- 英
- confidence、certainty、convince、confident、certain
- 関
- ある、確信的、確実性、信用、信頼、確か、いくらか、確実、信頼度、納得
- established beyond doubt or question; definitely known; "what is certain is that every effect must have a cause"; "it is certain that they were on the bus"; "his fate is certain"; "the date for the invasion is certain"
- certain to occur; destined or inevitable; "he was certain to fail"; "his fate is certain"; "In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin; "he faced certain death"; "sudden but sure regret"; "he is sure to win" (同)sure
- exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance; "be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through"; "be sure to lock the doors" (同)sure
- having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured; "felt certain of success"; "was sure (or certain) she had seen it"; "was very sure in his beliefs"; "sure of her friends" (同)sure
- reliable in operation or effect; "a quick and certain remedy"; "a sure way to distinguish the two"; "wood dust is a sure sign of termites" (同)sure
- definite but not specified or identified; "set aside a certain sum each week"; "to a certain degree"; "certain breeds do not make good pets"; "certain members have not paid their dues"; "a certain popular teacher"; "a certain Mrs. Jones"
- having or marked by confidence or assurance; "a confident speaker"; "a confident reply"; "his manner is more confident these days"; "confident of fulfillment"
- not liable to error in judgment or action; "most surefooted of the statesmen who dealt with the depression"- Walter Lippman; "demonstrates a surefooted storytelling talent"- Michiko Kakutani (同)surefooted, sure-footed
- a trustful relationship; "he took me into his confidence"; "he betrayed their trust" (同)trust
- a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable; "public confidence in the economy"
- a feeling of trust (in someone or something); "I have confidence in our team"; "confidence is always borrowed, never owned"
- a secret that is confided or entrusted to another; "everyone trusted him with their confidences"; "the priest could not reveal her confidences"
- something that is certain; "his victory is a certainty" (同)sure_thing, foregone_conclusion
- the state of being certain; "his certainty reassured the others"
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(主語となる人が)『碓信している』,信じて疑わない / (事が)『碓かな』,疑いのない(sure) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》ある一定の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(ある程度わかっているがそれ以上ははっきりしない)『ある』…,例の… / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》いくぶんかの,多少の,ある程度の / (…のうちの)ある人々(もの),いくつか《+『of』++『名』》
- (熊度などが)『自信のある』,確信ある
- 〈人〉'を'『納得させる』
- 〈U〉《修飾語を伴って》『信頼』,信用,信任;(…を)信頼(信用)すること《+『in』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(自分の思想・能力・行動などに対する)『確信』,自信 / 〈C〉打ち明け話,秘密(secret) / =confidence game(trick)
- 〈U〉確実性,必然性;確信 / 〈C〉確実なもの(こと),確かな見込み
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Japanese Journal
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- 関
- certain、certainty、confident、convince、credence、credibility、credit、faith、reliability、reliably、rely、trust
- 英
- certain、sure、convincing、certainly、reliably、surely
- 関
- ある、確証的、確信、必ず、信頼、いくらか、確実、有力
- 英
- certain、secure、certainly、undoubtedly
- 関
- ある、確信、必ず、確か、いくらか、安全、疑いの余地なく
- 英
- confidence、trust、credibility、faith、rely、trust、reliably
- 関
- 確信、信用、確か、頼る、信頼度
- 英
- somewhat、to some extent、some、certain
- 関
- ある、確信、少し、確か、ある程度、確実
- 英
- confident、confidently
- 関
- 確信