- 関
- postharvest
- ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horses trotting gait
- an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position; "he set a row of posts in the ground and strung barbwire between them"
- the delivery and collection of letters and packages; "it came by the first post"; "if you hurry youll catch the post"
- a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track); "a pair of posts marked the goal"; "the corner of the lot was indicated by a stake" (同)stake
- the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand; "a soldier manned the entrance post"; "a sentry station" (同)station
- mark or expose as infamous; "She was branded a loose woman" (同)brand
- transfer (entries) from one account book to another (同)carry
- place so as to be noticed; "post a sign"; "post a warning at the dump" (同)put_up
- affix in a public place or for public notice; "post a warning"
- assign to a post; put into a post; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu"
- display, as of records in sports games
- enter on a public list
- publicize with, or as if with, a poster; "Ill post the news on the bulletin board"
- remove from a culture or a living or dead body, as for the purposes of transplantation; "The Chinese are said to harvest organs from executed criminals"
- the consequence of an effort or activity; "they gathered a harvest of examples"; "a harvest of love"
- the season for gathering crops (同)harvest time
- the gathering of a ripened crop (同)harvesting, harvest_home
- United States manufacturer of breakfast cereals and Postum (1854-1914) (同)C. W. Post, Charles William Post
- United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (1872-1960) (同)Emily Post, Emily Price Post
- United States aviator who in 1933 made the first solo flight around the world (1899-1935) (同)Wiley Post
- (bookkeeping) a listing on the companys records; "the posting was made in the cash account"
- publicly announced; "the posted speed limit"
- 〈C〉(木・金属・石などの)『柱』,『支柱』,くい / 《the ~》(競馬の)出発標,決勝標 / 〈C〉《話》(ラグビーなどの)ゴールポスト(goalpost) / (柱・壁などに)〈掲示物〉‘を'『張る』,張り出す《+『名』〈掲示物〉+『on』+『名』》;(掲示物を)〈柱・壁など〉‘に'張る《+『名』+『with』+『名』〈掲示物〉》 / (掲示して)…‘を'公表する,公示する / 《通例受動態で》(…として)…‘を'掲示(発表)する《+『名』+『as』+『現分』(過分)》
- (兵士・警官・看護婦などの)『部署』,『持ち場』 / (軍隊の)駐屯(ちゅうとん)地,駐留地,兵営地 / (指名・任命された)『地位』,職 / (またtrading post)(未開地などの)交易所 / 〈兵士・警官・看護婦など〉‘を'配置する / 《通例受動態で》《おもに英》(…に)〈人〉‘を'任命する《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 〈U〉《おもに英》『郵便』[制度] / 《おもに英》《単数形で》(郵便物の1回の)『集配』,『配達』,便;(1回で集配・配達される)郵便物(《米》mail) / 《the ~》《おもに英》郵便局(post office);ポスト,郵便箱(《米》mailbox) / 〈C〉(昔,郵便物の中断所にした)駅,宿,宿場 / 《おもに英》〈郵便物〉‘を'郵便局に出す,ポストに入れる(《米》mail)《+『off』+『名』+『,』『名』+『off』》 / 《『post』+『名』〈間〉〈人〉+『名』〈直〉=『post』+『名』+『to』+『名』〈人〉》〈人〉‘に'〈手紙など〉‘を'郵便で送る(《米》mail)
- 〈C〉(穀物・果物などの)『収穫』,取り入れ / 〈C〉『収穫期』,取り入れの時期 / 〈C〉収穫物;収穫高(量) / 《a~,the~》(仕事などの)結果,報い / 〈作物〉‘を'取り入れる,〈畑〉‘の'作物を取り入れる / 〈結果など〉‘を'獲得する
- 《おもに英》(特に軍職に)任命すること
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English Journal
- Nutritional compositions and bioactivities of Dacryodes species: A review.
- Tee LH1, Yang B2, Nagendra KP3, Ramanan RN1, Sun J4, Chan ES1, Tey BT1, Azlan A5, Ismail A5, Lau CY6, Jiang Y2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Dec 15;165C:247-255. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.05.084. Epub 2014 May 23.
- Dacryodes species are evergreen, perennial trees with fleshy fruits and belong to the family Buseraseae. Many Dacryodes species are underutilized but are widely applied in traditional folk medicine to treat malaria, fever and skin diseases. The nutritional compositions, phytochemicals and biological
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- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Nov 15;163:51-60. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.04.077. Epub 2014 Apr 30.
- In the present study the possibility of enhancing phenolic compound contents in peaches and nectarines by post-harvest irradiation with UV-B was assessed. Fruits of 'Suncrest' and 'Babygold 7' peach and 'Big Top' nectarine cultivars were irradiated with UV-B for 12 h, 24 h and 36 h. Control fruits u
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Japanese Journal
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- 関
- post-harvest
- 英
- postharvest、post-harvest
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、behind、following、late、posterior、subsequent
- 関
- collect、collection、glean、harvesting、recover、recovery、retrieval、retrieve