- 関
- drop、droplet
- utter with seeming casualness; "drop a hint"; drop names"
- a shape that is spherical and small; "he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops"; "beads of sweat on his forehead" (同)bead, pearl
- a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid); "he had a drop too much to drink"; "a drop of each sample was analyzed"; "there is not a drop of pity in that man"; "years afterward, they would pay the blood-money, driblet by driblet"--Kipling (同)drib, driblet
- stop pursuing or acting; "drop a lawsuit"; "knock it off!" (同)knock off
- fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death; "shop til you drop"
- give birth; used for animals; "The cow dropped her calf this morning"
- a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity; "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"; "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"; "a dip in prices"; "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall" (同)dip, fall, free_fall
- a central depository where things can be left or picked up
- the act of dropping something; "they expected the drop would be successful"
- a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity; "it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height" (同)fall
- a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property)
- leave or unload; "unload the cargo"; "drop off the passengers at the hotel" (同)drop_off, set_down, put down, unload, discharge
- change from one level to another; "She dropped into army jargon"
- go down in value; "Stock prices dropped"
- let fall to the ground; "Dont drop the dishes"
- lose (a game); "The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13"
- omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing; " New Englanders drop their post-vocalic rs"
- take (a drug, especially LSD), by mouth; "She dropped acid when she was a teenager"
- terminate an association with; "drop him from the Republican ticket"
- to fall vertically; "the bombs are dropping on enemy targets"
- a tiny drop
- 〈しずくが〉『したたる』,垂れる《+『down』》 / 〈物が〉『落ちる』,落下する《+『down』》 / 〈人が〉『ばったり倒れる』,崩れ落ちる / 『下落する』,減少する《+『off』(『away』)》 / 終わる,やめになる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》引き離される,落後する / (…から)手を引く,やめる《+『from』(『out of』)+『名』》 / (…に)ちょっと立ち寄る,(…を)ひょっこり訪ねる《+『in』(『by,over,round』)『at』(『on』)+『名』》 / …‘を'『したたらせる』,垂らす / (…へ)…‘を'『落とす』,落下させる《+『名』+『into』(『on』)+『名』》 / …‘を'降ろす,下げる / …‘を'減少させる / …‘を'漏らす,ふと口にする / 〈人〉に〈短い手紙・伝言〉‘を'送る / 《話》…‘を'なぐり倒す,撃ち落とす / 《話》《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘を'乗り物から降ろす / (…から)〈ある音・文字〉‘を'落とす,抜かす,省く《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 〈人〉‘と'関係を絶つ;〈問題など〉‘を'打ち切る / …‘を'やめさせる;(…から)…‘を'追い出す《+『名from』+『名』》 / (ばくちなどで)〈金〉‘を'なくす / 〈C〉(…の)『しずく』,したたり《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(液体・事物の)少量,微量《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉あめ玉,ドロップ / 《a ~》落下,降下(fall);落下距離 / 《a ~》(…の)下落,減少《+『in』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》点滴薬 / 《話》《a ~》少量の酒 / 〈C〉《おもに米》(郵便箱などの)落とし口,差し入れ口
- 小さなしずく,小滴
English Journal
- Simple Preparation of Polyelectrolyte Complex Beads for the Long-Term Release of Small Molecules.
- de Silva UK, Weik BE, Lapitsky Y.
- Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.Langmuir.2014 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- We report a simple method for preparing solid polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) beads, which provide effective barriers to diffusion and can be used for the multiple-day release of small molecules. Single-phase poly(allylamine) (PAH) and poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS) mixtures were prepared at pH 11.6 (s
- PMID 24992631
- Mechanistic Insight into the Copper-Catalyzed Phosphorylation of Terminal Alkynes: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study.
- Liu L, Wu Y, Wang Z, Zhu J, Zhao Y.
