- 関
- certain、certainty、confident、convince、credence、credibility、credit、faith、reliability、reliably、rely、trust
- a trustful relationship; "he took me into his confidence"; "he betrayed their trust" (同)trust
- a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable; "public confidence in the economy"
- a feeling of trust (in someone or something); "I have confidence in our team"; "confidence is always borrowed, never owned"
- a secret that is confided or entrusted to another; "everyone trusted him with their confidences"; "the priest could not reveal her confidences"
- established beyond doubt or question; definitely known; "what is certain is that every effect must have a cause"; "it is certain that they were on the bus"; "his fate is certain"; "the date for the invasion is certain"
- certain to occur; destined or inevitable; "he was certain to fail"; "his fate is certain"; "In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin; "he faced certain death"; "sudden but sure regret"; "he is sure to win" (同)sure
- exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance; "be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through"; "be sure to lock the doors" (同)sure
- having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured; "felt certain of success"; "was sure (or certain) she had seen it"; "was very sure in his beliefs"; "sure of her friends" (同)sure
- reliable in operation or effect; "a quick and certain remedy"; "a sure way to distinguish the two"; "wood dust is a sure sign of termites" (同)sure
- definite but not specified or identified; "set aside a certain sum each week"; "to a certain degree"; "certain breeds do not make good pets"; "certain members have not paid their dues"; "a certain popular teacher"; "a certain Mrs. Jones"
- have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of
- an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items (同)credit entry
- arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services (同)deferred payment
- money available for a client to borrow
- recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours (同)course credit
- used in the phrase `to your credit in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise; "she already had several performances to her credit";
- an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work; "the credits were given at the end of the film"
- accounting: enter as credit; "We credit your account with $100"
- give someone credit for something; "We credited her for saving our jobs"
- extend credit to; "dont trust my ex-wife; I wont pay her debts anymore"
- something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary); "he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father"
- the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others; "the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity" (同)trustingness, trustfulness
