- 関
- advocacy、advocate、propose、proposition、suggest、suggestion
- the act of making a proposal; "they listened to her proposal" (同)proposition
- something proposed (such as a plan or assumption)
- persuasion formulated as a suggestion (同)prompting
- a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection; "it was a suggestion we couldnt refuse" (同)proposition, proffer
- an idea that is suggested; "the picnic was her suggestion"
- the sequential mental process in which one thought leads to another by association
- imply as a possibility; "The evidence suggests a need for more clarification" (同)intimate
- call to mind; "this remark evoked sadness" (同)evoke, paint a picture
- make a proposal, declare a plan for something; "the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax" (同)suggest, advise
- ask (someone) to marry you; "he popped the question on Sunday night"; "she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months"; "The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman" (同)declare oneself, offer, pop the question
- suggest sex to; "She was propositioned by a stranger at the party"
- a task to be dealt with; "securing adequate funding is a time-consuming proposition"
- (logic) a statement that affirms or denies something and is either true or false
- an offer for a private bargain (especially a request for sexual favors)
- a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea (同)advocator, proponent, exponent
- a lawyer who pleads cases in court (同)counsel, counselor, counsellor, counselor-at-law, pleader
- an offer of marriage (同)proposal of marriage, marriage offer, proposal
- a proposal offered as an alternative to an earlier proposal
- 〈U〉『提案すること』;〈C〉『提案されたこと』 / 〈C〉結婚の申し込み,プロポーズ
- 〈U〉〈C〉『提案,』提案すること / 〈C〉『提案されたもの(こと)』 / 〈C〉〈U〉そりとなく言うこと,暗に示すこと;連想させること / 〈C〉《a~》『少しばかり』(の…),少量(の…)《+of+名》
- 〈考え・計画など〉‘を'『提案する,』言い出す / 〈物事が〉…‘を'『連想させる,』思い起こさせる / …‘を'『それとなく示す』
- …‘を'『提案する』,申し出る / (地位・役職などに)〈人〉‘を'推薦する《+『名』〈人〉+『for』+『名』》 / …‘を'『計画する』,企てる,もくろむ / (…に)〈結婚〉‘を'申し込む《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (…に)結婚を申し込む《+『to』+『名』》
- 『提案』,申し出 / 陳述,飽張 / (論理学の)命題;(数学の)定理 / 《話》(扱わなければならない)仕事,事柄;相手 / 〈人〉‘に'提案する,事を持ちかける
- 〈考え・主義・政策など〉'を'弁護(擁護)して言う,主唱する / 擁護者,主唱者 / 弁護士
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"Propose" redirects here. For the possibly confused term, see purpose.
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Proposal(s) or The Proposal may refer to:
- Proposal (business)
- Proposal (logic and philosophy) — proposition, a proposal in logic and philosophy.
- Proposal (marriage)
- Proposal (research)
- Category: Proposals — all types
- The Proposal, alternative title of Chekhov's 1890 play A Marriage Proposal
- Proposals (play), 1997 play by Neil Simon
- One of three episodes from the television show Dynasty:
- "The Proposal" (Dynasty 1983)
- "The Proposal" (Dynasty 1985)
- "The Proposal" (Dynasty 1988)
- "The Proposal" (Frasier), 2002 episode from the ninth season of Frasier
- "The Proposal" (The O.C.), 2004 episode from The O.C. television show
- The Proposal (Animorphs), 1999 and 35th book in the Animorphs series by K.A. Applegate
- The Proposal (2001 film), starring Nick Moran, Jennifer Esposito, and Stephen Lang
- The Proposal (film), 2009 film starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds
- A short story in the 2014 Argentina anthology film Wild Tales
See also
- All pages beginning with "proposal"
- All pages beginning with "propose"
- All pages with titles containing "proposal"
- All pages with titles containing "propose"
- A Modest Proposal, 1729 essay by Jonathan Swift
- Delicious Proposal, 2001 Korean drama television series
- Government proposal (disambiguation)
- Immodest Proposals, 2001 collection of science-fiction stories by William Tenn
- Indecent Proposal, 1993 drama film
- Proposal 2 (disambiguation)
- Proposal Rock (disambiguation)
- Republican Proposal, Argentinian political party
- Straw man proposal, brainstorming technique
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English Journal
- Proposal on the usage of conversion factors for fatty acids in fish and shellfish.
