- 関
- blastodisc、germ disc、germ disk、scutellata
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/21 01:12:03」(JST)
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Look up scutella or scutellum in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Scutellum may refer to:
- Scutellum (insect anatomy), a term used in the anatomy of arthropods
- Scutellum (botany), a term used in the morphology of grasses
- Scutellum (trilobite), a genus of trilobites
See also
- Scutella (genus), a prehistoric echinoid genus
English Journal
- The barley anion channel, HvALMT1, has multiple roles in guard cell physiology and grain metabolism.
- Xu M1, Gruber BD, Delhaize E, White RG, James RA, You J, Yang Z, Ryan PR.
- Physiologia plantarum.Physiol Plant.2015 Jan;153(1):183-93. doi: 10.1111/ppl.12234. Epub 2014 Jul 4.
- The barley (Hordeum vulgare) gene HvALMT1 encodes an anion channel in guard cells and in certain root tissues indicating that it may perform multiple roles. The protein localizes to the plasma membrane and facilitates malate efflux from cells when constitutively expressed in barley plants and Xenopu
- PMID 24853664
- Floral development in Scutellaria pinnatifida (Lamiaceae): the ontogenetic basis for sepal reduction.
- Naghiloo S1, Gohari GR, Nikzat Siahkolaee S, Dadpour MR.
- Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany).Plant Biol (Stuttg).2015 Jan;17(1):238-44. doi: 10.1111/plb.12193. Epub 2014 May 22.
- The Scutellaria is a Labiatae genus (subfamily Scutellarioideae) with a highly specialised floral structure. The genus is characterised by a peculiar two-lobed calyx with a projecting appendage, named the scutellum. Here, we present a detailed analysis of floral development, using epi-illumination l
- PMID 24853689
- Germination induction of dormant Avena fatua caryopses by KAR1 and GA3 involving the control of reactive oxygen species (H2O2 and O2-) and enzymatic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase and catalase) both in the embryo and the aleurone layers.
- Cembrowska-Lech D1, Koprowski M2, Kępczyński J3.
- Journal of plant physiology.J Plant Physiol.2014 Dec 22;176C:169-179. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2014.11.010. [Epub ahead of print]
- Avena fatua L. caryopses did not germinate at 20°C in darkness because they were dormant. However, they were able to germinate in the presence of karrikinolide (KAR1), a key bioactive compound present in smoke, and also in the presence of gibberellin A3 (GA3), a commonly known stimulator of seed ge
- PMID 25618514
Japanese Journal
- PIVを用いたミズスマシ遊泳時の可視化(バイオ・マイクロ・スポーツの流れ 生物の流れ,一般講演)
- 高木 直樹,深瀬 雅央,北川 一敬,田中 康恵,早坂 航平
- 日本流体力学会年会講演論文集 2009, 360, 2009-09-02
- … It has one pair of hard forewings elytron and membranous hindwings, pronotum and scutellum. …
- NAID 110008459990
- Food sources of the oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and the clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in the Akkeshi-ko estuary
- Kasim Ma'ruf,Mukai Hiroshi
- Plankton & benthos research 4(3), 104-114, 2009-08-01
- … The Index of electivity was high particularly in dinoflagellates and several species of benthic diatoms such as Amphora sp., Cocconeis scutellum, Nitzschia sp., Paralia sulcata, Rhoicophenia curvata and Thallasiosira sp., Gramatophora marina, and so on. …
- NAID 10025110746
- タバコシバンムシに付着する真菌胞子の付着率と付着形態
- 中川 淳,川上 裕司,橋本 一浩 [他],畠山 吉則,内田 明彦,高橋 治男,岩野 秀俊
- 衞生動物 59(2), 85-89, 2008-06-15
- 2006年6月から10月にかけて,東京都,埼玉県および神奈川県の一般住宅9軒と周辺施設の屋外6ヵ所,また小学校1校において性フェロモントラップを用いたタバコシバンムシの捕獲を行った.捕獲した個体の体表面から真菌類を分離し,真菌胞子の付着率を調べた.さらに,走査型電子顕微鏡を用いてタバコシバンムシの体表面の観察を行った.捕獲した988順について真菌類の分離を行ったところ701頭から貴国が分離され,付 …
- NAID 110006812767
Related Links
- Scutellum definition, Botany. the shieldlike cotyledon of certain monocots. See more. ... The bristles which are most distorted are those upon the scutellum, where they are sometimes curled together into balls.
- scutellumとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] (pl. -tel・la[-lə])1 〔植物〕 胚盤はいばん:ある種の単子葉植物に見られる保護器官的な子葉.2 〔動物〕 小鱗片りんぺん,小板.3 〔昆虫〕 小盾板じゅんばん:昆虫の胸節背面の第三節片;盾板 ...
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- 英
- embryonic disk, germ disk, germ disc, germinal disk, (イネ)scutellum, scutellata, (脊椎動物)blastodisc
- ラ
- discus embryonicus
- 同
- 胚子板、胚板
- 関
- 小板、盤状体
- 関
- blastodisc、germ disc、germ disk、scutellum
- 関
- blastodisc、germ disk、scutellata、scutellum
- 関
- blastodisc、germ disc、scutellata、scutellum
- 関
- germ disc、germ disk、scutellata、scutellum