- 関
- ventral anterior nucleus、ventral anterior thalamic nucleus、ventral lateral nucleus、ventral lateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posterior nucleus、ventral posterior thalamic nucleus、ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posteromedial nucleus、ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus、ventral thalamic nuclei、ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
- a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction (同)cell_nucleus, karyon
- (astronomy) the center of the head of a comet; consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail
- any histologically identifiable mass of neural cell bodies in the brain or spinal cord
- the positively charged dense center of an atom
- toward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal); "the ventral aspect of the human body"; "the liver is somewhat ventral in position"; "ventral (or pelvic) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped"
- 中心,核 / (生物の)細胞核 / 原子核
- 腹の,腹部の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/06/11 20:40:25」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Brain: Ventral posterolateral nucleus |
Thalamic nuclei:
MNG = Midline nuclear group
AN = Anterior nuclear group
MD = Medial dorsal nucleus
VNG = Ventral nuclear group
VA = Ventral anterior nucleus
VL = Ventral lateral nucleus
VPL = Ventral posterolateral nucleus
VPM = Ventral posteromedial nucleus
LNG = Lateral nuclear group
PUL = Pulvinar
MTh = Metathalamus
LG = Lateral geniculate nucleus
MG = Medial geniculate nucleus |
Thalamic nuclei |
Latin |
nucleus ventralis posterolateralis thalami |
NeuroNames |
hier-327 |
NeuroLex ID |
birnlex_737 |
The ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL) is a nucleus of the thalamus. Together with the ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM), ventral posterior inferior nucleus (VPI) and ventromedial posterior nucleus (VMpo), it constitutes the ventral posterior nucleus.
Input and output[edit]
The VPL receives information from the neospinothalamic tract and the medial lemniscus of the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway. It then projects this sensory information to Brodmann's Areas 3, 1 and 2 in the postcentral gyrus. Collectively, Brodmann areas 3, 1 and 2 make up the primary somatosensory cortex of the brain.
Additional images[edit]
Human brain: diencephalon (TA A14.1.08, GA 9.807)
Epithalamus |
Surface |
- Pineal body
- Habenula
- Habenular trigone
- Habenular commissure
Grey matter |
- Pretectal area
- Habenular nuclei
- Subcommissural organ
Thalamus |
Surface |
- Stria medullaris of thalamus
- Thalamic reticular nucleus
- Taenia thalami
Grey matter/
nuclei |
- paired: AN
- Ventral
- Lateral
- Metathalamus
- midline: MD
- Intralaminar
- Midline nuclear group
- Interthalamic adhesion
White matter |
- Mammillothalamic fasciculus
- Pallidothalamic tracts
- Ansa lenticularis
- Lenticular fasciculus
- Thalamic fasciculus
- Medial lemniscus
- Trigeminal lemniscus
- Spinothalamic tract
- Lateral lemniscus
- Dentatothalamic tract
- Acoustic radiation
- Optic radiation
- Subthalamic fasciculus
- Anterior trigeminothalamic tract
Hypothalamus |
Surface |
- Median eminence/Tuber cinereum
- Mammillary body
- Infundibulum
Grey matter |
Autonomic zones |
- Anterior (parasympathetic/heat loss)
- Posterior (sympathetic/heat conservation)
Endocrine |
- posterior pituitary: Paraventricular
- magnocellular
- parvocellular
- Supraoptic
- other: Arcuate (dopamine/GHRH)
- Preoptic (GnRH)
- Suprachiasmatic (melatonin)
Emotion |
- Lateral
- Ventromedial
- Dorsomedial
White matter |
- afferent
- SN → Medial forebrain bundle
- efferent
- Mammillothalamic fasciculus → AN, Stria terminalis → Amygdala, Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus → SC
Pituitary |
- Posterior is diencephalon, but anterior is glandular
Subthalamus |
- Subthalamic nucleus
- Zona incerta
Ventricular system:
Third ventricle |
- recesses:
- Optic recess
- Infundibular recess
- Suprapineal recess
- Pineal recess
- Hypothalamic sulcus
- Tela chorioidea of third ventricle
- Apertures: Interventricular/Monro
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
Brain and spinal cord: neural tracts and fasciculi
ascending |
1°: Pacinian corpuscle/Meissner's corpuscle → Posterior column (Gracile fasciculus/Cuneate fasciculus) → Gracile nucleus/Cuneate nucleus
