Streptococcus pyogenes
- spherical Gram-positive bacteria occurring in pairs or chains; cause e.g. scarlet fever and tonsillitis (同)streptococci, strep
- producing pus
- 連鎖球菌
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English Journal
- An unusual case of Streptococcus anginosus group pyomyositis diagnosed using direct 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing.
- Walkty A1, Embil JM2, Nichol K3, Karlowsky J4.Author information 1Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba ; Department of Medicine, Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Manitoba ; Clinical Microbiology, Health Sciences Centre, Diagnostic Services Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.2Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba ; Department of Medicine, Section of Infectious Diseases, University of Manitoba.3Clinical Microbiology, Health Sciences Centre, Diagnostic Services Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.4Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Manitoba ; Clinical Microbiology, Health Sciences Centre, Diagnostic Services Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.Abstractin
English, FrenchLes bactéries qui appartiennent au groupe Streptococcus anginosus (streptocoques intermedius, constellatus et anginosus) peuvent causer de graves infections à pyogènes qui ont tendance à former des abcès. Le présent article contient un cas de pyomyosite du groupe S anginosus chez un homme de 47 ans. Le pathogène a été décelé récupéré dans une des deux cultures sanguines prélevées sur le patient, mais au départ, la spéciation n’a pas été effectuée parce que l’organisme était considéré comme un contaminant (groupe de streptocoques viridians). Le diagnostic a finalement été confirmé au moyen du séquençage de l’ADN ribosomal 16S du fluide purulent obtenu dans l’aspirat d’un abcès musculaire. Le présent cas fait ressortir le fait que la détection d’une seule culture sanguine positive dans un organisme appartenant au groupe S anginosus devrait susciter une évaluation attentive du patient afin de trouver un foyer d’infection à pyogènes. Il fait également ressortir l’utilité potentielle de l’amplification et du séquençage de l’ADN ribosomal 16S pour la détection directe d’un pathogène dans le fluide aspiré en cas de pyomyosite lorsque le traitement aux antibiotiques a commencé à être administré avant le prélèvement.
- The Canadian journal of infectious diseases & medical microbiology = Journal canadien des maladies infectieuses et de la microbiologie médicale / AMMI Canada.Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol.2014 Spring;25(1):32-4.
- in
English, FrenchLes bactéries qui appartiennent au groupe Streptococcus anginosus (streptocoques intermedius, constellatus et anginosus) peuvent causer de graves infections à pyogènes qui ont tendance à former des abcès. Le présent article contient un cas de pyomyosite du groupe S angino
- Phylogenomics and the dynamic genome evolution of the genus streptococcus.
- Richards VP1, Palmer SR, Pavinski Bitar PD, Qin X, Weinstock GM, Highlander SK, Town CD, Burne RA, Stanhope MJ.Author information 1Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University.AbstractThe genus Streptococcus comprises important pathogens that have a severe impact on human health and are responsible for substantial economic losses to agriculture. Here, we utilize 46 Streptococcus genome sequences (44 species), including eight species sequenced here, to provide the first genomic level insight into the evolutionary history and genetic basis underlying the functional diversity of all major groups of this genus. Gene gain/loss analysis revealed a dynamic pattern of genome evolution characterized by an initial period of gene gain followed by a period of loss, as the major groups within the genus diversified. This was followed by a period of genome expansion associated with the origins of the present extant species. The pattern is concordant with an emerging view that genomes evolve through a dynamic process of expansion and streamlining. A large proportion of the pan-genome has experienced lateral gene transfer (LGT) with causative factors, such as relatedness and shared environment, operating over different evolutionary scales. Multiple gene ontology terms were significantly enriched for each group, and mapping terms onto the phylogeny showed that those corresponding to genes born on branches leading to the major groups represented approximately one-fifth of those enriched. Furthermore, despite the extensive LGT, several biochemical characteristics have been retained since group formation, suggesting genomic cohesiveness through time, and that these characteristics may be fundamental to each group. For example, proteolysis: mitis group; urea metabolism: salivarius group; carbohydrate metabolism: pyogenic group; and transcription regulation: bovis group.
- Genome biology and evolution.Genome Biol Evol.2014 Apr;6(4):741-53. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evu048.
- The genus Streptococcus comprises important pathogens that have a severe impact on human health and are responsible for substantial economic losses to agriculture. Here, we utilize 46 Streptococcus genome sequences (44 species), including eight species sequenced here, to provide the first genomic le
- PMID 24625962
- Pyogenic brain and lung abscesses due to Streptococcus intermedius.
- Trabue C1, Pearman R, Doering T.
- Journal of general internal medicine.J Gen Intern Med.2014 Feb;29(2):407. doi: 10.1007/s11606-013-2565-3. Epub 2013 Sep 4.
- PMID 24002617
Japanese Journal
- 診断にMRI拡散強調画像が有用であった化膿性脳室炎の1例
- 古田 夏海,古田 みのり,牧岡 幸樹 [他],藤田 行雄,岡本 幸市,Furuta Natsumi,Furuta Minori,Makioka Koki,Fujita Yukio,Okamoto Koichi
- 北関東医学 63(3), 249-252, 2013
- 症例は73歳女性である. 頭痛, 嘔気, 発熱, 項部硬直, 意識障害, 排尿障害を呈し当科に入院した. 髄液検査で著明な炎症細胞増多あり, 髄液および血液の培養検査でB群連鎖球菌陽性であり, 細菌性髄膜炎と診断された. MRI拡散強調画像では左右の側脳室後角およびくも膜下腔に高信号病変がみられた. T2強調画像, FLAIR画像, ガドリニウム造影T1強調画像では明らかな病変は指摘されなかった. …
- NAID 130003368250
- Streptococcus anginosus groupによる化膿性肝膿瘍の3症例
- 重福 隆太,鈴木 通博,小林 稔,路川 陽介,平石 哲也,池田 裕喜,高橋 秀明,松永 光太郎,石井 俊哉,松本 伸行,奥瀬 千晃,佐藤 明,伊東 文生
- Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 110(8), 1468-1480, 2013
- … 近年,起因菌としてまれなStreptococcus anginosus group(SAG)による肝膿瘍の報告が増加している.SAGは口腔や腸管内常在菌であるが,嫌気性菌との混合感染で膿瘍形成傾向が増強する.また同菌種による血栓性門脈炎も報告されている.SAG肝膿瘍の胸腔内穿破,門脈血栓症をきたした1例と,SAGと嫌気性菌との混合感染をきたした肝膿瘍の2例を経験し,本邦における23例を含め報告する. …
- NAID 130003364416
- 谷口 慎治,青木 秀之,中村 卓司,宮崎 芳安,塚越 実,石井 牧,勝呂 徹,高橋 寛,土谷 一晃
- 関東整形災害外科学会雑誌 43(6), 439-442, 2012-12-01
- NAID 10031134197
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- purulent、pyogenes、suppurative