- offer as an excuse or plea; "She was pleading insanity"
- appeal or request earnestly; "I pleaded with him to stop"
- enter a plea, as in courts of law; "She pleaded not guilty"
- make an allegation in an action or other legal proceeding, especially answer the previous pleading of the other party by denying facts therein stated or by alleging new facts
- 申立て人;嘆願者 / 弁護人
- 嘆願する,懇願する / (訴訟で)(…を)弁護する《+『for』+『名』》;(…に)抗弁する,申し開きをする《+『against』+『名』》 / …‘を'言い訳(理由)として述べる / (訴訟)…‘を'弁護する,弁論する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/29 11:47:46」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A special pleader was a historical legal occupation. The practitioner, or "special pleader" in English law specialised in drafting "pleadings", in modern terminology statements of case.
Up to the 19th century, there were many rules, technicalities and difficulties in drafting pleadings and claims and defenses could be dismissed for trivial errors. Some practitioners made it their business to frame pleadings, rather than to appear in court or to write legal opinions, and were called special pleaders. They were not necessarily barristers, but might be licensed to practise under the bar. At one time it was usual to practise for a time as a special pleader before being called to the bar. The system had largely fallen into disuse as a speciality by the beginning of the 20th century,[1] although it continued to exist in India.
- [Anon.] (1911) "Pleading", Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Kershaw, M. (1997). "From beeching to Woolf". Liverpool Law Review 19 (1): 47–51. doi:10.1007/BF02810631. DOI 10.1007/BF02810631
English Journal
- Cry me a river: identifying the behavioral consequences of extremely high-stakes interpersonal deception.
- Ten Brinke L1, Porter S.
- Law and human behavior.Law Hum Behav.2012 Dec;36(6):469-77. doi: 10.1037/h0093929. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
- Deception evolved as a fundamental aspect of human social interaction. Numerous studies have examined behavioral cues to deception, but most have involved inconsequential lies and unmotivated liars in a laboratory context. We conducted the most comprehensive study to date of the behavioral consequen
- PMID 23205594
Japanese Journal
- "I Had Rather Had Eleven Die Nobly for their Country" : Coriolanus についての一研究
- 1860 年イギリス学校体罰死事件に関する報道と教育論評 : ホープリー事件裁判の教育史的再構成 (2)
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- pleaderとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 (特に法廷の)弁論者,抗弁者,申し立て人;弁護士.2 嘆願者;仲裁[調停]者. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- Definition of pleader in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is pleader? Meaning of pleader as a legal term. What does pleader mean in law? Printer Friendly Dictionary, Encyclopedia and ...
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