- (腫れてかゆい)虫さされ,(蚊の)刺し跡 / みみずばれ(=wale)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/04/03 20:47:10」(JST)
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Wheal may refer to:
- Wheal response, a cutaneous condition left by a blow or as part of an allergic reaction
- Wheal, a Cornish mine
See also
- "The Wheal", a 1987 song by Coil released on two separate 7" vinyl singles
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English Journal
- Oil refinery experience with the assessment of refinery effluents and receiving waters using biologically-based methods.
- Comber MH1, Girling A, den Haan KH, Whale G.
- Integrated environmental assessment and management.Integr Environ Assess Manag.2015 Mar 24. doi: 10.1002/ieam.1639. [Epub ahead of print]
- The trend in discharges of petroleum-related substances from refineries in Europe shows a consistent picture of declining emissions, since first measured in 1969. This decline coincides with enhanced internal capture or recycling procedures and increasing use of physical and biological treatments. A
- PMID 25810150
- An IgE-Mediated Allergic Reaction Caused by Mulberry Fruit.
- Choi JH1, Sim JK1, Oh JY1, Hur GY1, Min KH1, Lee SY1, Shim JJ1, Kang KH1.
- Allergy, asthma & immunology research.Allergy Asthma Immunol Res.2015 Mar;7(2):195-8. doi: 10.4168/aair.2015.7.2.195. Epub 2014 Sep 26.
- Mulberry (Morus spp.) is a widespread deciduous tree and its fruit is commonly eaten in Korea and eastern Asia. Some reports demonstrate that mulberry fruit is a food allergen in the Mediterranean area. However, there has been no report of systemic allergic reactions after ingesting mulberry fruit i
- PMID 25729628
- Early-life mold and tree sensitivity is associated with allergic eosinophilic rhinitis at 4 years of age.
- Codispoti CD1, Bernstein DI2, Levin L3, Reponen T3, Ryan PH4, Biagini Myers JM5, Villareal M2, Burkle J3, Lummus Z2, Lockey JE6, Khurana Hershey GK7, LeMasters GK3.
- Annals of allergy, asthma & immunology : official publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.2015 Mar;114(3):193-198.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2014.12.008.
- BACKGROUND: Nasal eosinophils are a biomarker for allergic rhinitis (AR) and are associated with increased symptom severity.OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of allergic eosinophilic rhinitis (AER) in early childhood in children at higher risk for chronic allergic respiratory disorders.METHODS: In t
- PMID 25744905
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 発汗回復に伴い点状膨疹出現範囲が移動した減汗性コリン性蕁麻疹の1例
- 臨床皮膚科 = Japanese journal of clinical dermatology 69(6), 374-378, 2015-05
- NAID 40020477192
- Agreement between the Skin Prick Test and Specific Serum IgE for Egg White and Cow's Milk Allergens in Young Infant with Atopic Dermatitis
- The Skin Prick Test is Not Useful in the Diagnosis of the Immediate Type Food Allergy Tolerance Acquisition
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- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Look up wheal in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Wheal may refer to: Wheal response, a cutaneous condition left by a blow or as part of an allergic reaction; Wheal, a Cornish ...
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- 英
- urticaria, wheal
- 同
- 膨疹 hives,じんま疹、じん麻疹、蕁麻疹様
- 関
- アナフィラキシー
- ガイドライン1
- 蕁麻疹は、紅斑を伴う一過性、限局性の皮膚の浮腫が病的に出没する疾患であり、多くは痒みを伴う。
- 皮膚ないし粘膜の深部に限局性存腫を生じる場合は特に血管性浮腫と呼ぶ。
- 通常、個々の皮疹は24時間以内に消退し、色素沈着、落屑などを伴わない。
- →膨疹(蕁麻疹に特徴的な皮疹)
- ガイドライン1
- 1 感染(細菌、ウイルス、寄生虫など)
- 2 疲労
- 3 時刻(日内変動:夕方から明け方にかけて増悪)
- 4 ストレス
- 5 IgEまたは高親和性IgE受容体に対する自己抗体(慢性蕁麻疹)
- 6 アトピー性皮膚炎(コリン性草麻疹に対して)
- 7 食物中の防腐剤、人工色素、サリチル酸(不耐症に対して)
- 8 食物中のヒスタミン(サバ、マグロなど)
- 9 仮性アレルゲンを含む食品(豚肉、タケノコ、もち、香辛料など)
- 10 薬剤性 NSAIDs、防腐剤、コハク酸エステルなど→不耐症
- 11 膠原病および類縁疾患(SLE、シェーグレン症候群など)
- 12 寒冷凝集素(寒冷蕁麻疹に対して)
- 13 蕁麻疹を伴う症候群
- 14 その他の内臓病変
- 日常診療で見られるじんま疹のほとんどが特発性と刺激誘発型の蕁麻疹
- 医療機関を訪れる蕁麻疹患者の中では特発性の蕁麻疹が最も多く、I型アレルギーによるものは数%以下に留まる。
- → つまり次のI,IIを念頭に診察
- (3) アレルギー性の蕁麻疹
- (4) 食物依存性運動誘発アナフイラキシー
- (5) 非アレルギー性の蕁麻疹
- (6) アスピリン蕁麻疹
- (7) 物理性蕁麻疹(機械性蕁麻疹、寒冷蕁麻疹、日光蕁麻疹、温熱蕁麻疹、遅延性圧蕁麻疹、水蕁麻疹、振動蕁麻疹(振動血管性浮腫))
- (8) コリン性蕁麻疹
- (9) 接触蕁麻疹
- (10) 特発性の血管性浮腫、(11) 外来物質起因性の血管性浮腫、
- (12) C1エステラーゼ阻害因子(C1-INH)の低下による血管性浮腫
- → 遺伝性血管性浮腫(HAE)、自己免疫性血管性浮腫 etc.
- 1. 皮膚アレルギー(蕁麻疹):医療従事者の皆様へ:アレルギーガイドライン情報館:公益財団法人日本アレルギー協会 JAANet STATION
- http://www.jaanet.org/medical/guideline/skin
- 英
- wheal、pomphus
- 関
- みみずばれ、蕁麻疹、発疹