- 関
- dorsal mesodermal、intermediate mesoderm、lateral plate mesoderm、mesenchyma、mesenchyme、mesoderm、paraxial mesoderm
- mesodermal tissue that forms connective tissue and blood and smooth muscles
- belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals"
- the middle germ layer that develops into muscle and bone and cartilage and blood and connective tissue (同)mesoblast
- (植物の)背部の,背の
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English Journal
- Identification of Mest/Peg1 gene expression as a predictive biomarker of adipose tissue expansion sensitive to dietary anti-obesity interventions.
- Voigt A1, Ribot J, Sabater AG, Palou A, Bonet ML, Klaus S.
- Genes & nutrition.Genes Nutr.2015 Sep;10(5):477. doi: 10.1007/s12263-015-0477-z. Epub 2015 Jul 5.
- Food components with anti-obesity properties are commonly evaluated using mouse models of diet-induced obesity. The ability of these components to reduce or prevent white adipose tissue (WAT) accumulation is usually tested in feeding trials of several weeks duration in order to detect significant ef
- PMID 26143179
- The endoderm and myocardium join forces to drive early heart tube assembly.
- Aleksandrova A1, Czirok A2, Kosa E1, Galkin O1, Cheuvront TJ1, Rongish BJ3.
- Developmental biology.Dev Biol.2015 Aug 1;404(1):40-54. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.04.016. Epub 2015 May 5.
- Formation of the muscular layer of the heart, the myocardium, involves the medial movement of bilateral progenitor fields; driven primarily by shortening of the endoderm during foregut formation. Using a combination of time-lapse imaging, microsurgical perturbations and computational modeling, we sh
- PMID 25952622
- Dominant, toxic gain-of-function mutations in gars lead to non-cell autonomous neuropathology.
- Grice SJ1, Sleigh JN2, Motley WW3, Liu JL1, Burgess RW4, Talbot K5, Cader MZ6.
- Human molecular genetics.Hum Mol Genet.2015 Aug 1;24(15):4397-406. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddv176. Epub 2015 May 13.
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathies are collectively the most common hereditary neurological condition and a major health burden for society. Dominant mutations in the gene GARS, encoding the ubiquitous enzyme, glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS), cause peripheral nerve degeneration and lead to CMT di
- PMID 25972375
Japanese Journal
- 山岸 敬幸
- Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 28(2), 110-116, 2012
- 心臓神経堤細胞とは, 神経管の耳胞から体節3までのセグメントに起源し, 多分化能を有する細胞である. 間葉細胞として体の前後軸に対して分節的に移動し, 第III, IV, VI咽頭弓に分布して, 各咽頭弓動脈(胸部大動脈)の平滑筋に分化する. 流出路の発生には, 臓側中胚葉の二次心臓領域細胞と心臓神経堤細胞の相互作用が必要で, 二次心臓領域細胞は流出路心筋・平滑筋層を形成し, 流出路まで移動してき …
- NAID 130002591120
- S022013 多方向断面計測によるアフリカツメガエル胚内応力分布の推定([S02201]細胞および分子のマイクロ・ナノスケール解析(1))
- 北村 啓樹,伊藤 健太郎,原 佑介,長山 和亮,上野 直人,松本 健郎
- 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2011, "S022013-1"-"S022013-5", 2011-09-11
- … In this study, we estimated stress distribution in Xenopus laevis embryo during the gastrula stage (stages 10-13), where a hollow ball-like structure transforms into a complicated three-layered structure (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm) with a part of the outside wall of the embryo entering the embryo's interior, by measuring the surface topographies of the median section and a section perpendicular to the median plane and containing a dorsal marginal zone (DMZ). …
- NAID 110009759800
- Expression profile of mouse Mterfd2, a novel component of the mitochondrial transcription termination factor (MTERF) family
- Xu QianQian,Zhang FengWei,He HongJuan [他],XU ShengQiang,LI Kai,LIU ShanShan,LI Yu,WU Qiong
- Genes & genetic systems 86(4), 269-275, 2011-08-25
- … Besides, at E9.5 and E10.5 stages, Mterfd2 was persistently expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm and heart; … The tissue ISH of E13.5 and E15.5 suggested that Mterfd2 was ubiquitously expressed, and has the higher expression in the forebrain, diencephalon, midbrain, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglion, tongue, lung, liver and kidney. …
- NAID 10030209668
Related Links
- Background In Xenopus early embryogenesis, various genes are involved with mesoderm formation. In particular, dorsal mesoderm contains the organizer region and induces neural tissues through the inhibition of bone morphogenetic ...
- Abstract Background In Xenopus early embryogenesis, various genes are involved with mesoderm formation. In particular, dorsal mesoderm contains the organizer region and induces neural tissues through the inhibition of bone ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- dorsal mesoderm、dorsal mesodermal
- 関
- 沿軸中胚葉、間充織、間葉、側板中胚葉、中間中胚葉、中胚葉、背部中胚葉
- 関
- dorsal mesoderm、intermediate mesoderm、lateral plate mesoderm、mesenchymal、mesenchyme、mesoderm、paraxial mesoderm
- 英
- dorsal mesoderm
- 関
- 背側中胚葉
- 関
- dorsal mesoderm
- 関
- dorsally、dorsum、notal