- used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement; "no, you are wrong"
- a negative; "his no was loud and clear"
- referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present; "he was no heavier than a child" (同)no more
- not in any degree or manner; not at all; "he is no better today"
- quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of; "we have no bananas"; "no eggs left and no money to buy any"; "have you no decency?"; "did it with no help"; "Ill get you there in no time"
- sway gently back and forth, as in a nodding motion; "the flowers were nodding in the breeze"
- be almost asleep; "The old man sat nodding by the fireplace"
- let the head fall forward through drowsiness; "The old man was nodding in his chair"
- the act of nodding the head
- a sign of assent or salutation or command
- express or signify by nodding; "He nodded his approval"
- lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation; "The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer"
- any thickened enlargement (同)knob, thickening
- (botany) the small swelling that is the part of a plant stem from which one or more leaves emerge (同)leaf node
- a connecting point at which several lines come together
- (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network (同)client, guest
- (astronomy) a point where an orbit crosses a plane
- (physics) the point of minimum displacement in a periodic system
- any bulge or swelling of an anatomical structure or part
- of or relating to the chest or thorax; "pectoral organ" (同)thoracic
- an adornment worn on the chest or breast (同)pectoral medallion
- either of two large muscles of the chest (同)pectoral_muscle, pectoralis, musculus pectoralis, pecs
- 《名詞の前に置いて》『一つも』(『一人も,少しも』)・・・『ない』 / 《補語につけて》『決して・・・でない』 / 《省略文で》・・・なし;・・・お断り / 《話》少ししか(あまり)・・・ない / (肯定の問いに対して)『いいえ』;(否定の問いに対して)はい,ええ / 《not, norの前に挿入して》『いや』,否 / 《形容詞の前に置その形容詞を否定して》…どころではない / 《比較級の前に置いて》ちっとも…でない,…と全く同じ / 《… or no の形で》…であってもなくても / 《驚き・困惑・不信などを表して》とんでもない / 《単数形で》『拒否』,「『いいえ』」という返事 / 《複数形で》反対[投]票
- (承諾・あいさつ・合図などで)『うなずく』,会釈する / (眠くて)『こっくりする』,(油断して)うとうとする《+off》 / 〈草木・穂などが〉揺れる / (承諾・あいさつなどで)〈頭〉‘を'『うなずかせる』 / …‘を'うなずいて示す / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘に'うなずいて示す / 《同意・承諾・あいさつ・命令など,また時には拒絶を表して》(…に対する)『うなずき』,『会釈』《+『to』+『名』》;(眠気による)こっくり
- (茎・幹の)節(ふし) / (体組織にできた)結節,こぶ(リンパ瘤(りゅう)など) / (天体の軌道の)交点 / (物事の)中心点
- 胸の,胸部の / 胸部
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English Journal
- Pectoral nerve blocks are useful for axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy in malignant tumors on the upper extremities.
- Yokota K1, Matsumoto T1, Murakami Y1, Akiyama M1.
- International journal of dermatology.Int J Dermatol.2017 Mar;56(3):e64-e65. doi: 10.1111/ijd.13520. Epub 2017 Jan 13.
- PMID 28083907
- Transcatheter leadless cardiac pacing: The new alternative solution.
- Da Costa A1, Axiotis A2, Romeyer-Bouchard C2, Abdellaoui L2, Afif Z2, Guichard JB2, Gerbay A2, Isaaz K2.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2017 Jan 15;227:122-126. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.11.196. Epub 2016 Nov 9.
- PMID 27855290
- Unusual communications of the brachial plexus.
- Tigga SR1, Wadhwa S2, Goswami P2.
- International journal of applied & basic medical research.Int J Appl Basic Med Res.2016 Jan-Mar;6(1):68-70. doi: 10.4103/2229-516X.174021.
- PMID 26958529
Japanese Journal
- 直腸癌周囲に認めた進行再発乳癌腹膜播種と直腸癌の衝突癌の1例
- 脾摘を先行し術前化学療法を行った肝硬変を有する炎症性乳癌の1例
- 術前化学療法でpCRを得た扁平上皮化生トリプルネガティブ乳癌の1例
Related Links
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- 同
- 胸筋リンパ節 pectoral node pectoral lymph node
- 関
- 胸筋間腋窩リンパ節 interpectoral nodes, interpectoral lymph nodes、腋窩リンパ節 axillary lymph node axillary node
- 英
- pectoral node, pectoral lymph node
- 関
- clause、ganglia、ganglion、ganglionic、knot、lymph node、nodal、nodose、nodulate、section、tubercle、tubercular、tuberosity
- 関
- breast、chest、pectoral muscle、pectoralis、pectoralis muscle、thoracic