- a piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank); "he peeled off five one-thousand-zloty notes" (同)note, government note, bank_bill, banker''s bill, bank note, banknote, Federal Reserve note, greenback
- advertise especially by posters or placards; "He was billed as the greatest tenor since Caruso"
- a long-handled saw with a curved blade; "he used a bill to prune branches off of the tree" (同)billhook
- a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes; "he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead" (同)peak, eyeshade, visor, vizor
- the entertainment offered at a public presentation
- an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered; "he paid his bill and left"; "send me an account of what I owe" (同)account, invoice
- a statute in draft before it becomes law; "they held a public hearing on the bill" (同)measure
- a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare)
- have certain dimensions; "This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches"
- how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify (同)quantity, amount
- any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal; "the situation called for strong measures"; "the police took steps to reduce crime" (同)step
- a container of some standard capacity that is used to obtain fixed amounts of a substance
- musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats; "the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song" (同)bar
- evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk" (同)evaluate, valuate, assess, appraise, value
- determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of; "Measure the length of the wall" (同)mensurate, measure out
- large outdoor signboard (同)hoarding
- a fusion of black music and country music that was popular in the 1950s; sometimes described as blues with a country beat
- American grebe having a black-banded whitish bill (同)Podilymbus podiceps
- a statute that would regulate farm production and prices
- a consignment of merchandise
- having a beak or bill as specified; "a thick-billed bird"; "a long-billed cap"
- 『勘定書』,請求書,つけ / 証書;手形 / 《米》『紙弊』,札(さつ)(《英》note) / (議会を)『法案』,議案 / 張り札,ビラ(poster);番組,(芝居の)番付 / 目録,表(list) / =billhook / …‘に'(…の)勘定書(請求書)を送る《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / …ポスター(ビラ)で宣伝する
- 『くちばし』(特にハト・水鳥などの細長くて平たいもの) / (鳥が)くちばしを触れ合う
- 〈U〉(測って得た)『寸法』,『分量』,広さ,重さ / 〈C〉(インチ・グラムの)『度量の単位』 / 〈U〉度量法,測瀬法 / 〈C〉『計量器具』(物差し,巻き尺,ますなど) / 〈C〉(判断・評価などの)基準,尺度(standard)《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉限界,限度(limit) / 〈U〉《時にa~》ある程度,度合いの(の・・・)《+『of』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》『手段』,方法;対策,処置 / 〈C〉法案,法令,条例 / 〈C〉(音楽の)小節(bar);リズム,拍子 / 〈U〉(詩の)韻の)韻律,格調;詩脚,歩脚(foot) / 〈大きさ・広さ・量など〉‘を'『測る』 / 〈インチ・グラムなどが〉…‘を'測る単位である / …‘を'慎重に考える,判断する / 《数量を表す副詞的用事の名詞[句]を伴って》(…の)長さ(広さ,重さなど)がある / 測る,測定する
- 《米》掲示板,広告板(《英》hoarding) / (ラジオ・テレビの)番組紹介
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/09/13 02:27:54」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Bill may refer to:
- 1 Documents
- 2 Tools and weapons
- 3 Other objects called 'bill'
- 4 Entertainment
- 5 People
- 6 Others
- 7 See also
Documents[edit source | edit]
- Banknote, paper money (especially in the US)
- Handbill, Flyer (pamphlet), paper leaflet
- Poster, form of advertising
- Billboard, large board on which to display advertising posters or displays
- Bill (proposed law), law put before a legislature
- Invoice, commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer
- Bill of lading, document issued by a carrier receiving goods for transport
- Bill of materials, document listing the parts needed to make a product
- Bill of quantities, tendering document detailing the quantities of materials needed to build a proposed construction
- Operational bills, tendering document detailing the operations needed to build a proposed construction
- Waybill, document describing a shipment
- Menu or bill of fare
- Utility bill, see invoice
Tools and weapons[edit source | edit]
- Bill (weapon), a weapon similar to a halberd
- Billhook, a long-handled cutting tool (sometimes weapon) with a curved blade
- BILL Anti-tank guided weapon, a Swedish anti-tank weapon
- BILL 2 Anti-tank guided weapon, a Swedish anti-tank weapon
Other objects called 'bill'[edit source | edit]
- Beak, an alternative name for a bird's, usually a duck's, beak
- Peninsulas of land jutting out into the sea, such as 'Portland Bill'
- Police, with 'old bill' as a slang term in the UK
- Rostrum, the 'beak' or 'sword' of a billfish (marlin, swordfish, etc.)
Entertainment[edit source | edit]
- Bill (Tripping Daisy album), 1992
- Bill (Bill Cosby album), 1973 compilation album
- Meet Bill, a 2008 comedy film formerly known as Bill
- Bill (1981 film), a 1981 TV movie starring Mickey Rooney
- Bill: On His Own, sequel the 1981 film
- "Bill" (song), a song by Peggy Scott-Adams
- "Bill" (Show Boat), a song in the Jerome Kern-Oscar Hammerstein II musical Show Boat
- The Bill, a long-running British police drama
- Bill (Kill Bill), character in the Kill Bill films
People[edit source | edit]
- Common nickname for William
- This section includes only individuals whose last name is Bill, or whose only generally-known name is Bill.
- Bill (surname)
- Alfred H. Bill, American writer
- Bill W. (Bill Wilson, 1895–1971), co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous
- Buffalo Bill, (Bill Cody, 1846–1917) American bison hunter and showman.
