目的や将来使うために)取っておくもの,(…にための)蓄え《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…のために)取っておかれた状態《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(特別の目的のため取ってある公の)特別保留地 / 〈U〉慎み,自制(self-control) / 〈C〉(政府・銀行などの)準備金,予備金,積立金 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》予備軍 / 蓄えてある,予備の
- (…から)…‘を'『つるす』,ぶら下げる《+名+from+名》 / 《受動態で》(つるしたように,空中・水中などに)…‘を'静止させる,浮かせる / 〈法律・免状などの〉効力を当分停止する;…‘を'一時止める / 《受動態で》〈人〉‘を'停学(停職,出場停止)にする / 一時的に中止(停止)する
- (…を)『控える』,『慎む』,思いとどまる《+『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- (詩・歌の各節の終りの)繰り返し文句
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English Journal
- Experience with a hospital policy on not offering cardiopulmonary resuscitation when believed more harmful than beneficial.
- Courtwright AM1, Brackett S2, Cadge W3, Krakauer EL4, Robinson EM5.
- Journal of critical care.J Crit Care.2015 Feb;30(1):173-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2014.10.003. Epub 2014 Oct 8.
- PURPOSE: This study investigated the impact of age, race, and functional status on decisions not to offer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) despite patient or surrogate requests that CPR be performed.METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of all ethics committee consultations between 2007
- PMID 25457115
- Effect of intracycle motion correction algorithm on image quality and diagnostic performance of computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease.
- Carrascosa P1, Deviggiano A2, Capunay C2, De Zan MC2, Goldsmit A2, Rodriguez-Granillo GA2.
- Academic radiology.Acad Radiol.2015 Jan;22(1):81-6. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2014.07.016. Epub 2014 Oct 3.
- RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: We sought to explore the impact of intracycle motion correction algorithms (MCA) in the interpretability and diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA) performed in patients suspected of coronary artery disease (CAD) referred to invasive coronary
- PMID 25281361
- The vegetative state: prevalence, misdiagnosis, and treatment limitations.
- van Erp WS1, Lavrijsen JC2, Vos PE3, Bor H2, Laureys S4, Koopmans RT5.
- Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.J Am Med Dir Assoc.2015 Jan 1;16(1):85.e9-85.e14. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2014.10.014.
- INTRODUCTION: Patients in a vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (VS/UWS) open their eyes spontaneously, but show only reflexive behavior. Although VS/UWS is one of the worst possible outcomes of acquired brain injury, its prevalence is largely unknown. This study's objective was to ma
- PMID 25528282
- Motivationally Significant Self-control: Enhanced Action Withholding Involves the Right Inferior Frontal Junction.
- O'Connor DA1, Upton DJ, Moore J, Hester R.
- Journal of cognitive neuroscience.J Cogn Neurosci.2015 Jan;27(1):112-23. doi: 10.1162/jocn_a_00695.
- In everyday life, people use self-control to withhold actions. This ability is particularly important when the consequences of action withholding have an impact on the individual's well-being. Despite its importance, it is unclear as to how the neural nodes implicated in action withholding contribut
- PMID 25115186
Japanese Journal
- 被保護母子世帯の就業 : ひとり親世帯就労促進費廃止と母子加算復活の影響分析
- 賃貸不動産の譲渡における賃貸人の地位の留保特約 (特集 民法改正の不動産実務への影響)
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- withhold 【自動】差し控える、自制する 【他動】 ~を抑える、差し控える、保留... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- withholdとは。意味や和訳。[他動詞] (-held[-héld],with・hold・ing)1 抑える;(…することから)引き止める,制止[阻止,妨害]する(restrain)((from ...)) ⇒KEEP【類語】withhold one's rage激しい怒りを抑えるwithhold him from (making ...
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- 関
- arrange、arrangement、book、pool、pooling、preliminary、preparation、preparatory、prepare、preparedness、preservation、preserve、reservation、spare、storage、store、stored、suspend、withhold
- 関
- abort、discontinuance、discontinuation、discontinue、float、flotation、hang、pause、reserve、stop、suspending、withdraw、withdrawal、withhold
- 英
- withhold、suspend、reserve
- 関
- 懸濁、準備、蓄え、中止、貯蔵、貯蔵型、浮遊、予備、予約、余裕量、吊す、控える、確保
- 関
- withhold