- 関
- repetitive sequence
- do over; "They would like to take it over again" (同)take_over
- an event that repeats; "the events today were a repeat of yesterdays" (同)repetition
- to say again or imitate; "followers echoing the cries of their leaders" (同)echo
- to say, state, or perform again; "She kept reiterating her request" (同)reiterate, ingeminate, iterate, restate, retell
- a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet (同)pamphlet
- an extended area of land (同)piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, parcel
- a system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose
- a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image (同)trace
- the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline
- the discovery and description of the course of development of something; "the tracing of genealogies"
- 〈自分がすでに一度言ったこと)‘を'『繰り返して言う』 / 〈他人の言ったこと〉‘を'おうむ返しに言う;…‘を'他の人に繰り返して言う / …‘を'『暗記して言う』,暗唱する / …‘を'繰り返して行う(do again) / (食べたあとで)〈食物の〉味が残る / 〈小数が〉循環する / 繰り返すこと,反復すること / 繰り返されるもの,(公演の)再演;(番組の)再放送 / 反復楽節;反復記号(∥: :∥)
- 広大な土地(地域),(土地・海・空などの)広がり《+of+名》 / (器官の)管,(神経の)索
- (おもに宗教・政治などの宣伝用の)小冊子,パンフレット
- 跡を追うこと,追跡;透写,複写 / 〈C〉 / 透写(複写)によってできたもの(地図・図案など),透写図
- 繰り返して言われる(行われる)
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English Journal
- Molecular cloning and expression of TLR in the Eisenia andrei earthworm.
- Skanta F, Roubalová R, Dvořák J, Procházková P, Bilej M.SourceInstitute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., Videnska 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic.
- Developmental and comparative immunology.Dev Comp Immunol.2013 Dec;41(4):694-702. doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2013.08.009. Epub 2013 Aug 19.
- Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play an important role in defense responses to pathogens in invertebrates. Here we characterize the first TLR isolated from an oligochaete annelid, namely, Eisenia andrei (EaTLR) and show its expression pattern. The full-length EaTLR cDNA consists of 2615bp encoding a puta
- PMID 23969138
- Diagnostic yield of repeat upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for patients with functional dyspepsia.
- Guo JF, Bai Y, Li ZS.SourceDigestive Endoscopy Center, Department of Gastroenterology, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.
- Journal of digestive diseases.J Dig Dis.2013 Nov;14(11):574-8. doi: 10.1111/1751-2980.12090.
- OBJECTIVE: To study the diagnostic yield of repeat upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for patients with functional dyspepsia (FD).METHODS: A retrospective review of the database including consecutive patients who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy at least twice for dyspeptic symptoms at a tertiary
- PMID 23870246
- Pharmacokinetics of intravesical versus oral oxybutynin in healthy adults: results of an open label, randomized, prospective clinical study.
- Krause P, Fuhr U, Schnitker J, Albrecht U, Stein R, Rubenwolf P.SourceItecra GmbH, Köln, Germany.
- The Journal of urology.J Urol.2013 Nov;190(5):1791-7. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2013.05.011. Epub 2013 May 10.
- PURPOSE: We investigated the pharmacokinetics of intravesical oxybutynin and discuss the clinical implications of the results.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed an open label, randomized, 3-period crossover clinical study in 20 healthy adults. In periods 1 and 2 subjects received a single dose of 1
- PMID 23669567
Japanese Journal
- 西沢 美奈子,徳山 治,深山 雅人,川村 直樹
- 産婦人科の進歩 66(2), 148-154, 2014
- 女性の尿閉は10万人あたり7人と報告されており,とくに婦人科疾患によるものはまれとされている.子宮筋腫はその原因疾患に含まれるが,腫大子宮による尿路系圧迫に伴う症状としては頻尿が比較的多く認められるものの,尿閉をきたすものはまれである.これまでに1~3例の症例報告はみられるが,まとまった症例数での系統的解析が行われた報告はない.今回,われわれは子宮筋腫が原因と思われる急性尿閉を発症した10例を経験 …
- NAID 130004438616
- Pathology and Neurotoxicity in Dogs after Repeat Dose Exposure to a Serotonin 5-HT1B Inhibitor
- CHANG Jane C.F.,CIACCIO Paul,SCHROEDER Patricia,WRIGHT Lindsay,WESTWOOD Russell,BERG Anna-Lena
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology, 2013
- … To support clinical trials, repeat dose toxicity studies in rats and dogs were conducted. … Pigment-laden macrophages were observed in the lung, kidney, liver, gallbladder, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, and lymphoid tissues. …
- NAID 130003382471
- 大動脈基部置換術後の弁輪部膿瘍に対し馬心膜ロールによる左室流出路再建を行った1例
- 平田 雄一郎,福永 周司,小須賀 智一,税所 宏幸,和田 久美子,森 龍祐,明石 英俊,青柳 成明
- 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 41(4), 200-203, 2012
- 症例は61歳男性で,57歳時から慢性腎不全に対して透析を導入され,59歳時に大動脈弁輪拡張症に対して大動脈基部置換術を施行された.61歳時に発熱,胸部違和感を認め精査を行われた.造影CTにて大動脈基部周囲に仮性瘤,膿瘍の形成を認め感染性心内膜炎と診断された.この症例に対し,感染巣の十分なdebridementを行ったのち,健常な左室心筋に馬心膜ロールを縫着し左室流出路を再建した後,Freestyl …
- NAID 130004548385
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- 関
- direct repeat、inverted repeat sequence、reiterated sequence、repeat tract、repeated sequence、repetitive region
- 英
- repetitive sequence、repeat tract
- 関
- 繰返し配列、反復配列
- 関
- iteration、recursion、reiterate、reiteration、reiterative、repeatedly、repetition、repetitive、repetitively、replicate
- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up、pursue、pursuit、trace
- 関
- tractus
- 関
- frequent