- go away or leave (同)take leave, quit
- leave; "The family took off for Florida" (同)part, start, start out, set_forth, set_off, set out, take_off
- the act of departing (同)going, going away, leaving
- of or relating to a department; "departmental policy"
- 《文》(…から)(遠くへ)『立ち走る』,出発する《+『from』+『名』》 / (通常のことから)『はずれる』,変わる《+『from』+『名』》
- (…から)(遠くへ)『立ち去ること』,『出発』《+『from』+『名』》 / (通常のことから)『はずれること』,逸脱《+『from』+『名』》 / (方針・考えなどの)新機軸,新方針
- 部門[別]の;各部(局,省)の
- …‘を'専門分野別に分ける
- 今はない,過ぎし / 故人;《集合的に》死者たち
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English Journal
- Fingerprints of Learned Object Recognition Seen in the fMRI Activation Patterns of Lateral Occipital Complex.
- Roth ZN1, Zohary E1.
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991).Cereb Cortex.2015 Sep;25(9):2427-39. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhu042. Epub 2014 Mar 31.
- One feature of visual processing in the ventral stream is that cortical responses gradually depart from the physical aspects of the visual stimulus and become correlated with perceptual experience. Thus, unlike early retinotopic areas, the responses in the object-related lateral occipital complex (L
- PMID 24692511
- MicroRNA-Responsive Cancer Cell Imaging and Therapy with Functionalized Gold Nanoprobe.
- Liu J1, Zhang L1, Lei J1, Ju H1.
- ACS applied materials & interfaces.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.2015 Aug 21. [Epub ahead of print]
- Integration of cancer cell imaging and therapy is critical to enhance the theranostic efficacy and prevent under- or overtreatment. Here, a multifunctional gold nanoprobe is designed for simultaneous miRNA-responsive fluorescence imaging and therapeutic monitoring of cancer. By assembling with folic
- PMID 26271820
- Contribution of neutral processes to the assembly of gut microbial communities in the zebrafish over host development.
- Burns AR1, Zac Stephens W2, Stagaman K1, Wong S3,4, Rawls JF3, Guillemin K5, Bohannan BJ1.
- The ISME journal.ISME J.2015 Aug 21. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2015.142. [Epub ahead of print]
- Despite their importance to host health and development, the communities of microorganisms associated with humans and other animals are characterized by a large degree of unexplained variation across individual hosts. The processes that drive such inter-individual variation are not well understood.
- PMID 26296066
- Polymer Multilayers that Promote the Rapid Release and Contact Transfer of DNA.
- Yu Y, Si Y, Bechler SL, Liu B, Lynn DM.
- Biomacromolecules.Biomacromolecules.2015 Aug 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- We report a layer-by-layer approach to the fabrication of thin polymer-based multilayers that release DNA rapidly in physiologically relevant environments. This approach exploits the properties of a weak anionic polyelectrolyte [poly(acrylic acid); PAA] to disrupt ionic interactions and promote disa
- PMID 26285737
Japanese Journal
- 近代の沖縄県とバスク地方におけるアメリカ合衆国本土への移民の特性 : 国頭郡羽地村とビスカイア県ムヒカの比較を通じて (特集 文化共有集団による越境的ネットワークの国際比較研究 : ウチナーンチュとバスク人をめぐって)
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- aberration、deviate、deviation、diverge、escape、prolapse
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- ambulatory、exogenous、non-native、outpatient