- play chords on (a string instrument)
- a straight line connecting two points on a curve
- a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together
- (楽器の)弦 / 感情,情緒 / 和音,コード / =cord4 / 弦(数学で,円周上の2点を結ぶ直線)
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, ただし
- Ion Stoica; Robert Morris, David Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Hari Balakrishnan (2001). “Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications”. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (New York, NY, USA: ACM Press) 31 (4): 149 - 160. doi:10.1145/964723.383071.
- Chord project Chord を使ってP2Pネットワークを構築するプロジェクト
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[Wiki en表示]
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Chord may refer to:
- Chord (music), an aggregate of musical pitches sounded simultaneously
- Chord (guitar) a chord played on a guitar, which has a particular tuning
- Chord (geometry), a line segment joining two points on a curve
- Chord (astronomy), a line crossing a foreground astronomical object during an occultation which gives an indication of the objects size and/or shape
- Chord (graph theory), an edge joining two not-adjacent nodes in a cycle
- Chord (truss construction), an outside member of a truss, as opposed to the inner "webbed members"
- Chord (aeronautics), the distance between the front and back of a wing, measured in the direction of the normal airflow. The term chord was selected due to the curved nature of the wing's surface
- Chord (peer-to-peer), a peer-to-peer protocol and algorithm for distributed hash tables (DHT)
- Chord (concurrency), a concurrency construct in some object-oriented programming languages
- Chord (comics), a comic book character who is the former mentor of the New Warriors
- Chord (software), free software useful for creating staffless lead sheets
- Chord Overstreet, American actor and musician
Chord may also refer to:
- Mouse chording or a chorded keyboard, where multiple buttons are held down simultaneously to produce a specific action
The Chords may refer to:
- The Chords, 1970s British mod revival band
- The Chords (U.S.), 1950s American doo wop group
Chords may refer to:
- Chords (artist), a Swedish hiphop/reggae artist
See also
- Animal taxonomy chordate (chordata) and eponymous notochord
- All pages beginning with "Chord"
- All pages with titles containing "Chord"
- Cord (disambiguation)
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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