- depart and not take along; "He left behind all his possessions when he moved to Europe"
- have left or have as a remainder; "That left the four of us"; "19 minus 8 leaves 11"
- leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking; "leave it as is"; "leave the young fawn alone"; "leave the flowers that you see in the park behind" (同)leave alone, leave_behind
- be survived by after ones death; "He left six children"; "At her death, she left behind her husband and 11 cats" (同)leave_behind
- the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty; "a ten days leave to visit his mother" (同)leave_of_absence
- permission to do something; "she was granted leave to speak"
- make a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remain; "This leaves no room for improvement"; "The evidence allows only one conclusion"; "allow for mistakes"; "leave lots of time for the trip"; "This procedure provides for lots of leeway" (同)allow for, allow, provide
- remove oneself from an association with or participation in; "She wants to leave"; "The teenager left home"; "She left her position with the Red Cross"; "He left the Senate after two terms"; "after 20 years with the same company, she pulled up stakes" (同)depart, pull up stakes
- go away from a place; "At what time does your train leave?"; "She didnt leave until midnight"; "The ship leaves at midnight" (同)go forth, go away
- have as a result or residue; "The water left a mark on the silk dress"; "Her blood left a stain on the napkin" (同)result, lead
- act or be so as to become in a specified state; "The inflation left them penniless"; "The presidents remarks left us speechless"
- go and leave behind, either intentionally or by neglect or forgetfulness; "She left a mess when she moved out"; "His good luck finally left him"; "her husband left her after 20 years of marriage"; "she wept thinking she had been left behind"
- remaining in a place or condition that has been left or departed from; "when he died he left much unfinished work behind"; "left a large family behind"; "the children left their books behind"; "he took off with a squeal of tires and left the other cars far behind"
- in debt; "he fell behind with his mortgage payments"; "a month behind in the rent"; "a company that has been run behindhand for years"; "in arrears with their utility bills" (同)behindhand, in arrears
- of timepieces; "the clock is almost an hour slow"; "my watch is running behind" (同)slow
- having the lower score or lagging position in a contest; "behind by two points"; "the 8th inning found the home team trailing"
- in or into an inferior position; "fell behind in his studies"; "their business was lagging behind in the competition for customers"
- in or to or toward the rear; "he followed behind"; "seen from behind, the house is more imposing than it is from the front"; "the final runners were far behind"
- a unit of length of thread or yarn
- (…に向かって)〈場所〉‘を'『去る』,離れる;〈人〉‘の'所を去る《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 〈会・学校など〉‘を'『やめる』,〈仕事など〉‘を'やめる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人・物〉‘を'置いていく,置き去りにする,残しておく / 〈人・物〉‘を'(…の)『ままにしておく』,(…に)する / (物事に)〈人〉‘を'『ゆだねる』,任せる《+『名』〈人〉+『to』+『名』》 / (人に)〈物事〉‘を'『任せる』,ゆだねる,預ける《+『名』+『with』(『to』))+『名』〈人〉》 / 〈家族・遺産・名声など〉‘を'死後に残す / (差引き)…‘を'余りとして残す / (…に向けて)『去る』,出かける,出発する《+『for』+『名』》
- 〈U〉『許可』,許し(permission) / 〈U〉(軍隊・官庁・学校などで正式に許可される)『休暇』,暇;〈C〉休暇の期間 / 〈U〉別れ,いとまごい(farewell)
- 《場所・位置》…『の後ろに』,『の陰に』[隠れて] / 《比喩的に》…の陰に隠されて,の裏に(at the back of) / …を支持して,…に味方して / 《leave,remain,stayなどの動詞と共に用いて》…『の後に』,が去った後に / (定められた時刻)『に遅れて』;(知識・仕事・進歩などが)遅れて / 過ぎ去って,過去に / 《場所・位置》『後ろに』,陰に[隠れて] / 《leave,remain,stayなどの動詞と共に用いて》『後に』 / (定められた時刻に)『遅れて』;(知識・仕事・進歩などが)遅れて / (人の)しり
- leafの複数形
- 草原,牧草地(meadow)
- 「…枚の葉のある」「…枚の」の意を表す
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English Journal
- Surgery Casualties: Do Not Leave Hearts Behind Enemy Lines.
