- 同
- an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; "the reduced the number of units and installations"; "the word is a basic linguistic unit"
- a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids" (同)building_block
- an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit" (同)social unit
- a single undivided whole; "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another"
- move suddenly, energetically, or violently; "He burst out of the house into the cool night"
- break open or apart suddenly and forcefully; "The dam burst" (同)bust
- come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure; "The bubble burst" (同)split, break_open
- a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning" (同)fit
- emerge suddenly; "The sun burst into view"
- remove the burrs from (同)burr
- seed vessel having hooks or prickles (同)burr
- small bit used in dentistry or surgery (同)burr
- characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity; "presented a united front"
- 《集合的に》『構成単位』;(学習の)『単元』;(全体を構成する)部門,部隊 / (特定用途の)設備[一式],器具[一そろい] / (測定基準としての)『単位』;(…の)単位《+of+名》,(…する)単位《+for doing》 / 正の最小整数(1)
- 『破裂する』,爆発する / 〈つぼみが〉ほころびる / 《通例進行形で》(…で)はちきれそうにいっぱいである《+『with』+『名』》 / 『急に(…)する』 / …'を'破裂させる,爆発させる,破る / (…の)『破裂』,爆発《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)『突発』《+『of』+『名』》
- 一致協力した,協調の / 共同した,提携した,団結した / 連合した,合併した
- =one
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English Journal
- Effect of Danggui Buxue Tang on immune-mediated aplastic anemia bone marrow proliferation mice.
- Yang X1, Huang CG2, Du SY3, Yang SP4, Zhang X2, Liu JY2, Xian-QinLuo2, Xu JH2.
- Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology.Phytomedicine.2014 Apr 15;21(5):640-6. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2013.10.018. Epub 2013 Nov 27.
- To investigate the pharmacological effects of Danggui Buxue Tang (DBT) on immune-mediated aplasia anemia mice. The model of immune-mediated aplasia anemia mice was induced by means of (60)Co γ-ray irradiation and mixed cells of thymus and lymphnode of DBA/2 mice infusion through tail vein, the para
- PMID 24290471
- Characterization of mouse clonogenic megakaryocyte progenitors.
- Nakorn TN1, Miyamoto T, Weissman IL.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2003 Jan 7;100(1):205-10. Epub 2002 Dec 18.
- Although it has been shown that unfractionated bone marrow, hematopoietic stem cells, common myeloid progenitors, and bipotent megakaryocyteerythrocyte progenitors can give rise to megakaryocyte colonies in culture, monopotent megakaryocyte-committed progenitors (MKP) have never been prospectively i
- PMID 12490656
- Homing and clonogenic outgrowth of CD34(+) peripheral blood stem cells: a role for L-selectin?
- de Boer F1, Kessler FL, Netelenbos T, Zweegman S, Huijgens PC, van der Wall E, van der Linden JA, Pinedo HM, Schuurhuis GJ, Dräger AM.
- Experimental hematology.Exp Hematol.2002 Jun;30(6):590-7.
- OBJECTIVE: After transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, adhesion molecules play a major role in the multistep process of engraftment in which L-selectin is suggested to be of relevance. A positive correlation previously was found between the number of reinfused L-selectin(+) stem cells and pla
- PMID 12063026
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- They give rise mainly to colony-forming unit-megakaryocytes and occasionally burst-forming unit-megakaryocytes, with a plating efficiency >60% at the single-cell level. In vivo, MKPs do not have spleen colony-forming activity nor do ...
- 同
- burst-forming unit-megakaryocytes
アルコールの量 unit
- 1unitの量が国によって違う。純エタノール換算で、1英unitは8g=10ml(英糖尿病協会採用の数値)、1米unitは15g(20ml弱:1drinkとも)で、日本では10~14g程度(代謝熱量80Kcalが基準:食品成分表5訂版,2002)や20ないし23g(日本酒1合分)を1unitとしている。日本の医学界では1unit=20g(体積に換算すると25ml)を採用することが多いので、ここでもそれに従う。この基準(1unit=20g=25ml)で計算すると、40度のウィスキー1ショット(=1オンス:英液量オンスで28.41ml、米液量オンスで29.57ml、日本の1ショットで30ml)が約0.5unitとなる。5度のビールなら500mlでだいたい1unit(この、日本酒1合≒ウィスキーダブル≒ビール500cc≒1unitという関係は、覚えておくと便利かもしれない:ワインなどは日本酒に準じるので、1本750mlがだいたい4unit強である)。 (参考1.より引用)
- 関
- break out、bursting、explode、explosion、rash、rupture
- (クリ・ゴボウなどの)いが。いがのある植物。くっつくもの。厄介者。(医)バー(ドリル)(外科・歯科用の小さなドリル)。バードリルの穿子
- 関
- nil、non、nothing、null