- a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly" (同)corporate trust, combine, cartel
- have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmothers recipes" (同)swear, rely, bank
- allow without fear
- loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person; "keep the faith"; "they broke faith with their investors"
- complete confidence in a person or plan etc; "he cherished the faith of a good woman"; "the doctor-patient relationship is based on trust" (同)trust
- having or marked by confidence or assurance; "a confident speaker"; "a confident reply"; "his manner is more confident these days"; "confident of fulfillment"
- not liable to error in judgment or action; "most surefooted of the statesmen who dealt with the depression"- Walter Lippman; "demonstrates a surefooted storytelling talent"- Michiko Kakutani (同)surefooted, sure-footed
- an expression of approval and encouragement; "they gave the chairman a vote of confidence"
- a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim (同)con_man, con_artist
- 〈U〉《修飾語を伴って》『信頼』,信用,信任;(…を)信頼(信用)すること《+『in』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(自分の思想・能力・行動などに対する)『確信』,自信 / 〈C〉打ち明け話,秘密(secret) / =confidence game(trick)
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(主語となる人が)『碓信している』,信じて疑わない / (事が)『碓かな』,疑いのない(sure) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》ある一定の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(ある程度わかっているがそれ以上ははっきりしない)『ある』…,例の… / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》いくぶんかの,多少の,ある程度の / (…のうちの)ある人々(もの),いくつか《+『of』++『名』》
- 〈U〉『信用』 / 〈U〉『信望』,名声 / 〈U〉(…に対する)『賞賛』,『名誉』《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《通例a~》(…にとって)『名誉となるもの』(『人』)《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉信用貸し,掛け売り,信用取引,クレジット / 〈U〉支払い猶予期間 / 〈U〉(人の経済的)信用度 / 〈U〉〈C〉(銀行の)預金[額];債権 / 〈C〉貸し方 / 〈C〉《米》(科目の)単位 / 〈事〉'を'『信用する』,信ずる(trust) / 〈金額〉'を'(…の)貸し方に記入する,口座に入れる《+『名』〈金額〉+『to』+『名』》;(ある金額を)…‘ / の'貸し方に記入する,口座に入れる《+『名』+『with』+『名』〈金額〉》 / (…を)〈人〉‘が'持っていると考える《+『名』〈人〉+『with』+『名』(doing)》
- 〈U〉(人の誠実さ・能力,物の性能などに対する)信頼,信任,信用《+in+名》 / 〈C〉信頼できる人(物) / 〈U〉『期待』,確信,希望 / 〈U〉委託,保管,管理;世話,保護 / 〈U〉(信頼にこたえる)義務,責任;(託された)責務 / 〈U〉(財産の)信託;〈C〉信託作産 / 〈C〉(市場を独占しようとする目的で結成された)企業合同,トラスト / 〈人・物事〉‘を'『信用する』,信頼する / …を当てにする,‘に'頼る(depend on) / 《trust+that節》…‘と'『期待する』,劾信する / 《trust+名+to+名》(人に)…‘を'『任せる』,委託する,信託する / 《trust+名+for+名》(…を)〈人〉‘に'信用貸しする,掛け売りする / (…を)信用する,信頼する《+in+名》 / (…を)当てにする《+to+名(doing)》 / 期待する,確信する(hope)
- 〈U〉『信頼』,信用;確信,信念 / 〈U〉(…への)『信仰』,(…に対する)信心(belief)《+『in』+『名』》 / 〈C〉教義,信条(doctrine) / 〈U〉信義,誠実(sincerity) / 〈U〉誓約,約束
- (熊度などが)『自信のある』,確信ある
- 信用詐欺(相手を信用させてからだますやり口)
- 自信
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出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(2015年2月) |
『Confidence』 |
HY の スタジオ・アルバム |
リリース |
2006年4月12日 |
ジャンル |
ミクスチャー・ロック |
レーベル |
東屋慶名建設 |
プロデュース |
HY |
チャート最高順位 |
- 週間1位(オリコン)
- 2006年度年間25位(オリコン)
ゴールド等認定 |
HY 年表 |
(2004年) |
(2006年) |
(2008年) |
テンプレートを表示 |