- Nowak V1, Rittenschober D2, Exler J3, Charrondiere UR4.Author information 1FAO, Rome, ESN, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 1, 00153 Rome, Italy. Electronic address: verena.nowak@fao.org.2FAO, Rome, ESN, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 1, 00153 Rome, Italy. Electronic address: doris.rittenschober@fao.org.3USDA ARS Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Nutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville, United States. Electronic address: jacob.exler@ars.usda.gov.4FAO, Rome, ESN, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 1, 00153 Rome, Italy. Electronic address: ruth.charrondiere@fao.org.AbstractDifferent approaches for converting fatty acid (FA) data in fish and shellfish expressed as weight percent of total FA or of total lipid content (TL) to per 100g edible portion fresh weight (EP) are used. FAO/INFOODS studied on a dataset of 668 fish and shellfish firstly the impact on their FA and TL content per 100g EP using two fatty acid conversion factors, namely the factors published by Weihrauch et al. (XFAW) and Greenfield and Southgate (XFAGS), and secondly the usefulness of Sheppard factors (ShF), which convert fatty acid methyl esters to fatty acids. The data show that XFAW should be used as they are applicable to fish and shellfish and the resulting FA values are a continuous function of the TL content while applying a minimum TL value of 0.55g/100g EP even for lower TL values. This study showed that the use of ShF is not necessary for fish and shellfish as they do not influence fatty acid values significantly.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jun 15;153:457-63. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.006. Epub 2013 Nov 13.
- Different approaches for converting fatty acid (FA) data in fish and shellfish expressed as weight percent of total FA or of total lipid content (TL) to per 100g edible portion fresh weight (EP) are used. FAO/INFOODS studied on a dataset of 668 fish and shellfish firstly the impact on their FA and T
- PMID 24491754
- Inaccuracy of AOAC method 2009.01 with amyloglucosidase for measuring non-digestible oligosaccharides and proposal for an improvement of the method.
- Tanabe K1, Nakamura S2, Oku T3.Author information 1Graduate School of Human Health Science, University of Nagasaki Siebold, 1-1-1 Manabino, Nagayo, Nagasaki 851-2195, Japan. Electronic address: tanabek@sun.ac.jp.2Graduate School of Human Health Science, University of Nagasaki Siebold, 1-1-1 Manabino, Nagayo, Nagasaki 851-2195, Japan. Electronic address: nacsac@sun.ac.jp.3Graduate School of Human Health Science, University of Nagasaki Siebold, 1-1-1 Manabino, Nagayo, Nagasaki 851-2195, Japan. Electronic address: okutsune@sun.ac.jp.AbstractWe wished to clarify the inaccuracy of AOAC method 2009.01 for the measurement of non-digestible oligosaccharides and to propose an improved method using porcine intestinal enzymes. Amyloglucosidase used in AOAC method 2009.01 scarcely hydrolyses sucrose, palatinose and panose (which are readily digested by intestinal enzymes). Hence, oligosaccharides could not be measured accurately by AOAC method 2009.01. To confirm the inaccuracy of the method, we used porcine intestinal enzymes instead of amyloglucosidase. Using the improved method, fructooligosaccharide and galactooligosaccharide were measured accurately as non-digestible oligosaccharides, but sucrose, palatinose, panose and isomaltooligosaccharide were not. The improved method hydrolysed digestible oligosaccharides into monosaccharides. These results demonstrate that the inaccuracy of AOAC method 2009.01 for oligosaccharide measurement is due to incomplete hydrolysis by amyloglucosidase. We propose that amyloglucosidase should be replaced with porcine intestinal enzymes for such measurements.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 May 15;151:539-46. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.11.121. Epub 2013 Nov 27.
- We wished to clarify the inaccuracy of AOAC method 2009.01 for the measurement of non-digestible oligosaccharides and to propose an improved method using porcine intestinal enzymes. Amyloglucosidase used in AOAC method 2009.01 scarcely hydrolyses sucrose, palatinose and panose (which are readily dig
- PMID 24423568
- Exploratory time varying lagged regression: modeling association of cognitive and functional trajectories with expected clinic visits in older adults.
