- 関
- cancer of the stomach、gastric cancer、stomach cancer、stomach neoplasm
- relating to or involving the stomach; "gastric ulcer" (同)stomachic, stomachal
- 胃の,胃に発生する
- (体内にできる)新生物;腫瘍(しゅよう)
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English Journal
- Advanced method for evaluation of gastric cancer risk by serum markers: determination of true low-risk subjects for gastric neoplasm.
- Boda T, Ito M, Yoshihara M, Kitamura Y, Matsuo T, Oka S, Tanaka S, Chayama K.Author information Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan.AbstractBACKGROUND: Patients with negative anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody titer and high pepsinogen (PG) level (group A) are regarded as having a low risk for gastric cancer. However, gastric cancer cases are occasionally observed in this group. We aimed to elucidate the clinical features of gastric neoplasm in group A patients and reviewed advanced methods for mass screening.
- Helicobacter.Helicobacter.2014 Feb;19(1):1-8. doi: 10.1111/hel.12101. Epub 2013 Nov 11.
- BACKGROUND: Patients with negative anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody titer and high pepsinogen (PG) level (group A) are regarded as having a low risk for gastric cancer. However, gastric cancer cases are occasionally observed in this group. We aimed to elucidate the clinical features of gastric neop
- PMID 24215601
- Leiomyoma of the gastrointestinal tract with interstitial cells of cajal: a mimic of gastrointestinal stromal tumor.
- Deshpande A, Nelson D, Corless CL, Deshpande V, O'Brien MJ.Author information *Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Boston Medical Center ‡Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA †Department of Pathology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR.AbstractLeiomyomas (LMs) of the gastrointestinal tract arise within the muscularis mucosae (superficial) and muscularis propria (deep). There are isolated reports of KIT-positive cells, presumed interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs), within gastrointestinal LMs. We have encountered esophageal LMs with a high proportion of KIT-positive and DOG1-positive spindle-shaped cells, an appearance that mimicked gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Our aim was to explore the prevalence of ICCs in LMs of the gastrointestinal tract and the etiopathogenic significance of these cells in this benign neoplasm. We identified 34 esophageal LMs (28 deep, 6 superficial), 8 gastric LMs, and 5 small-bowel LMs (all lesions in muscularis propria). We performed immunohistochemical staining studies for desmin, DOG1, and KIT on these neoplasms. We also evaluated 12 superficial colonic LMs. ICCs were distinguished from mast cells on the basis of morphology (elongated and occasionally branching spindle-shaped cells) and the presence of DOG1 reactivity. Four cases were screened for mutations in PDGFRA exons 12, 14, and 18 and KIT exons 9, 11, 13, and 17. ICCs were identified in all deep esophageal LMs and constituted an average of 20% of the lesional cells; focally, these cells comprised >50% of cells. The density of these cells was significantly higher than the background muscularis propria, and hyperplasia of ICCs was not identified in the adjacent muscle. ICCs were identified in 6 of 8 gastric LMs and 1 of 5 small-bowel LMs and were entirely absent in all superficial esophageal and colonic/rectal LMs. There were no mutations in KIT or PDGFRA. ICCs are universally present in deep esophageal LMs, and thus these neoplasms could be mistaken for gastrointestinal stromal tumors, particularly on biopsy samples, an error associated with adverse clinical consequences. ICCs are also identified in gastric and intestinal LMs, albeit in a smaller proportion of cases. Colonization and hyperplasia by non-neoplastic ICCs likely account for this phenomenon.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2014 Jan;38(1):72-7. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e3182a0d134.
- Leiomyomas (LMs) of the gastrointestinal tract arise within the muscularis mucosae (superficial) and muscularis propria (deep). There are isolated reports of KIT-positive cells, presumed interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs), within gastrointestinal LMs. We have encountered esophageal LMs with a high p
- PMID 24145645
- GATA3: A Multispecific But Potentially Useful Marker in Surgical Pathology: A Systematic Analysis of 2500 Epithelial and Nonepithelial Tumors.
