- 関
- creeping、insidious
- in a harmfully insidious manner; "these drugs act insidiously" (同)perniciously
- intended to entrap
- working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way; "glaucoma is an insidious disease"; "a subtle poison" (同)pernicious, subtle
- beguiling but harmful; "insidious pleasures"
- (つるのように)はう / のろのろ動く / ぞっとする
- 人をだます,陰険な / (病気など)潜行性の
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English Journal
- Prodromal posterior cortical atrophy: clinical, neuropsychological, and radiological correlation.
- Chan LT1, Lynch W, De May M, Horton JC, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD.
- Neurocase.Neurocase.2015 Feb;21(1):44-55. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2013.860176. Epub 2013 Dec 5.
- We present longitudinal clinical, cognitive, and neuroimaging data from a 63-year-old woman who enrolled in research as a normal control and evolved posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) over 5 year follow-up. At baseline she reported only subtle difficulty driving and performed normally on cognitive te
- PMID 24308559
- New insights in antibody-mediated rejection.
- Gosset C1, Lefaucheur C, Glotz D.
- Current opinion in nephrology and hypertension.Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens.2014 Nov;23(6):597-604. doi: 10.1097/MNH.0000000000000069.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In the present review, we aim to describe the state of knowledge concerning antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) spectrum and diagnosis criteria before analyzing the present and future promising leads regarding ABMR prognosis markers and treatment.RECENT FINDINGS: Recent studies reg
- PMID 25211610
- Chitosan aerosol inhalation alleviates lipopolysaccharide- induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats.
- Zhou LL1, He XY, Xu FY, Du BX, Zou Z, Shi XY.
- Experimental lung research.Exp Lung Res.2014 Nov;40(9):467-73. doi: 10.3109/01902148.2014.948231.
- ABSTRACT Purpose: Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) is an insidiously progressive scarring disorder of the alveoli and is associated with high mortality. Currently, therapies available are associated with restricted efficacy and side effects. This study aimed to investigate the effect of chitosan aerosol inha
- PMID 25322333
Japanese Journal
- 升科,Shengko, Shengkoing : 上海フランス租界における黄浦江沿岸埋立地の取得問題
- Arm levitationで発症したCreutzfeldt-Jakob病の1例
- Hypopituitarism Possibly due to Lymphocytic Hypophysitis in a Patient with Type 1 Diabetes
Related Links
- insidiously definition: adjective 1. characterized by treachery or slyness; crafty; wily 2. operating in a slow or not easily apparent manner; more dangerous than seems evident: an insidious diseaseOrigin: Classical Latin Login Menu ...
- Synonyms for insidiously at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. ... Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonym’s ...
Related Pictures

- ラ
- lichen planus
- 同
- 扁平紅色苔癬 lichen ruber planus、紅色苔癬 lichen ruber
- 関
- 角化症
- 頂上に白色の角質(鱗屑)をつけた多角形の、境界明瞭な灰青色から紫紅色調の扁平隆起性紅斑または丘疹を特徴とする、角化異常を示す皮膚疾患
- 四肢屈側や口腔に扁平で隆起した灰青色~紫紅色の局面を形成
- 潜在性に進行する(insidiously)。体部のどこ病変がでもみられる。口腔粘膜の病変は30-70%の症例でみられる。粘膜病変は有痛性であり、潰瘍化する。ベーターブロッカー、メチルドパ、ペニシラミン、キニジン、NSAID、ACE阻害薬、SU薬、カルバマゼピン、金製剤、リチウム、キニンが本疾患と関連している。(参考1)
- 薬剤、化学物質、金属アレルギーでも起こりうる(NDE.251)。
- 慢性GVHD:ドナーのT細胞による宿主表皮基底層に対する障害による。
- 皮膚、爪、粘膜(口腔粘膜)、外陰、陰茎に皮疹が出現する。皮膚には扁平で隆起した灰青色~紫色の局面を形成 (NDE.250)
- 時に掻痒感 (NDE.251)
- びらん、潰瘍を形成すれば疼痛 (参考1)
- 薬剤性の場合は原因薬剤の中止。
- ステロイド軟膏、タクロリムス軟膏
- 1. [charged] Lichen planus - uptodate [1]
- 2. Lichen Planus | Health | Patient UK
- http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Lichen-Planus.htm
- 関
- insidious、insidiously
- 英
- insidious、creeping、insidiously
- 関
- 線状、匍匐
- 関
- creeping、insidiously