- a continuous tube formed by a row of elongated cells lacking intervening end walls
- an enclosed conduit for a fluid
- a bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance; "the tear duct was obstructed"; "the alimentary canal"; "poison is released through a channel in the snakes fangs" (同)epithelial duct, canal, channel
- the physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction (同)blockage
- any structure that makes progress difficult (同)obstructor, obstructer, impediment, impedimenta
- getting in someones way
- the act of obstructing; "obstruction of justice"
- of or involving the pancreas; "pancreatic cancer"
- 送水管;(建物・船などの)通気管;(地下ケーブルなどの)ダクト / (体液を運ぶ)導管,(植物が水・空気を運ぶ)導管
- 〈U〉(…への)妨害,障害《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…への)妨害物,障害物《+『to』+『名』》
- 膵臓の
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English Journal
- Efficacy of endoscopic ultrasonography and endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration for the diagnosis and grading of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
- Fujimori N1,2, Osoegawa T1, Lee L1, Tachibana Y1, Aso A1, Kubo H1, Kawabe K1,2, Igarashi H1, Nakamura K1, Oda Y3, Ito T1.
- Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.Scand J Gastroenterol.2016 Feb;51(2):245-52. doi: 10.3109/00365521.2015.1083050. Epub 2015 Sep 11.
- BACKGROUND AND AIM: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) are histologically categorized according to the WHO 2010 classification by their mitotic index or Ki-67 index as G1, G2, or G3. The present study examined the efficacy of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and EUS-guided fine-needle aspirati
- PMID 26513346
- Primary Pancreatic Malignant Lymphoma Diagnosed from Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided Fine-needle Aspiration Findings.
- Fukuba N1, Moriyama I, Ishihara S, Sonoyama H, Yamashita N, Tada Y, Oka A, Oshima N, Yuki T, Kawashima K, Kinoshita Y.
- Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan).Intern Med.2016;55(1):31-5. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.55.5749. Epub 2016 Jan 1.
- A 60-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with upper abdominal pain and jaundice. Computed tomography showed a 9-cm mass that was penetrated by the common hepatic artery in the pancreatic head area. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography revealed no stenosis or obstruction of the main pancreat
- PMID 26726082
- Laparoscopic Longitudinal Pancreaticojejunostomy Using Barbed Sutures: an Efficient and Secure Solution for Pancreatic Duct Obstructions in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis.
- Kim EY1, Hong TH2.
- Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract.J Gastrointest Surg.2015 Dec 21. [Epub ahead of print]
- We describe our laparoscopic longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy (LPJ) technique using barbed sutures to manage a pancreatic duct obstruction. We performed laparoscopic longitudinal anterior pancreaticojejunostomy using barbed sutures (3-0 absorbable wound closure device, V-Loc™, Covidien, Minneap
- PMID 26691145
Japanese Journal
- 十二指腸前門脈の合併による総胆管拡張を示したプルーンベリー症候群の1例
- 小幡 聡,木下 義晶,川久保 尚徳,代居 良太,東 真弓,田口 智章
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 48(6), 926-930, 2012-10-20
- プルーンベリー症候群(PBS)に合併した肝胆道系の異常の報告は稀であり,十二指腸前門脈(PDPV)を合併した症例の報告は今までない.症例は7か月男児.腹壁筋低形成,巨大膀胱,両側停留精巣を呈するPBSに高位鎖肛(直腸膀胱瘻)を合併し,新生児期に人工肛門造設術を行った.1か月頃から上部消化管通過障害,白色便および肝機能障害を伴う胆道拡張がみられ胆道拡張症が疑われた.7か月時に手術を行ったところ,術中 …
- NAID 110009544279
- 中村 典明,入江 工,田中 真二,寺本 研一,有井 滋樹
- 日本消化器病學會雜誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology 109(10), 1799-1806, 2012-10-05
- 75歳男性.皮膚黄染を主訴に近医受診.胆道造影にて胆管内腫瘤と大量の粘液による閉塞性黄疸と診断し,減黄処置を施行.画像上,胆管内腫瘤は膵頭部腫瘤が胆管へ穿通したものであり,MRI上T2強調で淡い高信号であった.膵粘液癌を疑い膵頭十二指腸切除を施行した.病理診断にてIPMN由来の粘液癌ではなく通常型浸潤性膵管癌の一亜型である膵粘液癌と診断した.胆管に穿破し閉塞性黄疸をきたした膵粘液癌は極めてまれであ …
- NAID 10031122146
- 内腔上皮が胆管または膵管上皮と疑われた新生児消化管重複症の1例
- 柳澤 智彦,前田 貢作,田附 裕子 [他],馬場 勝尚,中神 智和,辻 由貴,久保田 仁守,松原 大祐
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 48(1), 63-67, 2012-02-20
- 症例は日齢0の男児.在胎20週の胎児超音波検査で腹腔内嚢胞を指摘された.出生後施行した腹部エコーで左下腹部に6.6×5.1×6.2cmの嚢胞性病変を認めた.嚢胞壁内縁にechogenic inner rim signを認め腸管重複症と診断した.嚢胞性病変の口側腸管が拡張しており小腸閉鎖の併発が疑われ,翌日,緊急手術を施行した.嚢胞性病変はトライツ靭帯より20cmの空腸腸間膜側にあり正常空腸と隣接し …
- NAID 110009438972
Related Links
- Definition of pancreatic duct obstruction in the Medical Dictionary. pancreatic duct obstruction explanation. Information about pancreatic duct obstruction in Free online English dictionary. What is pancreatic duct obstruction ...
- Translations of pancreatic duct obstruction. pancreatic duct obstruction synonyms, pancreatic duct obstruction antonyms. Information about pancreatic duct obstruction in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- pancreatic duct obstruction
- 妨害、障害、支障、差し障り。妨害物、
- 閉塞、閉塞症。
- 関
- blockage、deterrent、obliteration、occlude、occlusion、stasis
- 関
- canal、conduit、ductal、ductus、meatus、pipe、tubal、tube、vas、vessel
- 関
- pancreas、pancreata
- 関
- duct of Santorini、main pancreatic duct