- 関
- charge、premium、reward
- the act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses; "adequate remuneration for his work"
- set or ask for a certain price; "How much do you charge for lunch?"; "This fellow charges $100 for a massage"
- the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons; "the battery needed a fresh charge" (同)electric_charge
- financial liabilities (such as a tax); "the charges against the estate"
- the price charged for some article or service; "the admission charge"
- heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield (同)bearing, heraldic bearing, armorial bearing
- a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time; "this cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains" (同)burster, bursting charge, explosive charge
- an impetuous rush toward someone or something; "the wrestlers charge carried him past his adversary"; "the battle began with a cavalry charge"
- request for payment of a debt; "they submitted their charges at the end of each month" (同)billing
- (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense; "he was arrested on a charge of larceny" (同)complaint
- a person committed to your care; "the teacher led her charges across the street"
- blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against; "he charged the director with indifference" (同)accuse
- to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle; "he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork" (同)bear_down
- demand payment; "Will I get charged for this service?"; "We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights" (同)bill
- direct into a position for use; "point a gun"; "He charged his weapon at me" (同)level, point
- file a formal charge against; "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife" (同)lodge, file
- impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to; "He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend" (同)saddle, burden
- cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on; "charge a conductor"
- energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge; "I need to charge my car battery"
- enter a certain amount as a charge; "he charged me $15"
- fill or load to capacity; "charge the wagon with hay"
- instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence
- instruct or command with authority; "The teacher charged the children to memorize the poem"
- lie down on command, of hunting dogs
- make an accusatory claim; "The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased"
- pay with a credit card; pay with plastic money; postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt; "Will you pay cash or charge the purchase?"
- place a heraldic bearing on; "charge all weapons, shields, and banners"
- saturate; "The room was charged with tension and anxiety"
- act or give recompense in recognition of someones behavior or actions (同)repay, pay_back
- payment made in return for a service rendered
- an act performed to strengthen approved behavior (同)reinforcement
- the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property
- having or reflecting superior quality or value; "premium gasoline at a premium price"
- payment for insurance (同)insurance_premium
- a prize, bonus, or award given as an inducement to purchase products, enter competitions initiated by business interests, etc.; "they encouraged customers with a premium for loyal patronage"
- the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value; "they paid a premium for access to water"
- 報酬を与えること / 報酬;給料
- 〈C〉(…の)『費用』;料金,請求代金《+『for』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈U〉(…の)『監督』,管理,保護,世話《+『of』+『名』》;〈C〉監督(保護)される人(物) / 〈C〉(…に対する)『非難』,告発,告訴《+『against』+『名』》 / 〈C〉突撃;突撃の合図 / 〈U〉〈C〉(弾薬などの)装てん,装薬;充電《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)命令,訓令《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉責任,義務 / 〈料金・支払い〉'を'〈人〉‘に'『請求する』,〈税など〉'を'課する / 〈買物など〉'を'『つけにする』,掛け売りにする / (…を)〈物・容器〉‘に'詰める,入れる(fill)《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / …'を'『非難する』,責める(blame),告訴する(accuse) / (義務・仕事・責任などを)〈人〉‘に'ゆだねる,委託する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 《『charge』+『名』+『to』 do》(…するように)〈人〉‘に'命ずる,訓示する / …‘に'突進する / (…の)値をいう,支払いを請求する《+『for』+『名』》 / (…に)突撃する,突進する《+『at』(『on』)+『名』》
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…に対する)『報酬』,お礼,ほうび《+『for』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉(…に対する)『報奨金』,礼金《+『for』(『of』)+『名』》 / 《複数形で》(…の)価値《+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…のことで…で)〈人〉‘に'『報いる』,お礼をする《+『名』〈人″+『by』(『with』)+『名』(do『ing』)+『for』+『名』(do『ing』)〉 / 〈仕事・功績など〉‘に'報いる,‘の'報酬となる
- (購買心をそそるための)無料提供品,値引き品,おまけ / 割増し金;奨励金 / (普通以上の)高い価値 / 保険料,保険掛け金
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/23 01:56:58」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Remuneration is the compensation that one receives in exchange for the work or services performed. Typically, this consists of monetary rewards, also referred to as wage or salary.[1] A number of complementary benefits, however, are increasingly popular remuneration mechanisms. Remuneration is one component of reward management.
