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English Journal
- Bare fingers, but no obvious influence of "prickly" Velcro! In the absence of parents' encouragement, it is not clear that "sticky mittens" provide an advantage to the process of learning to reach.
- Corbetta D1, Williams JL2, Haynes JM2.
- Infant behavior & development.Infant Behav Dev.2015 Jul 1. pii: S0163-6383(15)30026-6. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2015.05.001. [Epub ahead of print]
- In their critique of our mittens study, Needham et al. (2015. Infant Behavior and Development) describe our findings as "surprising." Further; they suggest that babies in our "sticky mittens" condition may have been discouraged from reaching because, in our study, infants may have touched "prickly"
- PMID 26142573
- Cilostazol may prevent cardioembolic stroke in patients undergoing antiplatelet therapy.
- Horie N, Kaminogo M, Izumo T, Hayashi K, Tsujino A, Nagata I.
- Neurological research.Neurol Res.2015 Jul;37(7):619-23. doi: 10.1179/1743132815Y.0000000021. Epub 2015 Mar 23.
- OBJECTIVES: Randomised trials have shown the efficacy of antiplatelet therapy with cilostazol to prevent secondary ischaemic stroke. Recently, cilostazol has been reported to prevent the development and/or recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF), which can potentially prevent cardioembolic stroke in
- PMID 25798683
- Sensation within the skin.
- Troisi JR 2nd1.
- ACS chemical neuroscience.ACS Chem Neurosci.2015 Feb 18;6(2):209-10. doi: 10.1021/cn500300a. Epub 2014 Nov 26.
- This Viewpoint emphasizes interoceptive discriminative stimulus modulation of voluntary operant behavior (a la B. F. Skinner), rather than elicitation of Pavlovian conditioned reflexes. In doing so, I will restate how the operant drug discrimination paradigm may not only elucidate smoking and other
- PMID 25426623
Japanese Journal
- 社会教育機関での研究の可能性(<特集>研究する動物園,第14回日本野生動物医学会大会シンポジウム)
- 遠藤 秀紀
- Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 14(1), 19-25, 2009-03
- 動物園が研究の責任を果たし続けなくてはならいないことを再確認する。動物園は,日本独自の教育と学問の歴史のなかで,学術研究から一定の距離を取らされてきた。戦前は富国強兵政策,戦後は経済発展主導の陰に押しやられ,純粋基礎科学の研究の場としての位置づけを確立できないまま推移した。戦後についていえば,敗戦を契機に自由で民主的な社会教育が法整備されてきたにもかかわらず,動物園・博物館は,冷戦を要因に理念的発 …
- NAID 110007225786
- Why Do Business Ethics Scandals Keep Recurring in America?
- Koehn Daryl
- 日本経営倫理学会誌 (15), 7-29, 2008-03-31
- … Nortel had to restate its 2003 earnings. … In any case, restatements of earnings are soaring: firms are continuing, at a record pace, to restate earnings, even those reported post-SOX. …
- NAID 110007889686
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