- The Journal of organic chemistry.J Org Chem.2014 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- The reaction mechanism of copper-catalyzed phosphorylation of terminal alkynes under different conditions has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The important role of dioxygen has been elucidated, including the formation of η1-superoxocopper (II), η2-superoxocopper (III), μ-η2:�
- PMID 24983135
- Efficacy of reducing agent and surfactant contacting pattern on the performance characteristics of nickel electroless plating baths coupled with and without ultrasound.
- Agarwal A1, Pujari M1, Uppaluri R2, Verma A1.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2014 Jul;21(4):1382-91. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2014.01.015. Epub 2014 Jan 21.
- This article addresses furthering the role of sonication for the optimal fabrication of nickel ceramic composite membranes using electroless plating. Deliberating upon process modifications for surfactant induced electroless plating (SIEP) and combined surfactant and sonication induced electroless p
- PMID 24480601
Japanese Journal
- 滴状凝縮サーモサイフォンの熱輸送特性に関する理論的検討
- 白岩 寛之
- 日本機械学会論文集B編 78(787), 672-679, 2012
- … In this study, the heat transfer characteristics of the dropwise condensed thermosyphon and the influence of condensation forms on the heat transfer characteristics is theoretically investigated. …
- NAID 130002050707
- Wireless moisture sensor using a microstrip antenna
- Toba Tatsuo,Kitagawa Akio
- Journal of Sensors 2011, 827969, 2011
- … The dropwise addition of the distilled water on the cleaning tissue is clearly detected by the measurement of the backscattered power from the sensor at the frequencies of 0.954GHz and 2.45GHz. …
- NAID 120003959484
- B223 滴状凝縮法による高熱流束輸送と界面熱伝達(OS-4:マイクロ・ナノ熱工学(IV))
- 徳永 敦士,長山 暁子,鶴田 隆治
- 熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2010, 265-266, 2010-10-29
- … Dropwise condensation experiments have been carried out in order to obtain reliable experimental data on the condensation coefficient. …
- NAID 110008742767
Related Links
- Explore Dictionary.com Previous Definition: dropt out Next Definition: dropworm Words Near: dropwise More from Thesaurus.com Synonyms and Antonyms for dropwise More from Reference.com Search for articles containing dropwise
- 【ベストアンサー】副詞。 (目薬様の)点滴のやり方に倣って。又は同左様点滴のやり方で。 下記サイト参照 http://www.onelook.com/?w=dropwise&ls=a (右側の説明-quick definitions- が見やすいです) . .
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- (液体が)したたる、ぼたぼた落ちる
- (物が)(急に、思いがけなく)落ちる(down)。(花が)散る。(人が)(車などから)ひらりと(飛び)降りる(off)。(正式)(川・丘などが)下る(down)
- (人が)(疲れて・傷ついて)急に倒れる。死ぬ。(意識的に)身を伏せる
- (程度・数量・価値などが)下がる(fall)、落ちる(away)。健康や病状が悪化する
- (事が)やめになる。(~から)手を引く、やめる(from)。(視界から)見えなくなる(out of, from)。(交通・話などが)とだえる(off)
- 急に(ある状態に)なる、陥る(into, to)
- (略式)ひょいと(~に)立ち寄る(in, by, over, round)(on, at, into)。(人に)偶然であう(in)(across, on, with)
- 落後(後退)する、遅れる(away, back, off, behind)
- (動物が)生まれる
- (猟犬が)獲物を見て伏せる
- (言葉・ため息などが)(~から)ふともれる(from)
- (水・空気の流れに沿って)穏やかに動く
- (トランプ)(ブリッジなどで)(特定の札が)出るはめになる、死ぬ
- (球技)(球が)ホール(ポケット、ゴール)に入る(転がり込む)
- 逮捕される
- 関
- decline, decrease, depression, droplet, dropping, dropwise, fall, instill, instillation, lower, lowering, reduction
- 英
- droplet、drop、dropwise
- 関
- 低下、滴下、下落、落ちる、降下
- 関
- drop、dropwise