- Miettinen M, McCue PA, Sarlomo-Rikala M, Rys J, Czapiewski P, Wazny K, Langfort R, Waloszczyk P, Biernat W, Lasota J, Wang Z.Author information *Laboratory of Surgical Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD †Department of Pathology, Cell Biology and Anatomy, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA ‡Department of Pathology/Haartman Institute and HusLab, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland §Department of Tumor Pathology, Centre of Oncology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Institute, Krakow Branch ∥Department of Pathomorphology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk ¶Department of Pathology, National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute, Warsaw #Independent Laboratory of Pathology, Zdunomed, Szczecin, Poland.AbstractGATA3 is a transcription factor important in the differentiation of breast epithelia, urothelia, and subsets of T lymphocytes. It has been suggested to be useful in the evaluation of carcinomas of mammary or urothelial origin or metastatic carcinomas, but its distribution in normal and neoplastic tissues is incompletely mapped. In this study, we examined normal developing and adult tissues and 2040 epithelial and 460 mesenchymal or neuroectodermal neoplasms for GATA3 expression to explore its diagnostic value in surgical pathology, using monoclonal antibody (clone L50-823) and Leica Bond automated immunohistochemistry. GATA3 was expressed in trophoblast, fetal and adult epidermis, adult mammary and some salivary gland and sweat gland ductal epithelia, urothelia, distal nephron in developing and adult tissues, some prostatic basal cells, and subsets of T lymphocytes. It was expressed stronger in fetal than in adult mesothelia and was absent in respiratory and gastrointestinal epithelia. In epithelial neoplasms, GATA3 was expressed in >90% of primary and metastatic ductal and lobular carcinomas of the breast, urothelial, and cutaneous basal cell carcinomas and trophoblastic and endodermal sinus tumors. In metastatic breast carcinomas, it was more sensitive than GCDFP. Among squamous cell carcinomas, the expression was highest in the skin (81%) and lower in cervical (33%), laryngeal (16%), and pulmonary tumors (12%). Common positivity was found in skin adnexal tumors (100%), mesothelioma (58%), salivary gland (43%), and pancreatic (37%) ductal carcinomas, whereas frequency of expression in adenocarcinomas of lung, stomach, colon, endometrium, ovary, and prostate was <10%. Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma was a unique renal tumor with frequent positivity (51%), whereas oncocytomas were positive in 17% of cases but other types only rarely. Among mesenchymal and neuroectodermal tumors, paragangliomas were usually positive, which sets these tumors apart from epithelial neuroendocrine tumors. Mesenchymal tumors were only sporadically positive, except epithelia of biphasic synovial sarcomas. GATA3 is a useful marker in the characterization of not only mammary and urothelial but also renal and germ cell tumors, mesotheliomas, and paragangliomas. The multiple specificities of GATA3 should be taken into account when using this marker to detect metastatic mammary or urothelial carcinomas.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2014 Jan;38(1):13-22. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0b013e3182a0218f.
- GATA3 is a transcription factor important in the differentiation of breast epithelia, urothelia, and subsets of T lymphocytes. It has been suggested to be useful in the evaluation of carcinomas of mammary or urothelial origin or metastatic carcinomas, but its distribution in normal and neoplastic ti
- PMID 24145643
Japanese Journal
- 上島 千春,杉口 俊,寺畑 信太郎,石倉 宗浩
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 54(3), 210-215, 2015
- 背景 : 今回われわれは性交未経験の若年女性に発症した子宮頸部粘液性腺癌の 1 例を経験したので, その細胞診所見, 組織所見の特徴を含めて報告する.症例 : 16 歳, 性交経験なし. 過多月経と不正性器出血のため近医で加療されていたが, 大量の性器出血を認め当院に救急搬送となった. 腟鏡診で子宮腟部は腫瘍に置換されており, 骨盤 MRI では子宮頸部に最大径 6 cm の腫瘤を認めた. 子宮腟 …
- NAID 130005078156
- 健診における腹部超音波検査で発見された膵SPNの1例
- 松原 浩,浦野 文博,内藤 岳人 [他],岡村 正造,大橋 信治
- 日本消化器がん検診学会雑誌 53(1), 52-59, 2015
- … 主膵管や膵周囲脈管への影響が乏しく, 動脈相から後期相を通じて周囲膵実質より淡い造影効果を認めたことから, 浸潤性膵管癌, 腫瘤形成性膵炎や膵神経内分泌腫瘍ではなく, 膵solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm(SPN)を第一に疑い, 脾合併膵体尾部切除術を施行, 病理学的に膵SPNと診断した。 …
- NAID 130004948463
- Severe Case of Peripheral Leukocytosis Initially Diagnosed as Myelodysplastic Syndrome/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm, Unclassifiable, but Possibly Prefibrotic Primary Myelofibrosis
- Ota Seisuke,Hiramatsu Yasushi,Kondo Eisei,Kasahara Akinori,Takada Saimon,Umena Sachio,Noguchi Toshio,Tanimoto Mitsune,Matsumura Tadashi
- Acta Medica Okayama 68(6), 363-368, 2014-12
- … Gastroenteroscopy revealed an acute gastric and duodenal mucosal lesion that was treated successfully via endoscopic hemoclipping. … Instead, we considered prefibrotic primary myelofibrosis as a possibility, although myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm, unclassifiable (MDS/MPN-U) was technically the correct diagnosis. …
- NAID 120005525314
Related Links
- Gastric neoplasm symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment information for Gastric neoplasm (Stomach cancer) with alternative diagnoses, full-text book chapters, misdiagnosis, research treatments, prevention, and prognosis. ...
- Gastric neoplasm - Medical Terms is a service who provides descriptions and explanations of health related terms ... Use stomach neoplasm Facts (generated by robot; please edit if you find it inaccurate) jp: The incidence of gastric ...
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- 英
- stomach tumor, tumor of the stomach, gastric tumor, gastric tumors
- ラ
- tumor ventriculi
- 関
- 胃癌、胃新生物 gastric neoplasm、stomach neoplasm
- 関
- cancer of the stomach、gastric cancer、gastric neoplasm、stomach cancer
- 英
- gastric neoplasm、stomach neoplasm
- 関
- 胃腫瘍
- 関
- benign neoplasm、cancer、neoplasia、neoplastic、onco、oncologic、tumor、tumour
- 関
- gastro、stomach、ventriculi、ventriculus