- 関
- effuse、effusion、exudation、exude、imbibition、leach、leaching、percolation
- spread gradually; "Light percolated into our house in the morning"
- the product of percolation
- pass through; "Water permeates sand easily" (同)sink in, permeate, filter
- cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent
- prepare in a percolator; "percolate coffee"
- cause (a liquid) to leach or percolate
- the process of leaching (同)leaching
- permeate or penetrate gradually; "the fertilizer leached into the ground" (同)percolate
- remove substances from by a percolating liquid; "leach the soil" (同)strip
- the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium; "the percolation of rainwater through the soil"; "the infiltration of seawater through the lava" (同)infiltration
- the act of making coffee in a percolator
- the filtration of a liquid for extraction or purification
- make apparent by ones mood or behavior; "She exudes great confidence"
- release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores" (同)exudate, transude, ooze out, ooze
- flow under pressure
- an unrestrained expression of emotion (同)gush, outburst, blowup, ebullition
- pour out; "effused brine" (同)pour_out
- give out or emit (also metaphorically); "The room effuses happiness"
- (…を通して)〈液体〉‘を'ろ過する,こす《+『名』+『through』+『名』》 / (液体が)…‘に'しみ込む / (また《話》『perk』)〈コーヒー〉‘を'パーコレーターで入れる / (…を通って)にじみ出る,しみ出る《+『through』+『名』》 / 《話》元気になる / (また)《話》『perk』)〈コーヒーが〉パーコレーターでろ過される
- 〈水など〉‘を'こす,ろ過する / (灰・土・鉱石などから)〈可溶成分〉‘を'こして取る《+『out』+『名』(+『名』+『out』)+『from』+『名』》
- ろ過,浸透;伝播(でんば),普及
- 〈汗など〉‘を'にじみ出させる;〈気分など〉‘を'発散する / 〈液体・気分などが〉にじみ出る
- 〈U〉流出,噴出;〈C〉流出物(量) / 〈C〉(感情・言葉などの,通例過剰な)吐露,ほとばしり
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- All 8 Circulate
- 1/2 All 8 Circulate
- Centers:Hinge and Cross,Ends:Anyhand Turn thru
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In coffee percolation, soluble compounds leave the coffee grounds and join the water to form coffee. Insoluble compounds remain within the coffee filter.
In physics, chemistry and materials science, percolation (from Lat. percōlāre, to filter or trickle through) refers to the movement and filtering of fluids through porous materials.
- 1 Background
- 2 Examples
- 3 See also
- 4 References
- 5 Further reading
- 6 External links
During the last five decades, percolation theory, an extensive mathematical model of percolation, has brought new understanding and techniques to a broad range of topics in physics, materials science, complex networks, epidemiology, and other fields . For example, in geology, percolation refers to filtration of water through soil and permeable rocks. The water flows to groundwater storage (aquifers)
Percolation typically exhibits universality. Statistical physics concepts such as scaling theory, renormalization, phase transition, critical phenomena and fractals are used to characterize percolation properties. Combinatorics is commonly employed to study percolation thresholds.
Due to the complexity involved in obtaining exact results from analytical models of percolation, computer simulations are typically used. The current fastest algorithm for percolation was published in 2000 by Mark Newman and Robert Ziff.[1]
- Coffee percolation, where the solvent is water, the permeable substance is the coffee grounds, and the soluble constituents are the chemical compounds that give coffee its color, taste, and aroma
- Movement of weathered material down on a slope under the earth's surface
- Cracking of trees with the presence of two conditions, sunlight and under the influence of pressure
- Robustness of networks to random and targeted attacks
- Transport in porous media
- Epidemic spreading
- Surface roughening
See also
- Branched polymer
- Conductance
- Critical exponents
- Fragmentation
- Gelation
- Groundwater recharge
- Immunization
- Percolation critical exponents
- Polymerization
- Self-organization
- Self-organized criticality
- Septic tank
- Supercooled water
- Water pipe percolator
- ^ Newman, Mark; Ziff, Robert (2000). "Efficient Monte Carlo Algorithm and High-Precision Results for Percolation". Physical Review Letters (American Physical Society) 85 (19): 4104–4107. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.4104. PMID 11056635. Retrieved 19 November 2013.
Further reading
- Harry Kesten, What is percolation? Notices of the AMS, May 2006.
- Muhammad Sahimi. Applications of Percolation Theory. Taylor & Francis, 1994. ISBN 0-7484-0075-3 (cloth), ISBN 0-7484-0076-1 (paper)
- Geoffrey Grimmett. Percolation (2. ed). Springer Verlag, 1999.
- D.Stauffer and A.Aharony. Introduction to Percolation Theory
- A. Bunde, S. Havlin (Editors) Fractals and Disordered Systems, Springer, 1996
- S. Kirkpatrick Percolation and conduction Rev. Mod. Phys. 45, 574, 1973
- D. Ben-Avraham, S. Havlin Diffusion and Reactions in Fractals and Disordered Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2000
External links
- Introduction to Percolation Theory: short course by Shlomo Havlin
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- 関
- decoction、effuse、exudate、exudation、exude、imbibition、leach、leachate、leaching、oozing、percolate、percolation
- 関
- effuse、effusion、exudation、exude、filter、filtrate、filtration、imbibition、leaching、percolate、percolation
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- effuse、effusion、exudation、exude、leach、leaching、percolate、percolation、water absorption、water-absorbable
- 関
- effuse、effusion、exudation、imbibition、leach、leaching、oozing、percolate、percolation
- 関
- effuse、effusion、exudation、exude、imbibition、leach、leaching、percolate