- 関
- used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals; "single chrysanthemums resemble daisies and may have more than one row of petals"
- a base hit on which the batter stops safely at first base (同)bingle
- not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective; "judging a contest with a single eye"; "a single devotion to duty"; "undivided affection"; "gained their exclusive attention" (同)undivided, exclusive
- existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual; "upon the hill stood a single tower"; "had but a single thought which was to escape"; "a single survivor"; "a single serving"; "a single lens"; "a single thickness"
- having uniform application; "a single legal code for all"
- hit a single; "the batter singled to left field"
- drive (a vessel) ashore
- line consisting of a complex of fibers or filaments that are twisted together to form a thread or a rope or a cable
- a pattern forming a unity within a larger structural whole; "he tried to pick up the strands of his former life"; "I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously"
- a poetic term for a shore (as the area periodically covered and uncovered by the tides)
- to make melodious sounds; "The nightingale was singing"
- deliver by singing; "Sing Christmas carols"
- produce tones with the voice; "She was singing while she was cooking"; "My brother sings very well"
- a symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing
- (chemistry) the existence of different kinds of crystal of the same chemical compound (同)pleomorphism
- (biology) the existence of two or more forms of individuals within the same animal species (independent of sex differences)
- (genetics) the genetic variation within a population that natural selection can operate on
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『たった一つ』(『一人』)『の』,単独の;《否定文で》ただ一つ(一人)(もない) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『一人用の』・『独身の』・《名詞の前にのみ用いて》個々の,別々の / 単一の,単式の;(花が)一重咲きの,単弁の / 《英》(切符が)片道の / 〈C〉一人,1個;独身者 / 〈C〉《話》(ホテルの部屋,船室,列車寝台などの)一人用 / 〈C〉(野球で)シングルヒット,単打 / 《複数形で》(テニスなどの)シングルスの試合,単試合 / 《英》片道切符 / 《複数形で》《話》1ドル(ポンド)札 / …‘を'1人(1個)だけ選び出す《+『out』+『名,』+『名』+『out』》 / (野球で)シングルヒットを打つ
- 〈船〉‘を'座礁させる / 《受動態で》〈人〉‘を'置き去りにする,困った状態におく / 〈船が〉座礁する / 〈人が〉途方に暮れる,立ち往生する / 岸,浜
- こ撚(よ)り(何本かより合わせて糸・なわなどにするその一本) / (より合わせた)糸,ひも;(頭髪の)房 / (真珠・ビーズなど)ひもに通したもの
- 『歌う』;(…に)歌って聞かせる《+『to』(『for』)+『名』》;(楽器に合わせて)歌う《+『to』+『名』》・〈小鳥・虫などが〉『鳴く』,さえずる / 《文》(…を)詩(歌)にする,(詩(歌)を詠んで)賛美する《+『of』+『名』》・〈小川・風・弾丸・湯沸かし・耳などが〉歌うように鳴る・《米語》自白する;密告する・〈歌〉‘を'歌う・《副詞[句]を伴って》歌って…‘を'(…に)する・…‘を'唱える,詠唱する・《文》…‘を'詩(歌)にする,(詩(歌)に詠んで)賛美する・合唱の集い
- 〈C〉形態,構造;調和のとれた配置(配列) / 〈U〉(型・性格などべの)一至,適合,適応《+『to』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Mutational analysis of splicing machinery genes SF3B1, U2AF1 and SRSF2 in myelodysplasia and other common tumors.
- Je EM, Yoo NJ, Kim YJ, Kim MS, Lee SH.SourceDepartment of Pathology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, 137-701, Korea.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2013 Jul;133(1):260-5. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28011. Epub 2013 Feb 5.
- Recurrent somatic mutations in splicing machinery components, including SF3B1, U2AF1 and SRSF2 genes have recently been reported in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Such a recurrent nature strongly suggests that these mutations play important roles in tumor development. To see whether SF3B1, U2AF1 a
- PMID 23280334
- Correlation of TP53 mutations with HCV positivity in hepatocarcinogenesis: Identification of a novel TP53 microindel in hepatocellular carcinoma with HCV infection.
- Long J, Wang Y, Li M, Tong WM, Jia JD, Huang J.SourceLiver Research Center, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, P.R. China.
- Oncology reports.Oncol Rep.2013 Jul;30(1):119-24. doi: 10.3892/or.2013.2430. Epub 2013 Apr 26.
- Although it is known that chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection may contribute to tumor initiation and development, the molecular processes causing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remain unclear. Microindels are unique, infrequent mutations that result in inserted and deleted sequences at the sa
- PMID 23624687
- Differentiation of Sparidae species by DNA sequence analysis, PCR-SSCP and IEF of sarcoplasmic proteins.
- Schiefenhövel K, Rehbein H.SourceMax Rubner - Institute, Department of Safety and Quality of Milk and Fish, Palmaille 9, 22767 Hamburg, Germany.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 May 1;138(1):154-60. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.10.057. Epub 2012 Nov 8.
- The increasing global trade of fishery and aquaculture products makes it necessary to develop methods for species identification in case of fish fillets or other highly processed seafood with external morphological characteristics (e.g. gills, fins) of the original fish being removed. Species identi
- PMID 23265470
Japanese Journal
- 学位論文 Single-stranded conformational polymorphism法を用いた高感度HPV重感染検出法の開発
- 中川 博之
- 慶応医学 82(3), T231-243, 2005-09
- 学位論文対象と方法1.対象および方法2.nested L1 PCR3.HPVの型決定4.オートシークエンサーによる解折5.異形成73例の予後の解折6.nested L1 PCR-SSCP法とL1 PCR-RFLP法の比較結果1.nested L1 PCR-SSCP法の感度2.nested LI PCR-SSCP法によるHPV検出スペクトラムとHPV重感染検出例3.nested L1 PCR-SSC …
- NAID 120001129209
- Genotypic Characterization of an MHC Class II Locus in Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from Lake Superior by Single-Stranded Conformational Polymorphism Analysis and Reference Strand-Mediated Conformational Analysis
- Marine biotechnology 5(3), 270-278, 2003-05-01
- NAID 10012667037
Related Links
- Look at other dictionaries: single-strand conformational polymorphism — Abbreviation: SSCP A technique for detection of mutations in a defined DNA sequence. Single stranded polynucleotides are electrophoretically separated on ...
- "Polymorphism, Single-Stranded Conformational" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject ... Variation in a population's DNA sequence that is detected by ...
- 関
- single strand conformation polymorphism、single-stranded conformational polymorphism
- 英
- single-stranded conformational polymorphism、SSCP
- 関
- 一本鎖DNA高次構造多型、一本鎖高次構造多型分析
- 英
- single-stranded conformational polymorphism
- 関
- 一本鎖DNA高次構造多型、一本鎖高次構造多型分析法
- 立体構造の、コンフォメーションの、コンホメーションの、立体構造的な、高次構造上の、高次構造的な、立体配座の、立体配置的な
- 関
- configurational、configurationally、conformation、conformational state、conformationally、structural、structurally、tertiary structure
- 関
- architecture、conformational、conformational state、constitution、formation、higher order structure、makeup、structure、tertiary structure
- 関
- individual、mono、private、select、simple、unity
- 座礁させる、(岸に)打ち上げられる、(浜に)取り残される
- a 26-year-old woman is stranded for more than a week when her hiking trip is interrupted by an avalanche.
- 過去sang-過去分詞sung