- 関
- psychoneurosis、psychoneurotic
- (medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease
- anything that accompanies X and is regarded as an indication of Xs existence
- relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry; "psychiatric disorder"; "psychiatric hospital" (同)psychiatrical
- 精神神経症
- (病気の)徴候,症状《+of+名》 / (一般)に(…の)徴候,きざし,印《+of+名》
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English Journal
- Underlying neurobiology and clinical correlates of mania status after subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease: a review of the literature.
- Chopra A, Tye SJ, Lee KH, Sampson S, Matsumoto J, Adams A, Klassen B, Stead M, Fields JA, Frye MA.AbstractDeep brain stimulation (DBS) is a novel and effective surgical intervention for refractory Parkinson's disease (PD). The authors review the current literature to identify the clinical correlates associated with subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS-induced hypomania/mania in PD patients. Ventromedial electrode placement has been most consistently implicated in the induction of STN DBS-induced mania. There is some evidence of symptom amelioration when electrode placement is switched to a more dorsolateral contact. Additional clinical correlates may include unipolar stimulation, higher voltage (>3 V), male sex, and/or early-onset PD. STN DBS-induced psychiatric adverse events emphasize the need for comprehensive psychiatric presurgical evaluation and follow-up in PD patients. Animal studies and prospective clinical research, combined with advanced neuroimaging techniques, are needed to identify clinical correlates and underlying neurobiological mechanisms of STN DBS-induced mania. Such working models would serve to further our understanding of the neurobiological underpinnings of mania and contribute valuable new insight toward development of future DBS mood-stabilization therapies.
- The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences.J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.2012 Dec 1;24(1):102-10.
- Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a novel and effective surgical intervention for refractory Parkinson's disease (PD). The authors review the current literature to identify the clinical correlates associated with subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS-induced hypomania/mania in PD patients. Ventromedial electr
- PMID 22450620
- Symptom Profile and Etiology of Delirium in a Referral Population in Northern India: Factor Analysis of the DRS-R98.
- Mattoo SK, Grover S, Chakravarty K, Trzepacz PT, Meagher DJ, Gupta N.AbstractDelirium is understudied in developing countries, where there tends to be a lower proportion of older persons and comorbid dementia. The authors assessed 100 consecutive cases of DSM-IV delirium (patients' mean age: 44.4 [standard deviation: 19.4] years; mean DRS-R98 score: 25.6 [3.6]) referred to an adult Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry service in Northern India. Disturbances of attention, orientation, visuospatial ability, and sleep disturbance were the most frequent symptoms, followed by language, thought-process abnormality, and motor agitation. A three-factor solution was identified, representing domains for cognition, higher-order thinking, and circadian rhythm/psychosis. These domains can guide studies addressing the relationship between symptom profile, therapeutic needs, and outcomes and are consistent with core domains previously identified in other countries.
- The Journal of neuropsychiatry and clinical neurosciences.J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci.2012 Dec 1;24(1):95-101.
- Delirium is understudied in developing countries, where there tends to be a lower proportion of older persons and comorbid dementia. The authors assessed 100 consecutive cases of DSM-IV delirium (patients' mean age: 44.4 [standard deviation: 19.4] years; mean DRS-R98 score: 25.6 [3.6]) referred to a
- PMID 22450619
Japanese Journal
- Psychiatric Lecture 診断・検査 DSM-5からみる身体症状症および摂食障害
- 肝障害に併発する精神症状とその治療的アプローチ (特集 身体疾患に見られる精神症状の診断と治療)
- 精神病床の機能分化 : 精神科救急入院料と認知症疾患医療センター (特集 精神病床の機能分化)
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- 英
- psychiatric symptom psychoneurosis psychoneurotic
- 関
- 神経症、精神神経症、神経症性障害
- 研修医当直御法度 症例帳 p.10
- 40歳以降に初発した精神症状は器質的な疾患を鑑別に
- 1. 薬剤、中毒:睡眠薬、精神安定薬、アルコール、レセルピン、メチルドパ、β遮断薬、Ca拮抗薬、ジギタリス、テオフィリン、一酸化炭素中毒、アルコール禁断症候群
- 2. 感染症:尿路感染症、その他の敗血症
- 3. 電解質、代謝、内分泌:低ナトリウム血症、高カルシウム血症、尿毒症、肝性脳症、低血糖、糖尿病性ケトアシドーシス、非ケトン性高浸透圧性昏睡、甲状腺機能亢進症、甲状腺機能低下症
- 4. 中枢神経:てんかん、脳血管障害、脳腫瘍、慢性硬膜下血腫、正常圧水頭症、髄膜炎
- 5. 呼吸、循環不全(著明な脱水、心不全)
- 6. ビタミンB12欠乏、葉酸欠乏
- 関
- neurosis、neurotic disorder、psychiatric symptom、psychoneurotic
- 関
- psychiatric symptom、psychoneurosis
- しるし、現れ、兆し(of)。(医)徴候、症状、症候、病徴
- 関
- indication、manifestation、pathology、presentation、sign、stigma、stigmata、symptomatic
- 関
- psychiatrically, psychiatrics, psychiatry
- 関
- psychiatric、psychiatry