- Clerico A, Passino C, Emdin M.SourceScuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy; Fondazione G. Monasterio CNR-Regione, Toscana, Pisa, Italy.
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology.J Am Coll Cardiol.2013 Sep 25. pii: S0735-1097(13)05347-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2013.09.015. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 24076286
- Expanding the Boolean Logic of the Prokaryotic Transcription Factor XylR by Functionalization of Permissive Sites with a Protease-Target Sequence.
- Calles B, Lorenzo VD.SourceSystems Biology Program, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología-CSIC , Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain.
- ACS synthetic biology.ACS Synth Biol.2013 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- The σ 54 -dependent prokaryotic regulator XylR implements a one-input/one-output actuator that transduces the presence of the aromatic effector m-xylene into transcriptional activation of the cognate promoter Pu. Such a signal conversion involves the effector-mediated release of the intramolecular
- PMID 23875967
- [Robotics-assisted laparoscopic colorectal resection].
- Mann B, Virakas G, Blase M, Soenmez M.SourceKlinik für Viszeralchirurgie, Augusta Kranken Anstalt, Bergstr. 26, 44791, Bochum, Deutschland, mann@augusta-bochum.de.
- Der Chirurg; Zeitschrift für alle Gebiete der operativen Medizen.Chirurg.2013 Aug;84(8):665-72. doi: 10.1007/s00104-013-2498-8.
- The value of laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer is still controversially discussed. Robotics offers the opportunity to leave the limitations of conventional laparoscopy behind us. The three-dimensional visualization and the superior dexterity by wristed instruments should be particularly helpful
- PMID 23942962
Japanese Journal
- Sickness absence among young employees: trends from 2002 to 2013
- Hilla Sumanen,Olli Pietiläinen,Jouni Lahti,Eero Lahelma,Ossi Rahkonen
- Journal of Occupational Health advpub(0), 2015
- … More evidence on factors behind the changing trends is needed in order to reduce SA and extend the working careers of young people. …
- NAID 130005090438
- Future Parameter Explains Job Satisfaction and Turnover Candidates in Japanese Companies
- Annals of Business Administrative Science 13(3), 129-140, 2014
- … This paper attempts to directly validate this, focusing on organization members decision to participate, that is, whether organization members continue to participate in the organization or leave the organization, and to clarify the underlying reasons behind the decision to participate from the viewpoint of the future parameter. …
- NAID 130004567993
- 化学修飾プライマーを使ったPCRモニタリングシステム
- 武井 史恵
- 日本女性科学者の会学術誌 14(1), 1-9, 2014
- ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)は酵素によりDNAを増幅する方法であり、バイオテクノロジーの分野で幅広く使われている。PCR法は極めて微量なDNAをテンプレートとして、特定の領域を温度コントロールだけで指数関数的に増幅する。単にDNAを増やすだけでなく遺伝子の配列解析にも使用される。この総説ではPCRで使われるDNA断片(プライマー)に着目し、目的に合わせた様々な修飾プライマーを使ったPCRについて …
- NAID 130003397219
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- leave ... behindとは。意味や和訳。(1) ⇒(他)7(2) ⇒(他)8(3) 〈人・考え・態度などを〉 捨てる, やめる.(4) …を追い越す, 引き離す.(5) 〈出来事などが記録・痕跡(こんせき)を〉 とどめる, 残す. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる ...
- 2011年5月17日 ... まず”leave behind”を辞書で調べると「1… ... と定義付けされており,例文に”I think I might have left my wallet behind. ... 2 if a person, country, or organization is left behind, they do not develop as quickly or make as much progress ...
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- (p.,pp.)left
- (場所を)去る、出る、出発する。通り過ぎる
- (業務など)よす、脱会する、退会する。~の週間をやめる、断つ。(~するのを)やめる(=cease)(doing)。(学校を)卒業する。(雇い主)から暇を取る
- 置いていく。(郵便集配人が)配達する。置き忘れる。取り残す、置き去りにする。捨てる、見捨てる。
- 残す
- (妻子・財産などを)残して死ぬ
- (~の状態に)しておく、放置する。(~に)する。
- He see an incident in which a spectator is left unconscous.
- 関
- detach、left、placement、spare
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、following、late、post、posterior、subsequent
- 関
- blade、foliage、foliar、leaf、lobe、lobus、plant leaf、plant leaves