2°: → sensory decussation/arcuate fibers (Posterior external arcuate fibers, Internal arcuate fibers) → Medial lemniscus/Trigeminal lemniscus → Thalamus (VPL, VPM)
3°: → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Postcentral gyrus
1° (Free nerve ending → A delta fiber) → 2° (Anterior white commissure → Lateral and Anterior Spinothalamic tract → Spinal lemniscus → VPL of Thalamus) → 3° (Postcentral gyrus) → 4° (Posterior parietal cortex)
2° ( Spinotectal tract → Superior colliculus of Midbrain tectum)
1° (Group C nerve fiber → Spinoreticular tract → Reticular formation) → 2° (MD of Thalamus) → 3° (Cingulate cortex)
descending |
flexion: Primary motor cortex → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Decussation of pyramids → Corticospinal tract (Lateral, Anterior) → Neuromuscular junction
flexion: Primary motor cortex → Genu of internal capsule → Corticobulbar tract → Facial motor nucleus → Facial muscles
flexion: Red nucleus → Rubrospinal tract
extension: Vestibulocerebellum → Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulospinal tract
extension: Vestibulocerebellum → Reticular formation → Reticulospinal tract
Midbrain tectum → Tectospinal tract → muscles of neck
Basal ganglia
direct: 1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPi) → 3° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 4° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 5° (Motor cortex)
indirect: 1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPe) → 3° (Subthalamic fasciculus → Subthalamic nucleus) → 4° (Subthalamic fasciculus → GPi) → 5° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 6° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 7° (Motor cortex)
nigrostriatal pathway: Pars compacta → Striatum
Cerebellar |
Vestibular nucleus → Vestibulocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum → Granule cell
Pontine nuclei → Pontocerebellar fibers → MCP → Deep cerebellar nuclei → Granule cell
Inferior olivary nucleus → Olivocerebellar tract → ICP → Hemisphere → Purkinje cell → Deep cerebellar nuclei
Dentate nucleus in Lateral hemisphere/pontocerebellum → SCP → Dentatothalamic tract → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
Interposed nucleus in Intermediate hemisphere/spinocerebellum → SCP → Reticular formation, or → Cerebellothalamic tract → Red nucleus → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
Fastigial nucleus in Flocculonodular lobe/vestibulocerebellum → Vestibulocerebellar tract → Vestibular nucleus
Unc. prop.
lower limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Posterior thoracic nucleus → Dorsal/posterior spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellar vermis)
upper limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Accessory cuneate nucleus → Cuneocerebellar tract → ICP → Anterior lobe of cerebellum)
Reflex arc
lower limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Ventral/anterior spinocerebellar tract→ SCP → Cerebellar vermis)
upper limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° ( Rostral spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum)
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
anat (h/r/t/c/b/l/s/a)/phys (r)/devp/prot/nttr/nttm/ntrp
noco/auto/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
Auditory and vestibular pathways
Auditory |
- inner ear: Hair cells → Spiral ganglion → Cochlear nerve VIII →
- pons: Cochlear nuclei (Anterior, Dorsal) → Trapezoid body → Superior olivary nuclei →
- midbrain: Lateral lemniscus → Inferior colliculi →
- thalamus: Medial geniculate nuclei →
- cerebrum: Acoustic radiation → Primary auditory cortex
Vestibular |
- inner ear: Vestibular nerve VIII →
- pons: Vestibular nuclei (Medial vestibular nucleus, Lateral vestibular nucleus)
- cerebellum: Flocculonodular lobe
- spinal cord: Vestibulospinal tract (Medial vestibulospinal tract, Lateral vestibulospinal tract)
- thalamus: Ventral posterolateral nucleus
- cerebrum: Vestibular cortex
- Vestibulo-oculomotor fibers
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English Journal
- Expression of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript in the rat forebrain during postnatal development.
- Rodrigues BC, Cavalcante JC, Elias CF.SourceDepartment of Anatomy, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sao Paulo - USP, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2011 Nov 10;195:201-14. Epub 2011 Aug 30.
- Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) is widespread in the rodent brain. CART has been implicated in many different functions including reward, feeding, stress responses, sensory processing, learning and memory formation. Recent studies have suggested that CART may also play a role in
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- General visceral and gustatory connections of the posterior thalamic nucleus of goldfish.
- Kato T, Yamada Y, Yamamoto N.SourceLaboratory of Fish Biology, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2011 Oct 15;519(15):3102-23. doi: 10.1002/cne.22669.
- Fiber connections of the posterior thalamic nucleus were studied in goldfish. Tracer injections into the rostral part of posterior thalamic nucleus labeled somata and terminals in the medial subnucleus of commissural nucleus of Cajal, secondary general visceral nucleus, a nucleus tentatively identif
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- Noseda R, Jakubowski M, Kainz V, Borsook D, Burstein R.SourceDepartment of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, and Pain and Analgesia Imaging and Neuroscience Group, Brain Imaging Center, Department of Psychiatry, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Belmont, Massachusetts 02478.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2011 Oct 5;31(40):14204-17.
- This study identifies massive axonal arbors of trigeminovascular (dura-sensitive) thalamic neurons in multiple cortical areas and proposes a novel framework for conceptualizing migraine headache and its associated symptoms. Individual dura-sensitive neurons identified and characterized electrophysio
- PMID 21976505
Japanese Journal
- Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in the ventralposterolateral thalamic nucleus play an important role in anti-allodynic effects.
- Ueda M,Iida Y,Tominaga A,Yoneyama T,Ogawa M,Magata Y,Nishimura H,Kuge Y,Saji H
- British journal of pharmacology 159(6), 1201-1210, 2010-03
- Much interest is currently being focused on the anti-nociceptive effects mediated by nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) receptors, including their location and mechanism of action. The purpose of this stu …
- NAID 120002949728
- Location of Thalamic Neurons Mediating Vestibulo-Cortical Pathways in Cats
- Matsuo Satoshi
- Yonago Acta medica 42(2), 163-166, 1999-07
- … Thirty-six neurons, which were activated by pitch rotation and contralateral labyrinth stimulation, were recorded in the following areas: the ventral posterolateral nucleus, the ventral posteromedial nucleus, the lateroposterior nucleus and the magnocellular nucleus of the medial geniculate body (MGmc) of the thalamus. …
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- Noda Kazuko,Akita Hisanao,Ogata Masanori,Aikawa Sadao
- 北里医学 27(5), 315-317, 1997-10-31
- NAID 110004704579
Related Links
- The ventral posterolateral nucleus (VPL) is a nucleus of the thalamus. Together with the ventral posteromedial nucleus (VPM), VPI and VMpo, it constitutes the ventral posterior nucleus. ...
- [edit] Subdivisions. The ventral posterior nucleus is divided into: Ventral ...
- 英
- anterolateral ventral nucleus (KL), VA核, anteroventral nucleus, VA
- 関
- ventral anterior thalamic nucleus、ventral lateral nucleus、ventral lateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posterior nucleus、ventral posterior thalamic nucleus、ventral posterolateral nucleus、ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posteromedial nucleus、ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus、ventral thalamic nuclei、ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
- 視床腹側前核
- 関
- ventral anterior nucleus、ventral anterior thalamic nucleus、ventral lateral nucleus、ventral lateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posterior nucleus、ventral posterior thalamic nucleus、ventral posterolateral nucleus、ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posteromedial nucleus、ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus、ventral thalamic nucleus、ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
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- anteroventral thalamic nucleus、ventral anterior nucleus、ventral lateral nucleus、ventral lateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posterior nucleus、ventral posterior thalamic nucleus、ventral posterolateral nucleus、ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posteromedial nucleus、ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus、ventral thalamic nuclei、ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
- 関
- ventral anterior nucleus、ventral anterior thalamic nucleus、ventral lateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posterior nucleus、ventral posterior thalamic nucleus、ventral posterolateral nucleus、ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posteromedial nucleus、ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus、ventral thalamic nuclei、ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
- 関
- ventral anterior nucleus、ventral anterior thalamic nucleus、ventral lateral nucleus、ventral posterior nucleus、ventral posterior thalamic nucleus、ventral posterolateral nucleus、ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus、ventral posteromedial nucleus、ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus、ventral thalamic nuclei、ventrolateral thalamic nucleus
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