オリコンインディーズチャートでは、Aqua Timezの『空いっぱいに奏でる祈り』に次いで年間チャート2位を獲得した。
- モノクロ(作詞:TUN・作曲:TUN Izumi Nakasone)
- ポーカーフェイス(作詞・作曲:TUN)
- canvas(作詞:Yuhei Miyazato・作曲:Izumi Nakasone Yuhei Miyazato)
- あなたにキス(作詞・作曲:Hideyuki Shinzato)
- I JUST DO IT FOR YOU(作詞・作曲:Izumi Nakasone)
- 4WD(作詞・作曲:Yuhei Miyazato)
- scene(作詞・作曲:Yuhei Miyazato)
- (Te to Te)(作詞:Hideyuki Shinzato Izumi Nakasone・作曲:Hideyuki Shinzato)
- 森(作詞・作曲:TUN)
- NAO(作詞・作曲:Izumi Nakasone)
- ゴスペルと共演
- HY♥SUMMER(作詞・作曲:Hideyuki Shinzato TUN Izumi Nakasone)
- この物語(作詞・作曲:Hideyuki Shinzato)
- ^ 「1番ソングSHOW オネエが選ぶ!涙の失恋歌SP」 日本テレビ系列 2013年5月22日(水)19時00分-19時56分放送
HY |
新里英之 (Vocal & Guitar) - 名嘉俊 (Drums & Rap) - 許田信介 (Bass) - 仲宗根泉 (Keyboard & Vocal) - 宮里悠平 (Guitar) |
シングル |
1.レール (レンタル専用)
アルバム |
1.Departure - 2.Street Story - 3.TRUNK - 4.Confidence - 5.HeartY - 6.Whistle - 7.PARADE - 8.Route29 - 9.GLOCAL - 10.LOVER - 11.LIFE
ベスト |
映像作品 |
1.Street Story - 2.ITTA SOMUN '04 TOUR 〜そこにあるべきもの〜 - 3.WATTA SHINKER '06 TOUR 〜mu-ruiinchu〜 - 4.HY 2006 KUMAKARA AMAE TOUR 〜ここから未来へ〜 - 5.HY 2007 AMAKUMA A'CHA document TOUR 〜from OKINAWA to the WORLD〜 - 6.HY PACHINAI×5 MAGGY HAKODE TOUR'08&Nartyche - 7.HY MACHIKANTY SO-TANDOH TOUR 2010@沖縄宜野湾海浜公園屋外劇場 〜時をこえ〜
関連項目 |
東屋慶名建設 - テレビ朝日ミュージック - 純と愛
オリコン週間アルバムチャート第1位(2006年4月24日-5月1日付) |
1月 |
- 16日(合算週: 2週分) (miss)understood(浜崎あゆみ)
- 23日 KOICHI DOMOTO Endless SHOCK Original Sound Track(堂本光一)
- 30日 リボン(ゆず)
2月 |
- 6日 大人 (アダルト)(東京事変)
- 13日 愛・自分博(KREVA)
- 20日 空いっぱいに奏でる祈り(Aqua Timez)
- 27日 OUTGROW(BoA)
3月 |
- 20日・27日 BEST〜second session〜(倖田來未)
4月 |
- 3日 Best of KAT-TUN(KAT-TUN)
- 17日 CYCLE HIT 1991-1997 Spitz Complete Single Collection(スピッツ)
- 24日 Confidence(HY)
5月 |
- 1日 Confidence(HY)
- 8日・15日 Catch The Wave(Def Tech)
- 22日 ステイディアム・アーケイディアム(レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズ)
- 29日 HORIZON(レミオロメン)
6月 |
- 5日・12日 HORIZON(レミオロメン)
- 19日 1000000000000(T.M.Revolution)
- 26日 ULTRA BLUE(宇多田ヒカル)
7月 |
- 3日 ULTRA BLUE(宇多田ヒカル)
- 10日 MONSTER(B'z)
- 17日 ARASHIC(嵐)
- 24日 Speciality(玉置成実)
- 31日 我流旋風(MEGARYU)
8月 |
- 7日 Pop Up! SMAP(SMAP)
- 14日 Very best II(V6)
- 21日 Crispy Park(Every Little Thing)
- 28日 Beautiful Songs〜ココロ デ キク ウタ〜(Various Artists)
9月 |
- 4日 彼女(aiko)
- 11日 湘南乃風〜Riders High〜(湘南乃風)
- 18日 Wave(YUKI)
- 25日 mirror(堂本光一)
10月 |
- 2日 Live Goes On(SEAMO)
- 9日・16日・23日・30日 ALL SINGLES BEST(コブクロ)
11月 |
- 6日 Golden Best 〜15th Anniversary〜(ZARD)
- 13日 First Message(絢香)
- 27日 ストップ・ザ・クロックス(オアシス)
12月 |
- 11日 Secret(浜崎あゆみ)
- 18日 5年モノ(福山雅治)
- 25日 I album -iD-(KinKi Kids)
- LP:1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- 1976
- 1977
- 1978
- 1979
- 1980
- 1981
- 1982
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1986
- 1987
- アルバム:1988
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
この項目は、アルバムに関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(P:音楽/PJアルバム)。 |
[Wiki en表示]
This article is about the emotion. For other uses, see Confidence (disambiguation).
"Confident" redirects here. For other uses, see Confident (disambiguation).
