- 同
- 視床前核
- of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a body
- earlier in time (同)prior
- (場所などが)前の,前部の;(…より)前に位置する《+『to』+『名』》 / (時・事件などが)以前の,先の;(…より)前の《+『to』+『名』》
- nucleusの複数形
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- 1. 女性の骨盤臓器脱:後膣壁脱の外科的修復 pelvic organ prolapse in women surgical repair of anterior vaginal wall prolapse
- 2. 左脚前枝ブロック left anterior fascicular block
- 3. 強膜炎の臨床症症状および診断 clinical manifestations and diagnosis of scleritis
- 4. 感覚消失患者へのアプローチ approach to the patient with sensory loss
- 5. 頸部神経根障害の治療 treatment of cervical radiculopathy
English Journal
- Distinctive and common neural underpinnings of major depression, social anxiety, and their comorbidity.
- Hamilton JP1, Chen MC2, Waugh CE2, Joormann J2, Gotlib IH2.
- Social cognitive and affective neuroscience.Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci.2014 Jul 17. pii: nsu084. [Epub ahead of print]
- Assessing neural commonalities and differences among depression, anxiety and their comorbidity is critical in developing a more integrative clinical neuroscience and in evaluating currently debated categorical vs dimensional approaches to psychiatric classification. Therefore, in this study, we soug
- PMID 25038225
- Global intracellular slow-wave dynamics of the thalamocortical system.
- Sheroziya M1, Timofeev I2.
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.J Neurosci.2014 Jun 25;34(26):8875-93. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4460-13.2014.
- It is widely accepted that corticothalamic neurons recruit the thalamus in slow oscillation, but global slow-wave thalamocortical dynamics have never been experimentally shown. We analyzed intracellular activities of neurons either from different cortical areas or from a variety of specific and nons
- PMID 24966387
- Mammilliothalamic Tract Lesions Disrupt Tests of Visuo-Spatial Memory.
- Nelson AJ, Vann SD.
- Behavioral neuroscience.Behav Neurosci.2014 Jun 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- The mammillary bodies and their projections via the mammilliothalamic tract to the anterior thalamic nuclei are known to be important for spatial memory in rodents, but their precise role remains unclear. To determine whether transection of the mammilliothalamic tract can produce deficits on tests o
- PMID 24956013
Japanese Journal
- 振戦に対する視床手術 : 凝固術と脳深部刺激療法のための手術とではどう違うか
- 深谷 親,片山 容一
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 13(5), 347-352, 2004-05-20
- 凝固術においては,最少の副作用で最大の効果が得られる最適の標的部位を限局性に特定することが,その基本的な戦略となる.しかし,脳深部刺激療法(deep brain stimulation : DBS)では,必要な範囲の刺激が行えるように電極を配置することが基本的な戦略である.この戦略では,最適な部位が限局性に存在するという前提は必要とならない.したがって,凝固術とDBSでは異なる工夫が必要となる.振 …
- NAID 110003813897
- Organization of projections from rat retrosplenial cortex to the anterior thalamic nuclei in the rat
- ラットにおける橋核を介して小脳前葉虫部へ情報を送る脊髄視床路側副枝 : 順行性および逆行性軸索流法を用いた研究
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- an·te·ri·or nu·cle·i of thal·a·mus [TA] collective term for three groups of nerve cells that together form the anterior thalamic tubercle: the anteroventral nucleus [TA], a relatively large nucleus; the anteromedial nucleus [TA]; and the ...
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- 関
- anterior nuclear group、anterior thalamic nuclei、anterodorsal nucleus、anterodorsal thalamic nucleus、anteromedial nucleus、anteroventral nucleus、ventral anterior thalamic nucleus
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- anterior nuclear group、anterior thalamic nuclei、anterodorsal thalamic nucleus、anteromedial nucleus、anteroventral nucleus、anteroventral thalamic nucleus
- 関
- anterior nuclear group、anterior thalamic nuclei、anterodorsal nucleus、anterodorsal thalamic nucleus、anteroventral nucleus、anteroventral thalamic nucleus
- 関
- anterior nuclear group、anterior thalamic nuclei、anterodorsal nucleus、anteromedial nucleus、anteroventral nucleus、anteroventral thalamic nucleus
- 英
- anteriror nucleus (KH,KL)
- 同
- anterior thalamic nuclei
- 英
- anterior thalamic nuclei
- 関
- anterioris、anteriorly、before、fore、former、pre、prior
- 関
- thalami、thalamo、thalamus
- 関
- thalamic、thalamo、thalamus
- 関
- nuclear、nucleo、nucleus
- 関
- thalamic nucleus