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- 1. 脊髄髄膜瘤(二分脊椎):解剖学、臨床症状、合併症myelomeningocele spina bifida anatomy clinical manifestations and complications [show details]
…(CNS) initially appears as a plate of thickened ectoderm, called the neural plate, at the beginning of the third week of embryonic life . The lateral edges of the neural plate become elevated to form the …
- 2. 無脳症anencephaly [show details]
…nervous system appears as a plate of thickened ectoderm called the neural plate at the beginning of the third week of embryonic life. The lateral edges of the neural plate become elevated to form the neural…
- 3. 原発性(先天性)脳ヘルニアprimary congenital encephalocele [show details]
…nervous system appears as a plate of thickened ectoderm called the neural plate at the beginning of the third week of embryonic life. The lateral edges of the neural plate become elevated to form the neural…
- 4. (結合双胎を含む)一羊膜双胎monoamniotic twin pregnancy including conjoined twins [show details]
…twin has also been reported. Mirror image twinning has been attributed to division after the embryonic plate begins to lateralize . Monoamniotic twins account for approximately 0.01 percent of spontaneously …
- 5. 爪疾患の概要overview of nail disorders [show details]
…cells forms the ventral portion of the nail plate, whereas the keratinization of the proximal matrix cells forms the dorsal portion of the nail plate . Nail plate abnormalities typically result from pathologic …
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- *1 胚子期は,受精後60日,すなわち8週と4日までが定義.9週目以降は胎児(fetus)と呼ばれる. 第1章 基礎編―人体発生― 498-04350 胚盤葉下層 卵黄囊 卵黄囊 胚盤胞腔 卵黄囊ができる 胚盤葉上層 胚盤葉下層 卵黄囊 羊膜腔
- ヒトの卵子と精子が受精して着床するまでの過程をご紹介します。卵巣周期28日の14日目は排卵期で、その時期に数億の精子の中からたった一つと卵管膨大部で受精した胚子は7日かけて胚盤胞まで成長して子宮粘膜の細胞との接着分子どうしの相互作用により付着し、着床が成立します。
- 胚子期後半(4~8週) この時期、胚子の発育とともに多くの器官の原基が形成されるため、「器官形成期」と呼ばれる。外因の有害作用に敏感であり、奇形発生の臨界期でもある。 4週目、神経管が閉じ、頚部側面には(a)__が現れ
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- 英
- embryonic disk, germ disk, germ disc, germinal disk, (イネ)scutellum, scutellata, (脊椎動物)blastodisc
- ラ
- discus embryonicus
- 同
- 胚子板、胚板
- 関
- 小板、盤状体
- 英
- embryo
- 同
- 胚、胎芽