- a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction (同)cell_nucleus, karyon
- (astronomy) the center of the head of a comet; consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail
- any histologically identifiable mass of neural cell bodies in the brain or spinal cord
- the positively charged dense center of an atom
- belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals"
- 中心,核 / (生物の)細胞核 / 原子核
- (植物の)背部の,背の
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/11/29 18:36:03」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Dorsal nucleus may refer to:
- Dorsal cochlear nucleus, a cortex-like structure on the dorso-lateral surface of the brainstem
- Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve, a cranial nerve nucleus for the vagus nerve
- Dorsal raphe nucleus
- Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus
- Medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus
- Posterior thoracic nucleus (or dorsal nucleus), is a group of interneurons found in the medial part of Lamina VII
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- 1. 第6脳神経(外転神経)麻痺sixth cranial nerve abducens nerve palsy [show details]
…commonly arises from an acquired lesion occurring anywhere along its path between the sixth nucleus in the dorsal pons and the lateral rectus muscle within the orbit. The clinical manifestations, evaluation …
- 2. 中枢神経障害顔面痛central neuropathic facial pain [show details]
…elsewhere. A lesion at any level of the central nervous system from the spinal trigeminal nucleus or spinal dorsal horn to the cerebral cortex has the potential for causing central neuropathic facial pain …
- 3. 心拍変動の評価evaluation of heart rate variability [show details]
…with the nucleus ambiguus being ventral to the dorsal nucleus of the vagus. In close proximity to the dorsal nucleus of the vagus is the nucleus tractus solitarius, which serves as the nucleus of the sensory …
- 4. グレリンghrelin [show details]
…the brain, GHS-R1a expression is highest in the hypothalamus, but it is also found in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons. In some hypothalamic nuclei, GHS-R1a …
- 5. 化学療法誘発性悪心および嘔吐の病態生理および予測pathophysiology and prediction of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting [show details]
…pattern generator (CPG; previously called the "vomiting center") and two areas in the dorsal brainstem called the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and area postrema (AP) . The CPG is an anatomically indistinct …
English Journal
- Crh receptor priming in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) induces tph2 gene expression in the dorsomedial dorsal raphe nucleus and chronic anxiety.
- Donner NC, Davies SM, Fitz SD, Kienzle DM, Shekhar A, Lowry CA.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 2020 Jan;96()109730.
- The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is a nodal structure in neural circuits controlling anxiety-related defensive behavioral responses. It contains neurons expressing the stress- and anxiety-related neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing hormone (Crh) as well as Crh receptors. Repeated dail
- PMID 31415826
- Interaction of stress and stimulants in female rats: Role of chronic stress on later reactivity to methamphetamine.
- Anderson EM, McFadden LM, Matuszewich L.
- Behavioural brain research. 2019 Dec;376()112176.
- Previous research in humans and animals suggests that prior exposure to stress alters responsivity to drugs of abuse, including psychostimulants. Male rats show an augmented striatal dopamine response to methamphetamine following exposure to chronic unpredictable stress (CUS). Compared to males, fem
- PMID 31449910
- Preclinical characterization of ACH-000029, a novel anxiolytic compound acting on serotonergic and alpha-adrenergic receptors.
- Azevedo H, Ferreira M, Costa RW, Russo V, Russo E, Mascarello A, Guimarães CRW.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 2019 Dec;95()109707.
- Anxiety disorders are serious and common mental diseases, yet there is still a need for the development of more effective anxiolytics with better safety profiles than benzodiazepines and serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The serotonergic and noradrenergic systems have reciprocal interactions and are in
- PMID 31330215
Japanese Journal
- 腹部に投射する迷走神経背側核ニューロンの上喉頭神経刺激によるc-fos発現
- 柳原 衞,小橋 基
- 形態・機能 18(1), 31-39, 2019
- <p>咽頭・喉頭を支配する上喉頭神経求心性ニューロンの興奮により胃近位部弛緩が生じる。この弛緩に、非コリン性・非アドレナリン性(non-adrenergic and non-cholinergic: NANC)伝達が関与する可能性を組織学的手法を用いて検討した。あらかじめ腹腔内にfluorogold(FG)を投与し、上喉頭神経を電気刺激したラット延髄の切片を用いて、抗c-fosおよび抗 …
- NAID 130007742835
- Optogenetic Stimulation of 5-HT Neurons in the Median Raphe Nucleus Affects Anxiety and Respiration
- The Showa University Journal of Medical Sciences 31(3), 263-274, 2019
- … Recent reports indicate that serotonin(5-HT)neurons in the median raphe nucleus(MRN)enhance anxiety. … In the bigenic mice, we confirmed ChR2[C128S]-EYFP expression in tryptophan hydroxylase 2(a brain 5-HT synthase)-positive neurons in the raphe nuclei of the mesopontine, such as the MRN and the dorsal raphe nucleus. …
- NAID 130007742535
- Selective distribution of GLUT3-expressing nerve fibers in the lamina terminalis among the circumventricular organs of mice
- IWANAGA Toshihiko,KONNO Kohtarou,WATANABE Masahiko
- Biomedical Research 40(5), 207-214, 2019
- … After turning over the commissure, the neural tract passed through the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) and reached the OVLT; … In the OVLT, GLUT3-immunoreactive fibers gathered in both the dorsal cap and lateral periventricular zone. …
- NAID 130007724877
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- The role of the habenular complex in the elevation of dorsal raphe nucleus serotonin and the changes in the behavioral responses produced by uncontrollable stress. Brain research, 917(1), 118-26. [PubMed:11602236] [WorldCat]
- Clarke's nucleus is the origin of the dorsal spinocerebellar tract. Axons from cell bodies in the dorsal nucleus of Clarke travel through the ipsilateral lateral funiculus via the restiform body on their way to the cerebellum. Path Edit
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Related Pictures

- 英
- dorsal nucleus
- ラ
- nucleus dorsalis
- 同
- 胸髄核 thoracic nucleus nucleus thoracicus、クラーク核 Clarke nucleus、クラーク柱 Clarke column
胸髄では、後角前部(基部)の内即に胸髄核 Clarke's nucleus, dorsal nucleus of Clarkeという神経核がある。下半身(体幹下部と下肢)における非意識型の深部感覚の中継核で、この核から起こる線維は上行して小脳に至る。(解剖学テキスト p.668)
- 関
- anterior nuclear group、anterior thalamic nuclei、anterodorsal thalamic nucleus、anteromedial nucleus、anteroventral nucleus、anteroventral thalamic nucleus
- 関
- dorsal medial nucleus、dorsomedial nucleus、dorsomedial thalamic nucleus、medial dorsal nucleus、mediodorsal thalamic nucleus
- 関
- dorsolateral nucleus、lateral posterior nucleus、lateral posterior thalamic nucleus、lateral thalamic nuclei
- 関
- dorsal medial nucleus、dorsomedial nucleus、dorsomedial thalamic nucleus、mediodorsal nucleus、mediodorsal thalamic nucleus
- 関
- dorsally、dorsum、notal