- a part of a broadcast serial (同)installment, instalment
- a brief section of a literary or dramatic work that forms part of a connected series
- a happening that is distinctive in a series of related events
- of or relating to hypoglycemia; "hypoglycemic agents" (同)hypoglycaemic
- 挿話的なでき事(人生の特殊な経験など) / (小説・劇などの中の本筋と直接関係のない)挿話的な事件
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- 1. 成人の糖尿病患者に生じる低血糖hypoglycemia in adults with diabetes mellitus [show details]
…the patient whether the benefits of improved blood glucose control are worth the number of hypoglycemic episodes that are occurring. For a person treated with insulin, a sulfonylurea, or a meglitinide …
- 2. 糖尿病でない成人に生じる低血糖:臨床症状、診断、原因hypoglycemia in adults without diabetes mellitus clinical manifestations diagnosis and causes [show details]
…clinically compelling evidence of an underlying hypoglycemic disorder. The character of the hypoglycemia symptoms is usually consistent from episode to episode, they may occur in the fasting or postprandial …
- 3. 2型糖尿病治療に用いるナトリウム-グルコース共輸送体2(SGLT2)阻害薬sodium glucose co transporter 2 inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus [show details]
… Dapagliflozin reduced weight (-0.92 to -1.61 versus +0.43 kg with placebo). The rate of hypoglycemic episodes was higher in the dapagliflozin group (56.6 versus 51.8 percent). In a 52-week, double-blind …
- 4. 血友病A・血友病B:予防を含めた日常的なマネージメントhemophilia a and b routine management including prophylaxis [show details]
…more than one bleeding episode should receive secondary prophylaxis, whereas those with moderate or mild disease (factor activity 5 to 40 percent) and more than one bleeding episode may be able to use intermittent …
- 5. 糖尿病でない成人における低血糖症:診断的アプローチhypoglycemia in adults without diabetes mellitus diagnostic approach [show details]
…end of the 72-hour fast is the same as that performed during the occurrence of a spontaneous hypoglycemic episode or during a postprandial evaluation (mixed-meal test) . These data will help distinguish …
English Journal
- Glucose Control in Severely Burned Patients Using Metformin: An Interim Safety and Efficacy Analysis of a Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Jeschke MG1, Abdullahi A, Burnett M, Rehou S, Stanojcic M.
- Annals of surgery.Ann Surg.2016 Sep;264(3):518-27. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001845.
- OBJECTIVE: To determine whether metformin can achieve glucose control no worse than insulin (noninferiority) without the danger of hypoglycemia (superiority). In addition, to assess whether metformin has any additional effects on lipolysis and inflammation that will enhance burn recovery (superiorit
- PMID 27355267
- Postoperative Hypoglycemia Is Associated With Worse Outcomes After Cardiac Operations.
- Johnston LE1, Kirby JL2, Downs EA1, LaPar DJ1, Ghanta RK1, Ailawadi G1, Kozower BD1, Kron IL1, McCall AL2, Isbell JM3; Virginia Interdisciplinary Cardiothoracic Outcomes Research (VICTOR) Center.
- The Annals of thoracic surgery.Ann Thorac Surg.2016 Aug 25. pii: S0003-4975(16)30722-6. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.05.121. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Hypoglycemia is a known risk of intensive postoperative glucose control in patients undergoing cardiac operations. However, neither the consequences of hypoglycemia relative to hyperglycemia, nor the possible interaction effects, have been well described. We examined the effects of pos
- PMID 27570164
- Prevalence and Prognosis of Hypoglycemia in Patients Receiving Maintenance Dialysis.
- Cho A1, Noh JW1, Kim JK1, Yoon JW1, Koo JR1, Lee HR1, Hong EG1, Lee YK1.
- Internal medicine journal.Intern Med J.2016 Aug 23. doi: 10.1111/imj.13230. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS: End-stage renal disease is a common predisposing condition for the development of hypoglycemia. Here we aimed to determine the effect of hypoglycemia on the mortality of patients undergoing maintenance dialysis.METHODS: Retrospective and descriptive analyses were performed in five dialysis cen
- PMID 27549746
Japanese Journal
- 食思不振後の低血糖性昏睡を契機にたこつぼ型心筋障害を発症した1例
- 直腸癌回腸浸潤の手術後に発症したHLA-DRB1<sup>*</sup>0406, B1<sup>*</sup>04051を有するインスリン自己免疫症候群の1例
Related Links
- Hypoglycemia is a medical emergency that involves an abnormally diminished content of glucose in the blood. The term literally means "low sugar blood" (Gr. ὑπογλυκαιμία, from hypo-, glykys, haima). It can produce a variety of symptoms and ...
- Hypoglycemia, also known as an insulin reaction, blood sugar low, or a hypo, can hit hard and fast.
Related Pictures

- 英
- hypoglycemia
- 同
- 低血糖症、低血糖発作 hypoglycemic episode、血糖減少症
- 関
- ウィップルの3主徴、低血糖
[show details]
- (成人の場合)50mg/dl以下 (IMD) ← 文献によっては60mg/dl以下とも
- (新生児・乳児) → 新生児低血糖症
- 早期産・満期産の新生児: <45mg/dl
- 乳児・小児・青少年 : <60mg/dl
- 交感神経症状:発汗、振戦、動悸、不安感
- 中枢神経症状:判断力低下、眠気、意識障害、痙攣、昏睡
- 新生児低血糖症 (SPE.127,210)
- DMR.295
- (書きかけ)
- 英
- hypoglycemic episode
- 関
- 低血糖発作
- 関
- glucose-lowering、glucose-lowering agent、hypoglycaemia、hypoglycaemic、hypoglycemia、hypoglycemic agent、hypoglycemic drug、hypoglycemics
- (再発性疾患の)症状の発現。
- 挿間期(病気の症状が現れる時期)。
- (慢性疾患の経過中に起こる一過性の増悪現象)エピソード
- 関
- affect、event、onset、symptom onset
- 関
- antidiabetic agent、antidiabetic drug、antidiabetics、glucose-lowering agent、hypoglycemic、hypoglycemic agent、hypoglycemic drug