- 関
- particular、special
- in a special manner; "a specially arranged dinner" (同)especially
- separate and distinct from others of the same group or category; "interested in one particular artist"; "a man who wishes to make a particular woman fall in love with him"
- (logic) a proposition that asserts something about some (but not all) members of a class (同)particular proposition
- a fact about some part (as opposed to general); "he always reasons from the particular to the general" (同)specific
- unique or specific to a person or thing or category; "the particular demands of the job"; "has a particular preference for Chinese art"; "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an expression peculiar to Canadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"; "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair" (同)peculiar, special
- first and most important; "his special interest is music"; "she gets special (or particular) satisfaction from her volunteer work" (同)special
- providing specific details or circumstances; "a particular description of the room"
- for a special service or occasion; "a special correspondent"; "a special adviser to the committee"; "had to get special permission for the event"
- a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant
- a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising; "they are having a special on pork chops"
- a television production that features a particular person or work or topic; "the last of a series of BBC specials on Iran is being shown tonight"
- adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose; "a special kind of paint"; "a special medication for arthritis"
- (比較変化なし)『特に』,わざわざ / (普通ではなく)特別に / 並みはずれて,きわだって
- 《指示形容詞を伴って名詞の前にのみ用いて》(ほかでなく)『特にこの』(『あの』),特定の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(特定の人・物などに)『特有の』独特の,独自の / 《名詞の前にのミ用いて》特別の,他と違った / (説明などが)詳細な,精密な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…について)好みがやかましい,気むずかしい;(…に)きちょうめんな《+『about』(『in, over』(+『名』)do『ing』)》 / 個々の事項,細目,細部 / 《複数形で》(…の)詳細《+『of』+『名』》
- 『特に』,特別に;きわだって
- 『特別な』,並はずれた,例外的な / (他と異なって)『特殊な』,特別な / (人・物事に)『独特の』,専門の / 特別な物(人) / 《米話》…の)(値引きした)サービス品,特価[品]《+『on』+『名』》 / (テレビなどの)特別番組;臨時列車
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English Journal
- Artificial neural network application for predicting soil distribution coefficient of nickel.
- Falamaki A.SourceDepartment of Engineering, Payame Noor University, PO Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran. Electronic address: a_falamaki@pnu.ac.ir.
- Journal of environmental radioactivity.J Environ Radioact.2013 Jan;115:6-12. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2012.06.008. Epub 2012 Jul 28.
- The distribution (or partition) coefficient (K(d)) is an applicable parameter for modeling contaminant and radionuclide transport as well as risk analysis. Selection of this parameter may cause significant error in predicting the impacts of contaminant migration or site-remediation options. In this
- PMID 22846874
- Coxibs: pharmacology, toxicity and efficacy in cancer clinical trials.
- Garcia Rodriguez LA, Cea-Soriano L, Tacconelli S, Patrignani P.SourceCentro Español de Investigacion Farmacoepidemiologica, Madrid, Spain. lagarcia@ceife.es
- Recent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer.Recent Results Cancer Res.2013;191:67-93. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-30331-9_4.
- This chapter briefly summarizes the current knowledge about the role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), specially focusing on those selective for cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 (coxibs), on colorectal cancer (CRC) onset, and progression. Both epidemiological and experimental studies have repo
- PMID 22893200
Japanese Journal
- 吉野 秀幸,ヨシノ ヒデユキ,YOSHINO Hideyuki
- 大阪教育大学紀要 第Ⅰ部門 人文科学 60(1), 55-74, 2011-09-30
- … The previous papers, the first part of this study, dealt with mainly the aspect of noesis or metanoesis in music, specially“ three phases in performance” and“ the structure of ensemble,” on the opposite ideas of noema/noesis and mono/koto, and the second part of this study, focused upon Kimura's theory of aida and dealt with aida, ma, timing, active intuition, and reality/actuality . …
- NAID 120003460025
- マミテリ ニマテ,パルハト アブドカディル,山本 いずみ
- 情報処理学会研究報告. 自然言語処理研究会報告 2011-NL-203(5), 1-5, 2011-09-09
- 日本語・ウイグル語機械翻訳システムの開発にあたり、Moses を用いて翻訳モデルを作成し、実験を行った。結果として、単純な文では正確な翻訳文を得ることができたが、複雑になるにつれ、精度が下がった。その原因は、接尾辞の処理にあると考えられる。日本語もウイグル語も膠着語であり、多彩な語尾変化を有する。正確な翻訳を行うためには、特にウイグル語形態素解析システムの精度を高める必要がある。
- NAID 110008606704
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- speciallyとは。意味や和訳。[副]1 ただそれだけのために;わざわざ,ことさらI came specially to see you.あなたに会うためわざわざ来たのです.2 ((主に話))特に,特別に,とりわけ(especially).3 特別なやり方で. - goo辞書は国語、英和 ...
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- 関
- character、characteristic、determine、distinction、feature、hallmark、property、salience、special、specially、specification、specify
- 英
- special、particular、specially
- 関
- 特殊、特徴、特定
- 関
- in particular、notably、particularly
- 関
- Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research
- 関
- particular、specially、unconventional