- 関
- blastodisc、germ disk、scutellata、scutellum
- a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism
- 細菌,ばい菌 / (植物の)胚(はい),幼芽;(動物の)卵子 / 原因;(発達の)初期
- =record / =disk
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English Journal
- Comparing Different Decontamination Procedures in Harvesting Human Donor Cornea.
- Laubichler P1, Arend N1, Vounotrypidis E1, Wertheimer C1, Mayer WJ1,2, Yu AL1,2, Remy M3, de Kaspar HM1, Kampik A1,2, Kook D1,2.
- Current eye research.Curr Eye Res.2016 Jan 14:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of current hygiene standards for the enucleation of postmortem eyes by investigating the number of microorganisms during subsequent steps of decontamination and tissue processing.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective, non-randomized cohort study includes 184 postmo
- PMID 26766637
- Generation of an 870 kb deletion encompassing the Skt/Etl4 locus by combination of inter- and intra-chromosomal recombination.
- Serth K1, Beckers A2, Schuster-Gossler K3, Pavlova MN4,5, Müller J6,7, Paul MC8,9, Reinhardt R10, Gossler A11.
- BMC genetics.BMC Genet.2015 Dec 18;16:143. doi: 10.1186/s12863-015-0302-0.
- BACKGROUND: Etl4(lacZ) (Enhancer trap locus 4) and Skt(Gt) (Sickle tail) are lacZ reporter gene integrations into the same locus on mouse chromosome 2 targeting a gene that is expressed in the notochord of early embryos and in multiple epithelia during later development. Both insertions caused reces
- PMID 26678520
- Candida tropicalis as a Predominant Isolate from Clinical Specimens and its Antifungal Susceptibility Pattern in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India.
- Yesudhason BL1, Mohanram K2.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR.J Clin Diagn Res.2015 Jul;9(7):DC14-6. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/13460.6208. Epub 2015 Jul 1.
- BACKGROUND: The incidence of infections caused by Candida species has increased considerably over the past three decades mainly due to the rise of the AIDS epidemic, an increasingly aged population, higher numbers of immunocompromised patients and the more widespread use of indwelling medical device
- PMID 26393128
Japanese Journal
- Origin, fate, and function of the components of the avian germ disc region and early blastoderm : role of ooplasmic determinants
- メパニピリムに対する灰色かび病菌(Botrytis cinerea)の感受性検定法
- 高垣 真喜一,三浦 一郎,永山 孝三
- 日本農薬学会誌 29(4), 369-371, 2004-11-20
- メパニピリムはアニリノピリミジン系殺菌剤であり,灰色かび病等に高い防除効果を発揮する.灰色かび病防除においては,新規薬剤が実用化されてもすぐに薬剤耐性菌が出現し,実防除上問題となることが多い.したがって,感受性検定方法を確立し,モニタリングによる薬剤感受性分布を常に把握しておく必要がある.簡便で安価な感受性検定方法としては,菌糸生育阻止試験が考えられるが,本剤は富栄養培地での菌糸生育阻止力はほとん …
- NAID 110001711182
- Early patterning of the spider embryo : a cluster of mesenchymal cells at the cumulus produces Dpp signals received by germ disc epithelial cells
Related Links
- disk also disc (d sk) n. 1. A thin, flat, circular object or plate. 2. Something resembling such an object: The moon's disk was reflected in the pond. 3. a. The disk used in a disc brake. b. A disk used on a disk harrow. 4. A round ...
- germ disc noun Full Definition of GERM DISC: germinal disc This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. Note that some ...
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- 英
- embryonic disk, germ disk, germ disc, germinal disk, (イネ)scutellum, scutellata, (脊椎動物)blastodisc
- ラ
- discus embryonicus
- 同
- 胚子板、胚板
- 関
- 小板、盤状体
- 関
- blastodisc、germ disc、germ disk、scutellata
- 関
- blastodisc、germ disc、germ disk、scutellum
- 関
- blastodisc、germ disc、scutellata、scutellum
- 関
- germ disc、germ disk、scutellata、scutellum
- 関
- anlage、anlagen、embryo、embryonic、germinal、microbe、microbial、microorganism、placode、primordia、primordium
- 関
- discus、disk
- 同
- Dietary Intervention Study in Children