- Sentürk D1, Ghosh S2, Nguyen DV3.Author information 1Department of Biostatistics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.2Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Wayne State University School of Medicine, MI, USA ; Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State University School of Medicine, MI, USA.3Department of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA ; Institute for Clinical and Translation Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA.AbstractMotivated by a longitudinal study on factors affecting the frequency of clinic visits of older adults, an exploratory time varying lagged regression analysis is proposed to relate a longitudinal response to multiple cross-sectional and longitudinal predictors from time varying lags. Regression relations are allowed to vary with time through smooth varying coefficient functions. The main goal of the proposal is to detect deviations from a concurrent varying coefficient model potentially in a subset of the longitudinal predictors with nonzero estimated lags. The proposed methodology is geared towards irregular and infrequent data where different longitudinal variables may be observed at different frequencies, possibly at unsynchronized time points and contaminated with additive measurement error. Furthermore, to cope with the curse of dimensionality which limits related current modeling approaches, a sequential model building procedure is proposed to explore and select the time varying lags of the longitudinal predictors. The estimation procedure is based on estimation of the moments of the predictor and response trajectories by pooling information from all subjects. The finite sample properties of the proposed estimation algorithm are studied under various lag structures and correlation levels among the predictor processes in simulation studies. Application to the clinic visits data show the effect of cognitive and functional impairment scores from varying lags on the frequency of the clinic visits throughout the study.
- Computational statistics & data analysis.Comput Stat Data Anal.2014 May 1;73:1-15.
- Motivated by a longitudinal study on factors affecting the frequency of clinic visits of older adults, an exploratory time varying lagged regression analysis is proposed to relate a longitudinal response to multiple cross-sectional and longitudinal predictors from time varying lags. Regression relat
- PMID 24436504
- Imaging studies on dopamine transporter and depression: A review of literature and suggestions for future research.
- Camardese G1, Di Giuda D2, Di Nicola M3, Cocciolillo F2, Giordano A2, Janiri L3, Guglielmo R3.Author information 1Institute of Psychiatry, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, L.go A. Gemelli, 8, 00168 Rome, Italy. Electronic address: g.camardese@rm.unicatt.it.2Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, L.go A. Gemelli, 8, 00168 Rome, Italy.3Institute of Psychiatry, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, L.go A. Gemelli, 8, 00168 Rome, Italy.AbstractWe review the conflicting results from imaging studies of dopamine transporter availability in depressed patients and also discuss the heterogeneity of the variables involved. Major depression includes diverse clinical manifestations and in recent years there has been an increasing interest in the identification of homogeneous phenotypes and different clinical subtypes of depression, e.g. anhedonic depression, retarded depression, etc. In addition, the use of different radioligands and imaging techniques, diverse rating scales, together with the lack of control of clinical variables (clinical course, recent or past use of substances of abuse, etc.) make it difficult to clearly identify neuronal regions or networks with consistently abnormal structures or functions in major depressive disorder. It is probably necessary to build a shared approach between clinicians and researchers in order to identify standardized procedures to better understand the role of the dopamine transporter in depression. We outline a list of major issues and also suggest some standardized procedures in collecting clinical and imaging data on major depressed patients. Our aim is to delineate a possible "modus operandi" that would be a proposal for neuroreceptor studies on major depression.
- Journal of psychiatric research.J Psychiatr Res.2014 Apr;51C:7-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2013.12.006. Epub 2013 Dec 25.
