- 関
- cross-link
- join by creating covalent bonds (of adjacent chains of a polymer or protein)
- a side bond that links two adjacent chains of atoms in a complex molecule (同)cross-linkage
- trace a line through or across; "cross your `t"
- any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns" (同)crown_of_thorns
- a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
- extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon" (同)transverse, transversal, thwartwise
- to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries" (同)traverse, span, sweep
- fold so as to resemble a cross; "she crossed her legs"
- meet and pass; "the trains crossed"
- a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other (同)crosswalk, crossover
- a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean)
- traveling across
- a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect
- placed crosswise; "spoken with a straight face but crossed fingers"; "crossed forks"; "seated with arms across"
- (of a check) marked for deposit only as indicated by having two lines drawn across it
- a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry
- 〈C〉(昔,罪人のはりつけの刑に用いた)『十字架』 / 《the C-》キリストがはりつけになった十字架;キリスト教の象徴としての十字架 / 〈C〉十字(キリスト教徒が右手で切る) / 〈C〉イエスのために耐える苦しみ,受難 / 〈C〉十字架像;(紋章などの)十字形 / 〈C〉キリスト教信仰;《集合的に》キリスト教徒 / 〈C〉十字記号(crisscross)(+または×) / 〈C〉《修飾語を伴って》十字勲章 / 《『the Cross』》南十字星(the Southern Cross) / 〈C〉(動物・植物の)(…間の)異種交配;雑種《+『between』+『名』+『and』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(ボクシングの)クロスパンチ / (信仰のしるしとして)〈人・自分〉‘に'『十字を切る』 / …'を'『交差させる』(『する』) / …‘に'『交差させて線を引く』;《英》〈小切手〉‘に'線引きする;…'を'横線(×印)をつけて消す《+『名』+『out』(『off』),+『out』(『off』)+『名』》 / …'を'『横切る』,横断する,渡る / 〈心〉'を'よぎる,‘に'ふと浮かぶ / …‘と'すれ違う,行き違う / …'を'妨げる,‘の'じゃまをする / …'を'交配する / 『交差する』,交わる / (…へ)『横切る』,渡る《+『over to』+『名』》 / すれ違いになる / 〈動物・植物が〉交配する,雑種になる / おこりっぽい,ふきげんな / (風が)反対の / 十文字に交差した,横切った
- 横断,横切ること;渡航 / 交差点,十字路;踏切,《英》横断歩道(《米》crosswalk),(河川・水路の)横断場所 / 異種交配(crossbreeding)
- (十字形に)交差した / 十字を引いてある,線引きの
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/25 12:32:21」(JST)
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Cross-linking may refer to
- Cross-link, a chemical bond of one polymer chain to another
- Corneal collagen cross-linking, a parasurgical treatment for corneal ectasia and keratoconus
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English Journal
- Effect of processing technologies on the allergenicity of food products.
- Jiménez-Saiz R1, Benedé S, Molina E, López-Expósito I.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2015 Nov 10;55(13):1902-17. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2012.736435.
- Heat treatment has been used since ancient times for food processing, first to ensure the safety of food and its storage, but also to transform its characteristics (in its raw form) and obtain new textures, flavors, or novel foods. However, the transformation experienced by food components when heat
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- Pectin modifications: a review.
- Chen J1, Liu W, Liu CM, Li T, Liang RH, Luo SJ.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2015 Oct 15;55(12):1684-98. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2012.718722.
- In recent years, the interest in studying modification of pectin has increased. A number of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups distributed along the backbone as well as a certain amount of neutral sugars presented as side chains make pectin capable of preparing a broad spectrum of derivatives. By forming
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- Adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II) ions by cross-linking chitosan/rectorite nano-hybrid composite microspheres.
- Zeng L1, Chen Y1, Zhang Q1, Guo X1, Peng Y1, Xiao H1, Chen X1, Luo J2.
- Carbohydrate polymers.Carbohydr Polym.2015 Oct 5;130:333-43. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2015.05.015. Epub 2015 May 18.
- Chitosan/rectorie (CTS/REC) nano-hybrid composite microsphere was prepared by changing the proportion of CTS/REC with 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1. Compared with the pure cross-linking chitosan microsphere, the nano-hybrid composite microsphere was proved to have better sorption capacity of Cd(II), Cu(II) and N
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Japanese Journal
- 会合性グラフト高分子の自己組織化によるナノゲル形成と機能
- <b>環動ゲルの力学物性と化学構造との関係 </b>
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- 関
- cross-linking
- 英
- cross-linking、cross-link
- 関
- 架橋結合
- 関
- bifunctional reagent、cross-linker、crosslinking reagent
- 関
- crossbred、crossbreeding、crossing、crossing over、crosslink、crossreact、decussation、hybridization、hybridize、intersect、intersection、pass、pass through、passage、transect、transit、transversal、transverse
- 関
- cross、crossbred、crossbreeding、crossed、hybridization、hybridize、transect、transversal、transverse
- 関
- crossing