- Charles Bill (1843–1915), British Conservative Party Member of Parliament (MP) Leek 1892–1906
Others[edit source | edit]
- Bill the Goat, mascot of the US Naval Academy
- Bill the Pony, a pony appearing in The Lord of the Rings novel
- Bill Ferny, the previous owner of the pony mentioned above
- Bills, a Congolese youth subculture in the late 1950s, idolising cowboy Western movies
- Buffalo Bills, an American NFL football team
- Tropical Storm Bill (disambiguation), a list of storms named Bill
- Bill, Wyoming, a railroad crew-change station
- Bill, a lizard in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
- Bill the Cat, a Bloom County character
- characters in the Mario game series
- Mr. Bill, claymation character from Saturday Night Live
See also[edit source | edit]
- Billy (disambiguation)
- Billie (disambiguation)
- Bili (disambiguation)
- Will (disambiguation)
- William (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- CXCR2 signaling protects oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from IFN-γ/CXCL10-mediated apoptosis.
- Tirotta E, Ransohoff RM, Lane TE.SourceDepartment of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of California, Irvine, California; Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Center, University of California, Irvine, California.
- Glia.Glia.2011 Oct;59(10):1518-28. doi: 10.1002/glia.21195. Epub 2011 Jun 8.
- Infiltration of activated lymphocytes into the central nervous system (CNS) is potentially harmful by damaging resident cells through release of cytokines. Among these is IFN-γ that is secreted by activated natural killer (NK) cells and T lymphocytes and can exert a cytotoxic effect on resident gli
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- Magnetic orientation of migratory robins, Erithacus rubecula, under long-wavelength light.
- Wiltschko R, Denzau S, Gehring D, Thalau P, Wiltschko W.SourceFachbereich Biowissenschaften, J. W. Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt, Siesmayerstrase 70, D-60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- The Journal of experimental biology.J Exp Biol.2011 Sep 15;214(Pt 18):3096-101.
- The avian magnetic compass is an inclination compass that appears to be based on radical pair processes. It requires light from the short-wavelength range of the spectrum up to 565 nm green light; under longer wavelengths, birds are disoriented. When pre-exposed to longer wavelengths for 1 h, howeve
- PMID 21865522
- Distinct myeloid suppressor cell subsets correlate with plasma IL-6 and IL-10 and reduced interferon-alpha signaling in CD4(+) T cells from patients with GI malignancy.
- Mundy-Bosse BL, Young GS, Bauer T, Binkley E, Bloomston M, Bill MA, Bekaii-Saab T, Carson WE 3rd, Lesinski GB.SourceDepartment of Integrated Biomedical Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
- Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII.Cancer Immunol Immunother.2011 Sep;60(9):1269-79. Epub 2011 May 21.
- Interferon-alpha (IFN-α) promotes anti-tumor immunity through its actions on immune cells. We hypothesized that elevated percentages of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) and increased pro-inflammatory cytokines in peripheral blood would be associated with impaired response to IFN-α in patien
- PMID 21604071
- Kill Bill! Ugandan human rights organizations' attempts to influence the media's coverage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.
- Strand C.Sourcea Department of Informatics and Media , Uppsala University , Uppsala , Sweden.
- Culture, health & sexuality.Cult Health Sex.2011 Sep;13(8):917-31. Epub 2011 Jun 30.
- The Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill of October 2009 caused an international outcry and sparked intense debate in the local and international media. Particularly contentious was its proposal to impose the death penalty for acts of 'aggravated homosexuality'. Through a quantitative content analysis of
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Japanese Journal
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- 電子メディアと映像表現の創造性(2) : ビル・ビオラ物語を超えるイメージへの可能性
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- 金 龍
- 東京大学大学院教育学研究科教育行政学論叢 30, 9-18, 2011-03
- … That is, the bill included the abolition of the superintendent as well as the Board of Education. … Additionally, the bill made the Provincial Assembly the only decision-making institution in charge of education; … In addition, the new bill gave mayor the power to appoint the superintendent. … Educational circles spoke up against the bill, criticizing the amendment as nothing less than a breach of the constitution. …
- NAID 120002924377
- Why are environmentally aware citizens unwilling to support drinking water quality improvements? Evidence from Kemerovo, Russia <Article>
- Kalugin Andrey,Komatsu Satoru,Kaneko Shinji,コマツ サトル,カネコ シンジ,小松 悟,金子 慎治
- 国際協力研究誌 : Journal of international development and cooperation 17(1), 1-16, 2011-01-31
- … Further, the results indicate that households are willing to pay 315.4 Rubles per month from their reported monthly income in addition to their current water bill for safe drinking water. …
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- billの意味は?英和辞書。goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。
- billで始まる語句は?英和辞典。goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービス です。
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- 測定する、寸法をとる、計量する。(物が)測定できる
- Patients with diaastolic heart failure have a preserved ejection fraction, which is a measure of systolic function.
- (補語を伴って)~だけの長さ(幅、高さ、量など)がある
- (物質の量的比較の)基準、算定基準、測定単位、尺度。計量法、度量法、度量衡
- 測定、測量、計測。寸法、マス目、量目
- 度量測定器具。(fig)(精神・感情の質の)尺度、目安
- 程度。適度。限度、限界、際限
- (pl.)処置、措置、方法、施策。立法措置。提案、法案(bill)
- 韻律、詩脚(foot
- (数学)約数、測度
- 関
- gerbil、jird、sand rat
- 関
- measles、rubeola