- 関
- confidence、credence、trust
- have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of
- an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items (同)credit entry
- arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services (同)deferred payment
- money available for a client to borrow
- recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours (同)course credit
- used in the phrase `to your credit in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise; "she already had several performances to her credit";
- an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work; "the credits were given at the end of the film"
- accounting: enter as credit; "We credit your account with $100"
- give someone credit for something; "We credited her for saving our jobs"
- extend credit to; "dont trust my ex-wife; I wont pay her debts anymore"
- something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary); "he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father"
- the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others; "the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity" (同)trustingness, trustfulness
- a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly" (同)corporate trust, combine, cartel
- have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmothers recipes" (同)swear, rely, bank
- allow without fear
- a trustful relationship; "he took me into his confidence"; "he betrayed their trust" (同)trust
- a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable; "public confidence in the economy"
- a feeling of trust (in someone or something); "I have confidence in our team"; "confidence is always borrowed, never owned"
- a secret that is confided or entrusted to another; "everyone trusted him with their confidences"; "the priest could not reveal her confidences"
- the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true; "he gave credence to the gossip"; "acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years" (同)acceptance
- a state in which there is a short supply of cash to lend to businesses and consumers and interest rates are high (同)liquidity crisis, squeeze
- trustworthiness with money as based on a persons credit history; a general qualification for borrowing
- a guarantee to pay interest and principal on debt; usually issued by the United States Treasury
- a list of acknowledgements of those who contributed to the creation of a film (usually run at the end of the film)
- (usually followed by `to'
- 〈U〉『信用』 / 〈U〉『信望』,名声 / 〈U〉(…に対する)『賞賛』,『名誉』《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《通例a~》(…にとって)『名誉となるもの』(『人』)《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈U〉信用貸し,掛け売り,信用取引,クレジット / 〈U〉支払い猶予期間 / 〈U〉(人の経済的)信用度 / 〈U〉〈C〉(銀行の)預金[額];債権 / 〈C〉貸し方 / 〈C〉《米》(科目の)単位 / 〈事〉'を'『信用する』,信ずる(trust) / 〈金額〉'を'(…の)貸し方に記入する,口座に入れる《+『名』〈金額〉+『to』+『名』》;(ある金額を)…‘ / の'貸し方に記入する,口座に入れる《+『名』+『with』+『名』〈金額〉》 / (…を)〈人〉‘が'持っていると考える《+『名』〈人〉+『with』+『名』(doing)》
- 〈U〉(人の誠実さ・能力,物の性能などに対する)信頼,信任,信用《+in+名》 / 〈C〉信頼できる人(物) / 〈U〉『期待』,確信,希望 / 〈U〉委託,保管,管理;世話,保護 / 〈U〉(信頼にこたえる)義務,責任;(託された)責務 / 〈U〉(財産の)信託;〈C〉信託作産 / 〈C〉(市場を独占しようとする目的で結成された)企業合同,トラスト / 〈人・物事〉‘を'『信用する』,信頼する / …を当てにする,‘に'頼る(depend on) / 《trust+that節》…‘と'『期待する』,劾信する / 《trust+名+to+名》(人に)…‘を'『任せる』,委託する,信託する / 《trust+名+for+名》(…を)〈人〉‘に'信用貸しする,掛け売りする / (…を)信用する,信頼する《+in+名》 / (…を)当てにする《+to+名(doing)》 / 期待する,確信する(hope)
- 〈U〉《修飾語を伴って》『信頼』,信用,信任;(…を)信頼(信用)すること《+『in』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(自分の思想・能力・行動などに対する)『確信』,自信 / 〈C〉打ち明け話,秘密(secret) / =confidence game(trick)
- 信用
- (銀行の)クレジットカードによる信用貸し
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/11/15 00:04:20」(JST)
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Look up credit, credited, or crediting in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Credit may refer to:
- Credit (creative arts), acknowledging the ideas or other work of writers and contributors
- Credit (finance), any form of deferred payment, the granting of a loan and the creation of debt
- Credit rating, assessment of credit worthiness
- Credit risk, the risk of default on a debt
- Credit score, a representation of credit worthiness
- Credit (science fiction), a form of currency in some fictional works
- Course credit, a system of measuring academic coursework
- Debits and credits, types of bookkeeping entries
- Game credit, a count of the current number of games that can be played in pinball and arcade games
- "Credit", a song on Title (Meghan Trainor album) (2015)
See also
- All pages beginning with "Credit"
- All pages with titles containing Credit
- Credibility
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English Journal
- Long-term changes in temperate stream invertebrate communities reveal a synchronous trophic amplification at the turn of the millennium.
- Van Looy K1, Floury M2, Ferréol M3, Prieto-Montes M4, Souchon Y5.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2016 Sep 15;565:481-8. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.193. Epub 2016 May 13.
- The positive effects of water quality improvement on stream biodiversity in the temperate regions are expected to be at risk with the projected climatic changes. However, the processes and mechanisms behind the predicted threats remain uncertain. From long-term series of benthic invertebrate samples
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- WalkAide Efficacy on Gait and Energy Expenditure in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
- El-Shamy SM1, Abdelaal AA.
- American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation / Association of Academic Physiatrists.Am J Phys Med Rehabil.2016 Sep;95(9):629-38. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000514.
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- [No authors listed]
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- Cognitive attribution of the source of an error in object-lifting results in differences in motor generalization.
- Fercho K1,2, Baugh LA3,4.
- Experimental brain research.Exp Brain Res.2016 Sep;234(9):2667-76. doi: 10.1007/s00221-016-4670-0. Epub 2016 May 5.
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Japanese Journal
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- 21世紀教育フォーラム 9, 9-18, 2014-03-31
- … 本稿は、ドイツとスイスの大学における具体的な事例を紹介することで、ボローニャ・プロセスへの対応による新たな学位制度である学士・修士課程の定着状況と「欧州単位互換制度」(European Credit Transfer System: ECTS)の活用状況を分析する。 …
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- 関
- certain、certainty、confident、convince、credence、credibility、credit、faith、reliability、reliably、rely、trust
- 関
- confidence、credence、credibility、credit、faith、reliably、rely
- 英
- confidence、credence、trust、credit
- 関
- 確信、信頼、信頼度、クレジット
- 関
- confidence、credit、trust
- 英
- credit
- 関
- 信用
- 関
- authorization、authorize