- something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton" (同)portion, component part, component, constituent
- something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together" (同)portion
- a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions; "his part was right in the middle" (同)parting
- a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite" (同)piece
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBCs engineering division" (同)section, division
- the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part" (同)voice
- that which concerns a person with regard to a particular role or situation; "it requires vigilance on our part"; "they resisted every effort on his part"
- make a score (on a hole) equal to par
- (golf) the standard number of strokes set for each hole on a golf course, or for the entire course; "a par-5 hole"; "par for this course is 72"
- a thin fragment or slice (especially of wood) that has been shaved from something (同)sliver, shaving
- (usually plural) a part of a fruit or vegetable that is pared or cut off; especially the skin or peel; "she could peel an apple with a single long paring"
- drooping without elasticity; wanting in stiffness; "a flaccid penis"
- having a margin incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes
- 〈C〉(全体を構成する)『部分』 / 〈U〉《しばしばa~》(…の)『一部』,『一部分』《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《割合》…分の1,(比率の)1 / 〈C〉(機械,器具などの)部品 / 〈C〉(仕事などの)『役目』,分担;関与 / 〈U〉(対立・契約などの)一方の側 / 〈C〉《おもに米》(頭髪の)分け目(《おもに英》parting) / 〈C〉《複数形で》地域,地方 / 〈C〉(演劇・影画・オペラなどの)『役』,役割り(role);(役の)せりふ / 〈C〉声部,音部,パート;パート譜 / (複数形で)才能,資質 / …‘を'二つに(部分に)分ける;(各部分に)‘を'分ける)《+『名』+『into』(『in』)+『名』》 / (…から)…を引き離す,分ける《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (二つ以上の部分に)『分かれる』 / 『別れる』 / (物を)手放す,処分する《+『with』+『名』〈物〉》 / 一部分は,部分的に,幾分
- 〈U〉同等,同価,同水準,同程度 / (また『par value』)〈U〉平価,額面価格 / 〈U〉(程度・質・状態・数量などの)平均,標準;(精神・健康などの)常態 / 〈C〉(ゴルフで)標準打数,パー / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》平均の,標準の / 額面の
- (ゴルフで)〈1ホールまたは1コース〉‘を'基準打数でとる,パーで上がる
- 〈U〉(皮を)むくこと,削ること / 〈C〉《複数形で》むいた皮,削りくず
- (筋肉などが)たるんだ / (人・性格などが)気力(覇気)のない,柔弱な
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/01/25 22:35:50」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Pars flaccida of tympanic membrane |
Right tympanic membrane as seen through a speculum. |
Right tympanic membrane as seen through a speculum. |
Latin |
pars flaccida membranae tympanicae |
In human anatomy, the Pars flaccida of tympanic membrane or Shrapnell's membrane (also known as Rivinus’ ligament) is the small, triangular, flaccid portion of the tympanic membrane, or eardrum. It lies above the malleolar folds attached directly to the petrous bone at the notch of Rivinus. On the inner surface of the tympanic membrane, the chorda tympani crosses this area.
It is named after Henry Jones Shrapnell.[1]
- ^ Who Named It?, Definition of Shrapnell's membrane
Sensory system: Auditory and Vestibular systems (TA A15.3, TH 3.11.09, GA 10.1029)
Outer ear |
- Pinna (Helix, Antihelix, Tragus, Antitragus, Incisura anterior auris, Earlobe)
- Ear canal
- Auricular muscles
- Eardrum (Umbo
- Pars flaccida)
Middle ear |
Tympanic cavity
- Labyrinthine wall/medial: Oval window
- Round window
- Secondary tympanic membrane
- Prominence of facial canal
- Promontory of tympanic cavity
- Mastoid wall/posterior: Mastoid cells
- Aditus to mastoid antrum
- Pyramidal eminence
- Tegmental wall/roof: Epitympanic recess
- Malleus (Neck of malleus, Superior ligament of malleus, Lateral ligament of malleus, Anterior ligament of malleus)
- Incus (Superior ligament of incus, Posterior ligament of incus)
- Stapes (Anular ligament of stapes)
Eustachian tube
- Bony part of pharyngotympanic tube
- Cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube (Torus tubarius)
Inner ear/
(membranous labyrinth,
bony labyrinth) |
Auditory system
Cochlear labyrinth
General cochlea
- Scala vestibuli
- Helicotrema
- Scala tympani
- Modiolus
- Cochlear cupula
Perilymphatic space
- Perilymph
- Cochlear aqueduct
Cochlear duct /
scala media
- Reissner's/vestibular membrane
- Basilar membrane
- Endolymph
- Stria vascularis
- Spiral ligament
- Organ of Corti: Stereocilia
- Tectorial membrane
- Sulcus spiralis (externus, internus)
- Spiral limbus
- Claudius cell
- Boettcher cell
Vestibular system/
Vestibular labyrinth
- Static/translations/vestibule/endolymphatic duct: Utricle (Macula)
- Saccule (Macula, Endolymphatic sac)
- Kinocilium
- Otolith
- Vestibular aqueduct
- Canalis reuniens
- Kinetic/rotations: Semicircular canals (Superior, Posterior, Horizontal)
- Ampullary cupula
- Ampullae (Crista ampullaris)
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English Journal
- Development and validation of a real time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay for investigation of wild poliovirus type 1-South Asian (SOAS) strain reintroduced into Israel, 2013 to 2014.
