- free someone temporarily from his or her obligations (同)relieve
- travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route; "He takes the bus to work"; "She takes Route 1 to Newark"
- the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
- make use of or accept for some purpose; "take a risk"; "take an opportunity" (同)accept
- get into ones hands, take physically; "Take a cookie!"; "Can you take this bag, please" (同)get hold of
- have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable" (同)have
- head into a specified direction; "The escaped convict took to the hills"; "We made for the mountains" (同)make
- require (time or space); "It took three hours to get to work this morning"; "This event occupied a very short time" (同)occupy, use up
- interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You cant take credit for this!" (同)read
- accept or undergo, often unwillingly; "We took a pay cut" (同)submit
- ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial; "take a pulse"; "A reading was taken of the earths tremors"
- be seized or affected in a specified way; "take sick"; "be taken drunk"
- buy, select; "Ill take a pound of that sausage"
- carry out; "take action"; "take steps"; "take vengeance"
- develop a habit; "He took to visiting bars"
- experience or feel or submit to; "Take a test"; "Take the plunge"
- obtain by winning; "Winner takes all"; "He took first prize"
- take by force; "Hitler took the Baltic Republics"; "The army took the fort on the hill"
- take into ones possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "Ill take three salmon steaks"
- to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort; "take shelter from the storm"
- throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
- (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
- throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend" (同)o''er
- at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
- beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
- …‘を'『手に取る』,つかむ,握る / (…から)…‘を'(力づくで)『取り上げる』,奪い取る,占領する《+名+from+名》・〈人〉‘を'『捕らえる』,〈魚・獲物〉‘を'捕獲する・(いくつかある物の中から)…‘を'『選んで取る』,選ぶ・〈賞など〉‘を'『勝ち取る』;〈試合〉‘に'勝つ・〈贈り物・金など〉‘を'『受け取る』,もらう・〈忠告など〉‘を'受け入れる,に従う;〈非難など〉‘を'甘受する・《副詞[句]を伴って》(…な気持ちで)…‘を'受け取る,‘に'反応する・〈人〉‘を'迎える,預かる,引き受ける;〈婿など〉‘を'とる・…‘を'予約する,借り入れる:(定期的に)…‘を'購読する,購入する・(元となるものから)…‘を'取ってくる,(本などから)…‘を'引用する《+名+from+名》・(体内に)…‘を'『取り入れる』,食べる飲む;〈休日など〉‘を'取る・〈外力・影響〉‘を'受ける;〈病気〉‘に'かかる:〈色〉‘に'染まる;〈におい〉‘が'移る;〈火〉‘が'付く・〈物〉‘を'『持って行く』,〈人〉‘を'『連れて行く』・…‘を'連れ去る;〈人の命〉‘を'奮う・(…から)…‘を'減じる,引く《+名+from(off)+名》・(…で)〈人〉‘の'心を奮う,〈注意など〉‘を'引く《+名+with+名》・(…へ)〈乗り物が〉…‘を'『運ぶ』,〈道などが〉…‘を'導く,〈仕事などが〉…‘を'行かせる《+名+to(into)+名》・〈乗り物〉‘に'『乗る』・〈物事が〉・〈時間・空間・労力など〉‘を'『必要とする』,要する・〈人が〉〈場所・位置〉‘を'『占める』・《動作を表す名詞を目的語にして》〈その名詞が表す行動・動作など〉‘を'『する』,とる,実行する・〈手段〉‘を'とる;〈道具など〉‘を'用いる・〈時間・機会など〉‘を'利用する・〈授業〉‘を'受ける・〈道〉‘を'行く,とる・…‘を'書き取る;〈絵画〉‘を'描く;〈写真〉‘を'撮る・…‘を'取り扱う,考慮する・責任・義務〉‘を'負う;〈役目・職務など〉‘に'就く・…‘を'計る,測定する;…‘を'調査する・〈ある感情・決意・見解など〉・‘を'持つ,抱く・…‘を'『理解する』,分かる・…‘に'当たる(hit) ・〈男が〉〈女〉‘と'性交する・〈機械装置などが〉かかる;〈歯車などが〉かみ合う・〈根が〉つく;〈種が〉芽を出す・〈薬が〉効く;〈接種が〉つく / 〈インキ・染料・絵の具などが〉付く,乗る / 人気を博す,受ける・《副詞[句]を伴って》写真に写る・(1回の)捕獲高,漁獲高 / (映画で,連続して撮った)1シーン;(連続撮影の)1ショット・反応・見解:「What is your take on何々?」で「何々をどう思いますか」