- We review the conflicting results from imaging studies of dopamine transporter availability in depressed patients and also discuss the heterogeneity of the variables involved. Major depression includes diverse clinical manifestations and in recent years there has been an increasing interest in the i
- PMID 24433847
Japanese Journal
- 片岡 晃久,甲斐 博
- 情報処理学会研究報告. ソフトウェア工学研究会報告 2014-SE-185(17), 1-4, 2014-07-02
- 数式表現用の XML ボキャブラリである MathML には、Presentation Markup と Content Markup という 2 種類の記述形式が存在する.Content Markup では意味的な構造を表現することができるため,Content Markup に対する検索手法が多く提案されている.一方で Web 上では表記を表す Presentation Markup が有用であ …
- NAID 110009803956
- マルチレイヤ・バインディング・ルータによるサイバー攻撃対策の提案と,OpenFlowを用いた実装評価
- 小林 浩,八槇 博史,末廣 友貴,上野 洋一郎,佐野 香,佐々木 良一
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SPT, セキュリティ心理学とトラスト 2014-SPT-10(51), 1-8, 2014-06-26
- アドレス詐称パケットやサイバー攻撃パケットのインターネットへの流出/流入阻止を目的としたマルチレイヤ・バインディング・ルータ (MLBR) を提案する.これは,(1) ノードもしくはエンティティから接続要求があった時,その真正性を認証し,認証レベルに応じて提供する通信サービス品質 (QoS) を決定する,(2) 接続要求のあったポートまたはチャネルをキーに,ノードもしくはエンティティの IP アド …
- NAID 110009804738
- ブルームフイルタを用いた高速な検索可能暗号方式の提案
- 木村 俊介,稲葉 宏幸
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SPT, セキュリティ心理学とトラスト 2014-SPT-10(43), 1-6, 2014-06-26
- 近年,インターネット上に文書などのファイルを保存するいわゆるクラウドストレージサービスが普及している.これはインターネットを使用できる環境さえあればどこからでもアクセスできるという利点を持つ.しかしその反面,ローカルストレージよりもデータ漏えいの危険性が高くなってしまう.これを防ぐためにプライバシ保護技術が存在しており,その一つとして検索可能暗号の技術が存在する.検索可能暗号は文書などのデータを暗 …
- NAID 110009804730
- サブチャネルを用いた覗き見耐性を持つ認証方式の提案
- 荒谷 光,金井 敦
- 情報処理学会研究報告. SPT, セキュリティ心理学とトラスト 2014-SPT-10(21), 1-6, 2014-06-26
- スマートフォンやタブレット PC の急速な普及に伴い,個人情報の漏洩が社会問題となっている.しかしながら,画面が大きい為入力中に背後からの覗き見によって暗証番号を取得される危険や,画面が入力デバイスとなっている為手の動きや画面の汚れから暗証番号を読み取る推測攻撃の危険が従来の端末よりも高い.本研究では,本人以外でも認知出来る可能性のあるメインチヤネルと本人にのみ伝わるサブチャネルを用いる 2 チャ …
- NAID 110009804708
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- プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第4版) - /prpóuzl/[名]1 [U][C]申し込み;計画, 企画, (…の)案((for ...));(…しようという)提案, 提議, 計画((to do, that (should)節))give a proposal to ...|…に提案するmake [offer] a proposal ...
- proposalとは。意味や和訳。[名詞]1 提案,提議,発起;(…の)案,企画,計画(plan)((for ...,to do,that (should)節))make [or offer] a proposal提案するagree to a person's proposal人の申し出に応じるaccept [refuse] a proposal申し込みを ...
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- 関
- demonstrate、depict、display、exhibit、give、indicate、indicative、point out、present、proposal、propose、proposition、reflect、show、signify、suggestion
- api.phpをoffにしたらサジェスト機能が無効となる。
- api.phpの機能にdependしているためらしい。
- var wgMWSuggestTemplate = "http://meddic.jp/api.php?action=opensearch\x26search={searchTerms}\x26namespace={namespaces}\x26suggest";
- 提議、提案
- 暗示、示唆、ほのめかし。思いつかせること、思いつき、入れ知恵。連想。動機、誘因。(劣情)誘発。(心理)暗示。暗示された事物
- There may be an element of suggestion as in this case, with concern that she may have inherited a brain tumor from her mother.(この症例のように母から脳腫瘍を遺伝したという心配事を示唆する要素があるかも知れない)
- 関
- proposal、propose、proposition、suggest
- (論争などにおいてある意見を)主張する、推奨する、支持する、唱道する。(法廷で)弁護する
- 関
- advocacy, proposal, propose
- 関
- advocacy、advocate、proposal、proposition、suggest、suggestion
- 関
- advocate、proposal、propose