- (医)~の腫瘍(tumor)、~のヘルニア(hernia)
- a person who is celebrating (同)celebrator, celebrater
- an officiating priest celebrating the Eucharist
- lacking juice
- (ミサ・聖餐(せいさん)式の)祭司,(祭典などの)参列者
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/01/16 22:26:26」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
- 1 People
- 2 Places
- 3 Other
- 4 See also
Cele may refer to:
- Bheki Cele
- Clara Germana Cele
- Henry Cele
- Siboniso Cele
- Cele, Texas, USA
- Célé, river in the Cantal and Lot départements of southwestern France
- Cele De, band
- -cele, as a suffix, refers to a tumor or hernia, such as meningocele of the meninges
See also
- Celer (disambiguation)
- Celes (disambiguation)
- Celebrity (disambiguation)
- Céilidh
English Journal
- Iohexol plasma clearance for measuring glomerular filtration rate in clinical practice and research: a review. Part 2: Why to measure glomerular filtration rate with iohexol?
- Delanaye P1, Melsom T2, Ebert N3, Bäck SE4, Mariat C5, Cavalier E6, Björk J7, Christensson A8, Nyman U9, Porrini E10, Remuzzi G11, Ruggenenti P11, Schaeffner E3, Soveri I12, Sterner G13, Eriksen BO2, Gaspari F14.
- Clinical kidney journal.Clin Kidney J.2016 Oct;9(5):700-4. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfw071. Epub 2016 Sep 9.
- A reliable assessment of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is of paramount importance in clinical practice as well as epidemiological and clinical research settings. It is recommended by Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes guidelines in specific populations (anorectic, cirrhotic, obese, renal a
- PMID 27679716
- Iohexol plasma clearance for measuring glomerular filtration rate in clinical practice and research: a review. Part 1: How to measure glomerular filtration rate with iohexol?
- Delanaye P1, Ebert N2, Melsom T3, Gaspari F4, Mariat C5, Cavalier E6, Björk J7, Christensson A8, Nyman U9, Porrini E10, Remuzzi G11, Ruggenenti P11, Schaeffner E2, Soveri I12, Sterner G13, Eriksen BO3, Bäck SE14.
- Clinical kidney journal.Clin Kidney J.2016 Oct;9(5):682-99. doi: 10.1093/ckj/sfw070. Epub 2016 Aug 23.
- While there is general agreement on the necessity to measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in many clinical situations, there is less agreement on the best method to achieve this purpose. As the gold standard method for GFR determination, urinary (or renal) clearance of inulin, fades into the bac
- PMID 27679715
- Sliding Clamp of DNA Polymerase III as a Drug Target for TB Therapy: Comprehensive Conformational and Binding Analysis from Molecular Dynamic Simulations.
- Machaba KE1, Cele FN1, Mhlongo NN1, Soliman ME2.
- Cell biochemistry and biophysics.Cell Biochem Biophys.2016 Sep 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is one of the most common causes of death in the world. Mycobacterium tuberculosis -sliding clamp is a protein essential for many important DNA transactions including replication and DNA repair proteins, thus, a potential drug target for tuberculos
- PMID 27651172
Japanese Journal
- Identification and Evaluation of Plagiarism amongst Japanese University Students
- Student Perceptions of the Speaking and Listening Component of FER
- After Intensive Japan-based English Study : The Response from Abroad
Related Links
- cele
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- 亜細亜大学・亜細亜大学短期大学部公式サイト。本学はアジアをはじめとした世界で活躍できる人材の育成に力をいれています。学部情報や入試案内をはじめ、多彩な地域への充実の留学プログラム、キャリア教育・就職支援の内容 ...
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- myelo meningo cele
- 英
- myelomeningocele
- 同
- 髄膜脊髄瘤 meningomyelocele、脊髄瘤 myelocele,Rachischisis neurospinal dysrhaphism
- 関
- 二分脊椎
- 胎生期に脊柱管が閉鎖しないことにより、脊椎の椎弓が無形成・皮膚が欠損し、脊髄が背部に露出したもの。
- 原因として葉酸欠乏、染色体異常、環境因子などの多因子が関与していると考えられている。
- 露出した脊髄は感染のリスクが高いため、緊急手術の適応となる。
- 1000出生に0.2-0.3例 (SCN.273)
- 妊娠15-18週に母体血清中のAFPを測定、異常値であれば1-2週間後に再検、異常であれば羊水検査を行う。画像検査は超音波検査、MRIを施行する。
- 母体血清AFP:高値 ← 開放性神経管閉鎖障害のために、神経管の(非閉鎖部位)開放部位からAFPが羊水中に漏出し、胎盤を介して母体血清中に移行する。
- encephalo+cele
- 英
- encephalocele
- 神経管の頭側端の前神経孔の閉鎖不全により生じる(SCN.279)
- 頭蓋骨の部分欠損部(二分頭蓋)から頭蓋内組織が脱出した病態が脳瘤
- 出生前に、頭蓋の部分欠損や腫瘤像を認められることがある
- meningo cele
- 英
- meningocele
- 同
- 頭瘤 encephalocele
- 関
- 二分脊椎、神経管閉鎖障害
- 関
- accelerator