- Hindiyeh MY1, Moran-Gilad J, Manor Y, Ram D, Shulman LM, Sofer D, Mendelson E.
- Euro surveillance : bulletin Européen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.Euro Surveill.2014 Feb 20;19(7):20710.
- In February 2013, wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) was reintroduced into southern Israel and resulted in continuous silent circulation in the highly immune population. As a part of the public health emergency response, a novel real time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-
- PMID 24576470
- [Mortality associated with a diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults of Mexican health institutions].
- Domínguez-Moreno R, Tolosa-Tort P, Patiño-Tamez A, Quintero-Bauman A, Collado-Frías DK, Miranda-Rodríguez MG, Canela-Calderón OJ, Hurtado-Valadez P, de Gante-Castro R, Ortiz-Guillén KM, Estañol-Vidal B, Sentíes-Madrid H, García-Ramos G, Cantú-Brito C, Ruiz-Sandoval JL, Chiquete E1.
- Revista de neurologia.Rev Neurol.2014 Jan 1;58(1):4-10.
- in
English, SpanishTITLE: Mortalidad asociada al diagnostico de sindrome de Guillain-Barre en adultos ingresados en instituciones del sistema sanitario mexicano.Introduccion. El sindrome de Guillain-Barre (SGB) es una urgencia neurologica que constituye la principal causa de paralisis flacida en
- Functional Localization of the Supplementary Motor Area.
- Hiroshima S1, Anei R, Murakami N, Kamada K.
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica.Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo).2013 Dec 5. [Epub ahead of print]
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- PMID 24305024
Japanese Journal
- Functional Localization of the Supplementary Motor Area
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica, 2013
- … fMRI during the language tasks showed anterior part of SMA compared to finger tapping tasks. … We found an overlap spot with all different tasks in posterior part of SMA, which we termed SMA core. … During awake craniotomy, ECS to posterior part of SMA, which might involve the possible SMA core consistently, evoked both speech arrest and flaccid hemiparesis. …
- NAID 130003383282
- Guillain–Barré syndrome and anti-ganglioside antibodies: a clinician-scientist's journey
- YUKI Nobuhiro
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B 88(7), 299-326, 2012
- … Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most frequent cause of acute flaccid paralysis. … We demonstrated that IgG anti-GQ1b antibodies were common to both, suggesting that they are part of the same disease spectrum. …
- NAID 130001924752
- 奥野 徹子,郷原 徹,今里 博司
- 整形外科と災害外科 45(2), 472-474, 1996-03-25
- … Within 30 minutes after onset, she had complete flaccid paraplegia, and was transferred to the municipal hospital. … MRI 5 days after onset revealed a swollen spinal cord and a low intensity area on T1 weighted sagittal images, and high intensity area on T2 weighted images in the anterior part of the cord below L1.MRI 3 weeks after onset, showed a high intensity area in the anterior part of the cord on T1 weighted images and the cord was thinner than in the earlier images. …
- NAID 10011353004
Related Links
- flac·cid part of tym·pan·ic mem·brane [TA] triangular loose part of tympanic membrane between the malleolar folds. Synonym(s): pars flaccida membranae tympanicae [TA], flaccid membrane, membrana flaccida, Rivinus membrane, Shrapnell membrane
- flaccid part - Free definition results from over 1700 online dictionaries ... Babylon translation saves me so much time. Everything I need is in one place without opening new windows or loading other programs. Alicia, Spain
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- 英
- flaccid part, flaccid part of tympanic membrane
- ラ
- pars flaccida, PF, pars flaccida membranae tympani
- 同
- 鼓室弛緩部
- 関
- 鼓室、鼓膜
- 関
- cleavage、cleave、contingency、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、moiety、parcellated、parted、partial、partition、piece、portion、region、resolution、role、split
- 関
- cleavage、cleave、contingency、divide、division、fractionate、fractionation、mince、parcellated、part、partition、resolution、split
- 関
- (n.)flaccidity 弛緩、締まりなさ、弛緩症、無気力
- →para