- …‘を'再び語る;…‘を'言い替える
- …‘と'『予言する』,‘を'予告する
English Journal
- Non-verbal communication in severe aphasia: Influence of aphasia, apraxia, or semantic processing?
- Hogrefe K, Ziegler W, Weidinger N, Goldenberg G.SourceClinical Neuropsychology Research Group (EKN), Clinic for Neuropsychology, Bogenhausen Hospital, Municipal Clinic Munich GmbH, Germany.
- Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.Cortex.2012 Sep;48(8):952-62. Epub 2011 Mar 8.
- Patients suffering from severe aphasia have to rely on non-verbal means of communication to convey a message. However, to date it is not clear which patients are able to do so. Clinical experience indicates that some patients use non-verbal communication strategies like gesturing very efficiently wh
- PMID 21458789
- The narrative language performance of three types of at-risk first-grade readers.
- Allen MM, Ukrainetz TA, Carswell AL.SourceUniversity of Wyoming, Laramie, USA.
- Language, speech, and hearing services in schools.Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch.2012 Apr;43(2):205-21. Epub 2012 Jan 9.
- PURPOSE: This study investigated the narrative language performance of 3 types of readers who had been identified as being at risk through code-based response-to-intervention (RTI) procedures.METHOD: In a retrospective group comparison, 32 at-risk 1st-grade readers were identified: children who reso
- PMID 22232424
Japanese Journal
- 佐々原 正樹
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 (63), 87-96, 2014-12-19
- … Second, it was indicated that, provision of the space of argument close to the original text enables a reader, based on events obtaining new meanings, to feel a gap against his/her conventional thought patterns and to retell a picture of the world of characters. …
- NAID 120005528135
- リーディング指導における読みの深化と批判的思考力伸長のための「評価型発問」の活用
- 峯島 道夫
- リメディアル教育研究 6(2), 125-140, 2011-09-30
- … They were posed a series of evaluative questions as they read it, such as those that required them to predict the next turn of the plot, detect incongruities in the text, draw elaborative inferences about implicit causality, retell the story from a different view point, and reflect on and evaluate the main characters and the theme of the story. …
- NAID 110009627362
- 再話による口頭説明が大局的一貫性の構築に及ぼす影響
- 甲斐 あかり
- ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan 20, 41-50, 2009-03
- … Thirty four Japanese EFL learners were asked to retell after reading a text. …
- NAID 110008512368
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