- 関
- alogia、aphasia、dysphasia、global aphasia、progressive aphasia、semantic aphasia
- an impairment of language (especially speech production) that is usually due to brain damage
- locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar
- win something through ones efforts; "I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese"; "Gain an understanding of international finance" (同)win, gain
- inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion
- gotten through environmental forces; "acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on"
- (不断の努力・習慣などで)…'を'『習得する』,身につける / 〈財産・権利など〉'を'手に入れる,取得する
- 失語症
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English Journal
- A collaborative approach to supporting communication in the assessment of decision-making capacity.
- Zuscak SJ1, Peisah C2, Ferguson A3.
- Disability and rehabilitation.Disabil Rehabil.2016 Jun;38(11):1107-14. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1092176. Epub 2015 Oct 12.
- PURPOSE: This paper explores the clinical implications of acquired communication disorders in decisional capacity. Discipline-specific contributions are discussed in a multidisciplinary context, with a specific focus on the role of speech and language pathologists (SLPs).METHOD: Key rehabilitation i
- PMID 26458145
- Communication partner training of enrolled nurses working in nursing homes with people with communication disorders caused by stroke or Parkinson's disease.
- Eriksson K1,2, Forsgren E1,2, Hartelius L1,2, Saldert C1,2.
- Disability and rehabilitation.Disabil Rehabil.2016 Jun;38(12):1187-203. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1089952. Epub 2015 Oct 12.
- PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of a communication partner training programme directed to enrolled nurses working with people with communication disorders in nursing homes, using an individualised approach.METHOD: Five dyads consisting of a person with stroke-induced aphasia (n = 4) or Parkinson
- PMID 26457882
- Comparing uni-modal and multi-modal therapies for improving writing in acquired dysgraphia after stroke.
- Thiel L1, Sage K2, Conroy P1.
- Neuropsychological rehabilitation.Neuropsychol Rehabil.2016 Jun;26(3):345-73. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2015.1026357. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- Writing therapy studies have been predominantly uni-modal in nature; i.e., their central therapy task has typically been either writing to dictation or copying and recalling words. There has not yet been a study that has compared the effects of a uni-modal to a multi-modal writing therapy in terms o
- PMID 25854414
Japanese Journal
- The Complete Remission of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-associated Isolated Central Nervous System Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
- The Complete Remission of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-associated Isolated Central Nervous System Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Related Links
- 図書館でこの資料を入手! Acquired aphasia. [Martha Taylor Sarno;] ... http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/7739081> # Acquired aphasia a schema:CreativeWork, schema:Book; library:oclcnum " 7739081" ; library:placeOfPublication http://dbpedia.org/resource/London ...
- The online version of Acquired Aphasia by Martha Taylor Sarno on ScienceDirect.com, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text books. ... With chapters containing up to 50 percent new coverage, this book ...
- 関
- acquired aphasia、aphasia、dysphasia、global aphasia、progressive aphasia、semantic aphasia
- 関
- acquired aphasia、alogia、aphasia、dysphasia、global aphasia、semantic aphasia
- 関
- acquired aphasia、alogia、aphasia、dysphasia、global aphasia、progressive aphasia
- 英
- acquired aphasia
- 関
- 意味性失語、言語障害、失語症、全失語、進行性失語、アロギー
- 関
- acquisition、gain、get、obtain、procure、procurement、yield