- 《上方の位置・場所》…『の上に』,を覆って;…に覆いかぶさって / 《移動を指す動詞とともに用いて》…『を越えて』 / 《状態を表す助詞とともに用いて》…を越えた向こうに / 《数詞を伴って》…『以上に』 / …『の一面に』,の至るところに / …『支配して』,より勝って / …『について』,に関して / …『しながら』に従事して / 《期間》…『の間ずっと』 / (電話・ラジオなど)『で』,によって / …に沿って,…を(along) / 『越えて』,渡って,向こうへ / 倒れて,ひっくり返って / 『終わって』,すんで / ひっくり返して / 『繰り返して』 / 『あふれて』;余って / 『終りまで』,ずっと,すっかり / 過度に / (クリケットで)乗判が交替を命じるまでの投球数
- 〈U〉取ること,獲得 / 《複数形で》売り上げ高 / 《おもに話》人の心を引く,魅力的な
- ありがと
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English Journal
- Benefits and harms of providing biological causal models in the treatment of psychosis - An experimental study.
- Lullmann E, Berendes S, Rief W, Lincoln TM.SourceSection for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, Philipps-Universitat Marburg, Gutenbergstrase 18, 35032 Marburg, Germany.
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry.J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry.2011 Dec;42(4):447-53. Epub 2011 Mar 29.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Although many studies have investigated the impact of causal models on public attitudes toward people with psychosis, the effect of causal models on patients with psychosis is unclear. Clinicians must therefore decide about providing causal information without knowing how
- PMID 21570934
- Modeling animal-vehicle collisions considering animal-vehicle interactions.
- Lao Y, Zhang G, Wu YJ, Wang Y.SourceDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2011 Nov;43(6):1991-8.
- Animal-Vehicle Collisions (AVCs) have been a major safety problem in the United States over the past decades. Counter measures against AVCs are urgently needed for traffic safety and wildlife conservation. To better understand the AVCs, a variety of data analysis and statistical modeling techniques
- PMID 21819827
Japanese Journal
- Influence of Magnetic Property of Ferromagnetic Shield on High Field Magnet Analysis
- Yoshizawa Keisuke,Noguchi So,Igarashi Hajime
- IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 21(3), 2088-2091, 2011-06
- … In magnetic analysis for the magnet design, we have to take into account the nonlinearity of the magnetic property of iron to compute the accurate magnetic field, since the ferromagnetic shield is exposed to so high magnetic field. … So far the design of the high field magnets with the ferromagnetic shield exposed to over 2 T has been less reported. … Recently, it was reported that the nonlinear magnetic properties of iron were measured at high magnetic fields over 2 T. …
- NAID 120003190015
- 國分 俊介,金城 聖,鶴 薫,飯塚 剛
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム] 2011-OS-117(17), 1-7, 2011-04-06
- 近年,汎用サーバと仮想化技術を用いて仮想マシンの動作状態ごとソフトウェア処理にて同期を行うことで高信頼システムを実現するソフトウェア FT 技術が注目されている.本稿では,仮想化レイヤでサーバの動作状況に応じて同期周期を変動させながら待機系と同期を行うことにより,仮想マシン上の業務アプリケーションの実行性能への影響を抑えて,サーバ障害発生時に高速に待機系へ系切替可能な二重系動作環境同期機構について …
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- accept、get、ingest、ingestion、intake、receive