- marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences; "a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity"; "boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law" (同)disadvantaged
- keep from having, keeping, or obtaining
- take away (同)impoverish
- take away possessions from someone; "The Nazis stripped the Jews of all their assets" (同)strip, divest
- 恵まれない,貧困な / 《名詞的に》《the~》恵まれない人々
- (所有しているものを)〈人〉‘から'『奪う』《+『名』〈人〉+『of』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Sexual experiences of married HIV positive women in Osogbo, southwest Nigeria: role of inappropriate status disclosure.
- Adekanle DA1, Olowookere SA, Adewole AD, Adeleke NA, Abioye-Kuteyi EA, Ijadunola MY.
- BMC women's health.BMC Womens Health.2015 Dec;15:164. doi: 10.1186/s12905-015-0164-7. Epub 2015 Feb 7.
- BACKGROUND: Worldwide heterosexual sex is the most common mode of HIV transmission, with the marital heterosexual route becoming a major contributor in sub-Sahara Africa. This study examined the role of inappropriate HIV status disclosure, after diagnosis, on marital sexual experiences of HIV positi
- PMID 25783638
- Does labour market disadvantage help to explain why childhood circumstances are related to quality of life at older ages? Results from SHARE.
- Wahrendorf M1, Blane D.
- Aging & mental health.Aging Ment Health.2015 Jul;19(7):584-94. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2014.938604. Epub 2014 Jul 17.
- There is robust evidence that childhood circumstances are related to quality of life in older ages, but the role of possible intermediate factors is less explored. In this paper, we examine to what extent associations between deprived childhood circumstances and quality of life at older ages are due
- PMID 25033373
- FGF19 promotes progression of prostate cancer.
- Nagamatsu H1, Teishima J1, Goto K1, Shikuma H1, Kitano H1, Shoji K1, Inoue S1, Matsubara A1.
- The Prostate.Prostate.2015 Jul;75(10):1092-101. doi: 10.1002/pros.22994. Epub 2015 Apr 8.
- BACKGROUND: Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathways have been reported to play important roles in prostate cancer (PCa) progression. FGF19 is one of a subfamily of FGFs that circulate in serum and act in an endocrine manner. Our objective was to investigate its role in the progression of P
- PMID 25854696
- TLR4 activation by lipopolysaccharide confers survival advantage to growth factor deprived prostate cancer cells.
- Jain S1,2, Suklabaidya S1,2, Das B1, Raghav SK1, Batra SK3, Senapati S1.
- The Prostate.Prostate.2015 Jul;75(10):1020-33. doi: 10.1002/pros.22983. Epub 2015 Apr 2.
- BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer (PCa) cells express Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4), a known pro-tumorigenic molecule for different cancer cells. The cancer cells residing in the avascular region of the tumor confront various metabolic stresses and continuously adapt mechanisms to overcome them. We hypothes
- PMID 25833062
Japanese Journal
- グローバル化時代における貧困予防としての「言語力」 : オランダの非西洋系児童集中校の事例から(<特集>グローバル化と教育内容)
- 末岡 加奈子
- 教育學研究 81(2), 200-213, 2014-06-30
- 本稿は、社会経済的不利を抱える子どもへの言語力育成のありようを、オランダの「非西洋系児童集中校」の教育実践に焦点をあて検討したものである。その結果、まず、すべての個のニーズに応じた学習指導への重要な要素は、教育実践に携わる人材の確保とチームワークはもとより、人材不足補完の役割も含めた積極的なICTの利活用であることを指摘した。次に、子どもと保護者の社会文化的/社会経済的背景が学校組織全体で共有され …
- NAID 110009830427
- 〈亡霊〉は誰にたたるか : 又吉栄喜「ギンネム屋敷」論
- 村上 陽子,Murakami Yoko,沖縄大学地域研究所,東京大学大学院総合文化研究科
- 地域研究 (13), 119-132, 2014-03
- … In this study, I call these deprived of their words and obsess narrating agents as "disembodied spirit" and articulate their influence on the narratives of agents. …
- NAID 120005444874
- 関根 順一
- 季刊経済理論 50(4), 73-83, 2014-01-20
- … It is well known that under the factory system laborers were deprived of their control over the quality and quantity of their own labor and their dependence on production by means of the machine system grows rapidly. …
- NAID 110009810112
- Potential for health screening using long-term cardiovascular parameters measured by finger volume-oscillometry: Pilot comparative evaluation in regular and sleep-deprived activities
- Yamakoshi Takehiro,Matsumura Kenta,Rolfe Peter,Hanaki Shota,Ikarashi Akira,Lee Jihyoung,Yamakoshi Ken-ichi
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18(1), 28-35, 2014-01
- … This ability of the method to discriminate between regular and sleep-deprived activities demonstrates its potential for healthcare screening during day-to-day living. …
- NAID 120005411657
Related Links
- marked by deprivation; lacking the necessities of life, as adequate food and shelter: a deprived childhood. Origin: 1545–55; deprive + -ed2. Related forms. self-de·prived, adjective. un·de·prived, adjective. Can be confused: depraved, deprived.
- to take something away from <deprived him of his professorship — J. M. Phalen>. 3. : to remove from office. 4. : to withhold something from <deprived a citizen of her rights>. Examples of DEPRIVE. <working those long hours was depriving him ...
- marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or of healthful environmental influences <culturally deprived children>. See deprived defined for English-language learners » · See deprived defined for kids » ...
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- 関
- dearth、deficiency、deficient、deficit、depletion、deprivation、free、lack、obviate、omit、paucity、remove、scarce、scarcity、starve、strip、withdraw