- unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion; "free expansion"; "free oxygen"; "a free electron"
- people who are free; "the home of the free and the brave" (同)free people
- free from obligations or duties (同)discharge
- free or remove obstruction from; "free a path across the cluttered floor" (同)disengage
- grant freedom to; free from confinement (同)liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, loose
- not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem" (同)loose, liberal
- make (information) available for publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners" (同)release
- able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint; "free enterprise"; "a free port"; "a free country"; "I have an hour free"; "free will"; "free of racism"; "feel free to stay as long as you wish"; "a free choice"
- not held in servitude; "after the Civil War he was a free man"
- not occupied or in use; "a free locker"; "a free lane"
- any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree (同)tree branch
- either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip; "the upper limb of the bow"
- the graduated arc that is attached to an instrument for measuring angles; "the limb of the sextant"
- (astronomy) the circumferential edge of the apparent disc of the sun or the moon or a planet
- one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper
- the topmost one of two
- piece of leather or synthetic material that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole that encases the foot; "Uppers come in many styles"
- higher in place or position; "the upper bunk"; "in the upper center of the picture"; "the upper stories"
- superior in rank or accomplishment; "the upper half of the class"
- having or as if having limbs, especially limbs of a specified kind (usually used in combination); "strong-limbed"
- Chinese distance measure; approximately 0.5 kilometers
- (束縛された状態になく)『自由な』,自由の身の / (国家・国民などが)『独立している』 / (思想・行為などが)強制されない,自発的な / (動作が)拘束されない,無理のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(苦痛・制約などを)『免れている』,(誤り・偏見などの)ない《+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《『be free to』do》『自由に』…『できる』 / (仕事から)解放された,暇になった;(部屋などが)使用されていない,空いた / 『無料の』;無税の / 出し惜しみしない / 遠慮のない,慎みがない / (道路などが)障害のない,自由に通れる / 固定していない,離れた / 無料で / 自由に,妨げられずに(freely) / (…から)〈人・国など〉‘を'『自由にする』,解放する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (困難などから)〈人〉‘を'救う《+『名』+『form』+『名』》 / (障害などを)〈人・物〉‘から'取り除く《+『名』+『of』(『from』)+『名』》 / (物を)…‘から'片付ける,外す《+『名』+『of』+『名』》
- (動物の)『手足』;(鳥の)翼 / (木の)大枝
- (場所・位置が)『上のほうの』,上部の / 『上級の』,上位の / 奥地の,上流の / 靴の甲皮(こうがわ)(かかとより上の部分) / 覚醒剤(これの反意語はdowner:鎮静剤)
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 上肢末梢動脈疾患の概要 overview of upper extremity peripheral artery disease
- 2. 上肢の関節保護プログラム joint protection program for the upper limb
- 3. 原発性(特発性)上肢深部静脈血栓症 primary spontaneous upper extremity deep vein thrombosis
- 4. 腕を動かさない小児の評価 evaluation of the immobile arm in children
- 5. 上肢末梢神経症候群の概要 overview of upper extremity peripheral nerve syndromes
English Journal
- Functional hemispherectomy for catastrophic epilepsy in very young infants: technical considerations and complication avoidance.
- Dorfer C1,2, Ochi A3,2, Snead OC 3rd4,2, Donner E3,2, Holowka S4,2, Widjaja E4,2, Rutka JT5,6.
- Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery.Childs Nerv Syst.2015 Nov;31(11):2103-9. doi: 10.1007/s00381-015-2794-3. Epub 2015 Jun 23.
- PURPOSE: We report on our experience in performing peri-insular functional hemispherectomy (PIH) in very young infants with catastrophic epilepsy.METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical charts of all infants with catastrophic epilepsy that underwent PIH under the age of 4 months at our ins
- PMID 26099232
- Adults with congenital limb deficiency in Norway: demographic and clinical features, pain and the use of health care and welfare services. A cross-sectional study.
- Johansen H1, Østlie K2, Andersen LØ1, Rand-Hendriksen S1,3.
- Disability and rehabilitation.Disabil Rehabil.2015 Nov;37(22):2076-82. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2014.998781. Epub 2015 Jan 13.
- PURPOSE: To describe an adult population with congenital limb deficiency (CLD) recruited through the National Resource Centre for Rare Disorders (TRS) in Norway: (1) demographic factors, (2) clinical features, (3) pain and (4) use of health care and welfare services.METHODS: Cross-sectional study. I
- PMID 25583386
- RNase1 as a potential mediator of remote ischaemic preconditioning for cardioprotection†.
- Cabrera-Fuentes HA1, Niemann B2, Grieshaber P2, Wollbrueck M3, Gehron J2, Preissner KT1, Böning A4.
- European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg.2015 Nov;48(5):732-7. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezu519. Epub 2015 Jan 5.
- OBJECTIVES: Remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPC) is a non-invasive and virtually cost-free strategy for protecting the heart against acute ischaemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). We have recently shown that the inhibition of extracellular RNA (eRNA) using non-toxic RNase1 protected the heart against
- PMID 25564211
Japanese Journal
- マイクロレンズアレイマーカを用いたハンズフリーポインティングシステム
- 塚田 章,田中 秀幸,姫野 吏絵子
- 生体医工学 = Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : 日本エム・イー学会誌 53(1), 44-49, 2015-02
- NAID 40020438122
- 上部消化管内視鏡で治療した胃切除後の魚骨による腹膜炎の1例
- 竹原 寛樹,田邊 和照,藤國 宣明,徳本 憲昭,大段 秀樹
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(9), 2574-2579, 2014
- … 症例は74歳の胃切除後の男性.上腹部痛と腹部手術痕周囲の発赤を主訴に来院した.腹部所見は上腹部に圧痛,反跳痛を認め限局性腹膜炎の所見であった.腹部X線検査では明らかなfree airを認めなかったが,腹部CTで腹壁直下の挙上空腸付近の脂肪織濃度上昇と,約20mmの高濃度の線状異物陰影を認めた.問診からメバルを摂取したことが判明し,魚骨の空腸穿通による限局性腹膜炎と診断し緊急上部消化管内視鏡検査を …
- NAID 130005063172
- バスケットボールのフリースローにおける上肢動作について
- 鉄口 宗弘,叢 晨,入口 豊 [他],三村 寛一,髙橋 哲也
- 大阪教育大学紀要. 第4部門, 教育科学 = Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University 62(1), 145-153, 2013-09
- … The purpose of this study was to determine the movement of fingertip and the snap motion of wrist in free throw. … A wrist angle of skilled player was significantly higher than unskilled player at the release of free throw, and suggested that the skilled player was the movement of wrist better than unskilled players. …
- NAID 120005342931
Related Links
- Winkler is the ambassador for the "Open Arms: Raising Awareness of Upper Limb Spasticity" educational campaign which aims to reach those who are impacted by upper limb spasticity and don't know where to turn for help.
- Winkler is the ambassador for the "Open Arms: Raising Awareness of Upper Limb Spasticity" educational campaign which aims to reach those who are impacted by upper limb spasticity and don't know where to turn for help.
Related Pictures
- 同
- free upper limb
- 同
- free upper limb
- 遊離の、遊離型の、自由な、無料の、フリーの、取り除く、(接尾辞的に用いて;~を)含まない
- 関
- ad lib、ad libitum、deprive、disengage、free form、free of charge、freedom、freely、liberate、liberation、obviate、omit、release、remove、strip、withdraw
- 関
- upper part
- 関
- extremities
- 関
- superior limb、upper extremity