- 1 Types
- 2 By country
- 3 Common misspelling
- 4 References
- 5 External links
Remuneration can include:
- Commission
- Compensation
- Executive compensation
- Deferred compensation
- Compensation methods (in online advertising and internet marketing)
- Employee stock option
- Fringe benefit
- Salary
- Performance-linked incentives
- Wage
By country
This section requires expansion. (June 2012) |
Common misspelling
The word "remuneration" is often misspelled as "renumeration", which simply means counting or re-counting.
- ^ http://www.wordreference.com/definition/remuneration
External links
- The dictionary definition of remuneration at Wiktionary
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- An exploration of the political economy dynamics shaping health worker incentives in three districts in Sierra Leone.
- Bertone MP1, Witter S2.
- Social science & medicine (1982).Soc Sci Med.2015 Sep;141:56-63. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.07.028. Epub 2015 Jul 29.
- The need for evidence-based practice calls for research focussing not only on the effectiveness of interventions and their translation into policies, but also on implementation processes and the factors influencing them, in particular for complex health system policies. In this paper, we use the len
- PMID 26248305
- [Personnel marketing in anesthesiology : Perception, use and evaluation by the target group].
- Berlet T1.
- Der Anaesthesist.Anaesthesist.2015 Aug 26. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: The human resources situation in the healthcare system is characterized by a manpower shortage. Recruiting medical staff is of great importance for hospitals and particularly in anesthesiology. Approaching and recruiting staff usually happens through external personnel marketing (PM); ho
- PMID 26307630
- Are Medical Students Who Want to Become Surgeons Different? An International Cross-Sectional Study.
- Baschera D1, Taylor EO, Masilonyane-Jones T, Isenegger P, Zellweger R.
- World journal of surgery.World J Surg.2015 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]
- INTRODUCTION: Surgery is one of the most demanding and competitive medical specialities. This study aims to identify the characteristics that medical students who aspire to surgical specialisation possess.MATERIALS AND METHODS: In February 2010, an online survey comprised 36 questions was produced w
- PMID 26296833
- General practitioners' and occupational health physicians' views on their cooperation: a cross-sectional postal survey.
- Moßhammer D1, Michaelis M, Mehne J, Wilm S, Rieger MA.
- International archives of occupational and environmental health.Int Arch Occup Environ Health.2015 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Prevention, rehabilitation and reintegration into the workplace are examples of overlapping work fields of general practitioners (GPs) and occupational health physicians (OPs). In Germany, however, cooperation between GPs and OPs is often lacking or suboptimal. In this article, we present G
- PMID 26259728
Japanese Journal
- 山口 幹雄,YAMAGUCHI Mikio
- 明治学院大学法科大学院ローレビュー 19, 45-83, 2013-12-31
- 【論説/Article】
- NAID 120005352846
- リハビリテーション関連の動向と論点 (特集 診療報酬・介護保険同時改定)
- 請負契約における仕事が完成しなかった場合の報酬請求権・費用償還請求権についての実務的研究 (特集 民法改正)
Related Links
- remunerationとは。意味や和訳。[名][U][C]((形式))(…への)報酬(の支払い),報償(すること);給料,支払い,代償((for ...))make remuneration for ...…に報酬を払う. - 40万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和 ...
- Full Definition of REMUNERATION 1: something that remunerates: recompense, pay 2: an act or fact of remunerating See remuneration defined for English-language learners See remuneration defined for kids ADVERTISEMENT ...
- re·mu·ner·a·tion (rĭ-myo o′nə-rā′shən) n. 1. The act of remunerating. 2. Something, such as a payment, that remunerates. remuneration (rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃən) n 1. the act of remunerating 2. pay; recompense re•mu•ner•a•tion (rɪˌmyu ...
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- 関
- burden、charging、electric charge、electrification、load、remuneration
- 英
- reward、premium、remuneration
- 関
- チャージ、給料、保険金、賞金
- 関
- remuneration、reward
- 関
- premium、remuneration
- 英
- remuneration
- 関
- 報酬