- express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name" (同)say, tell
- a state of depression or agitation; "he was in such a state you just couldnt reason with him"
- the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"
- a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nations capitol"; "the countrys largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land" (同)nation, country, land, commonwealth, res publica, body_politic
- the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; "his state is in the deep south" (同)province
- the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state; "the state has lowered its income tax"
- experience while sleeping; "She claims to never dream"; "He dreamt a strange scene"
- someone or something wonderful; "this dessert is a dream"
- a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep; "I had a dream about you last night" (同)dreaming
- imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; "he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality" (同)dreaming
- a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality; "he went about his work as if in a dream"
- have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy (同)daydream, woolgather, stargaze
- dreamy in mood or nature; "a woolgathering moment" (同)moony, woolgathering
- lacking spirit or liveliness; "a lackadaisical attempt"; "a languid mood"; "a languid wave of the hand"; "a hot languorous afternoon" (同)lackadaisical, languid, languorous
- 〈C〉(人・物事の)『状態』,ありさま,様子 / 〈C〉《a ~》《話》極度の緊張状態,異常な精神状態 / 〈U〉地位,階級,身分 / 〈C〉〈U〉《しばしばS-》『国家』,国,政府 / 〈C〉《時にS-》(アメリカ・オーストラリアなどの)『州』 / 《the States》《話》『米国』 / 〈U〉威厳;公式;堂々とした様子 / 国家の,国事に関する / 《しばしばS-》《米》州の,州立の / 公式の,儀式用の
- …‘を'『はっきり述べる』,公式に申し立てる / 〈当局が〉…‘を'指定する,決める
- 『夢』 / 『白昼夢』,幻想(daydream) / 抱負,強い希望,夢 / 《話》夢のように美しいもの,魅力のあるもの / 『夢を見る』 / (…を)『夢想する』,思い描く《+『of』(『about』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / …‘を'『夢に見る』,《a+形容詞+dreamを目的語にして》〈…の夢〉‘を'見る / 《『dream』+『that節』》…‘と'『思う』,想像する / 〈時〉‘を'うかうかと過ごす《+『away』+『名』》
- 夢のような,ぼんやりした / (人が)夢見るような,空想にふけった / 夢を誘う,心を和らげる / 《俗》すばらしい
- 決まった,規定の;定期の / はっきり述べられた,明言された;公認された
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English Journal
- Nightmares and nonsuicidal self-injury: The mediating role of emotional dysregulation.
- Ennis CR1, Short NA2, Moltisanti AJ2, Smith CE3, Joiner TE2, Taylor J2.
- Comprehensive psychiatry.Compr Psychiatry.2017 Jul;76:104-112. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2017.04.003. Epub 2017 Apr 18.
- PMID 28456054
- Dreamlike effects of LSD on waking imagery in humans depend on serotonin 2A receptor activation.
- Kraehenmann R1,2, Pokorny D3, Vollenweider L4, Preller KH4, Pokorny T4, Seifritz E5, Vollenweider FX4.
- Psychopharmacology.Psychopharmacology (Berl).2017 Jul;234(13):2031-2046. doi: 10.1007/s00213-017-4610-0. Epub 2017 Apr 7.
- PMID 28386699
- Dreams and creative problem-solving.
- Barrett D1.
- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.Ann N Y Acad Sci.2017 Jun 22. doi: 10.1111/nyas.13412. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28640937
Japanese Journal
- 非定型精神病像を伴う気分障害(DSM)の1例における精神病理学的検討 : 器質力動論(Ey)と構造力動論(Janzarik)に力点をおいて
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