Part of a series on |
Emotions |
- Affection
- Anger
- Angst
- Anguish
- Annoyance
- Anxiety
- Apathy
- Arousal
- Awe
- Boredom
- Confidence
- Contempt
- Contentment
- Courage
- Curiosity
- Depression
- Desire
- Despair
- Diligence
- Disappointment
- Disgust
- Distrust
- Ecstasy
- Embarrassment
- Envy
- Euphoria
- Fear
- Frustration
- Gratitude
- Grief
- Guilt
- Happiness
- Hatred
- Hope
- Horror
- Hostility
- Humiliation
- Hysteria
- Interest
- Jealousy
- Loneliness
- Love
- Lust
- Outrage
- Panic
- Passion
- Pity
- Pleasure
- Pride
- Rage
- Regret
- Remorse
- Resentment
- Sadness
- Saudade
- Schadenfreude
- Self-confidence
- Shame
- Shock
- Shyness
- Sorrow
- Suffering
- Surprise
- Trust
- Wonder
- Worry
- Zest
Confidence is generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Self-confidence is having confidence in one's self. Arrogance or hubris in this comparison is having unmerited confidence—believing something or someone is capable or correct when they are not. Overconfidence or presumptuousness is excessive belief in someone (or something) succeeding, without any regard for failure. Confidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy as those without it may fail or not try because they lack it and those with it may succeed because they have it rather than because of an innate ability. Taken to an extreme, over-confidence can cause problems as evidenced by the famous author Matthew Syed and mentioned here in this reference in regard to sport. [1]
- 1 Self-confidence
- 2 In Relation to Others
- 3 Possible explanation
- 4 See also
- 5 References
Main article: Self-confidence
Self-confidence does not necessarily imply "self-belief" or a belief in one's ability to succeed. For instance, one may be inept at a particular sport or activity, but remain "confident" in one's demeanor, simply because one does not place a great deal of emphasis on the outcome of the activity. When one does not dwell on negative consequences one can be more "self-confident" because one is worrying far less about failure or the disapproval of others following potential failure. One is then more likely to focus on the actual situation which means that enjoyment and success in that situation is also more probable. Belief in one's abilities to perform an activity comes through successful experience and may add to, or consolidate, a general sense of self-confidence.[original research?] Studies have also found a link between high levels of confidence and wages. Seemingly, those who self-report they were confident earlier in schooling earned better wages and were promoted more quickly over the life course.[2]
In Relation to Others
Main article: Trust (social sciences)
People may have confidence in other people or forces beyond their control. For instance, one might have confidence in the police to protect them, or might have confidence that a sports team will win a game. Faith and trust are synonyms of confidence when used in this sense.
Possible explanation
It is suggested that the confidence bias can be explained by a noisy conversion of objective evidence (observation) into subjective estimates (judgment), whereas noise is defined as the mixing of memories during the storing (observing/learning) and retrieval process (remembering/judgment).[3] The information-theoretic logic behind this explanation is very similar to the mechanism that can also lead to the conservatism bias, and holds that we mix true and false evidence during storage and retrieval of evidence to and from our memories. The confidence bias results because as judges we "look inside our own memory" (evaluate our confidence) and find evidence that is more extreme than when we retrieve evidence for our judgements (which are conservative due to mixing of extreme values during retrieval). This explanation is very simple and straightforward, but nevertheless sufficient mechanism to generate both, overconfidence (in situations where judges are very sure) and underconfidence (in cases when judges openly state to lack the required knowledge).
See also
Look up Confidence or confidence in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Confidence |
- Assertiveness
- Confidence game
- Dunning–Kruger effect
- Emotional bias
- Law of attraction
- Low self-esteem
- Overconfidence effect
- Security
- Shyness
- Inner critic
- ^ Syed, Matthew (16 December 2015). "Mourinho damned by his god complex". London: The Times. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
- ^ "Lifelong confidence rewarded in bigger pay packets". The Australian Financial Review. 28 November 2012.
- ^ Martin Hilbert (2012) "Toward a synthesis of cognitive biases: How noisy information processing can bias human decision making". Psychological Bulletin, 138(2), 211–237; free access to the study here: martinhilbert.net/HilbertPsychBull.pdf
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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- Journal of Diabetes Investigation 4(3), 261-268, 2013-05-00
- … The age and sex-adjusted HR for type 2 diabetes in participants with a family history of diabetes was 1.82 (95% confidence interval 1.36-2.43) as compared with those without a family history of diabetes. …
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- 関
- certainly、certainty、confidence、confident、convince、convincing、exist、present、reliably、secure、some、somewhat、sure、surely、to some extent、undoubtedly
- 英
- confidence、certainty、convince、confident、certain
- 関
- ある、確信的、確実性、信用、信頼、確か、いくらか、確実、信頼度、納得
- 関
- confidence、credence、credibility、credit、faith、reliably、rely
- 関
- certain、certainly、confidence、convincing、credibility、faith、rely、sure、surely、trust
- 英
- confidence、trust、credibility、faith、rely、trust、reliably
- 関
- 確信、信用、確か、頼る、信頼度