- 同
- musculoskeletal pain syndrome
- Mississippi
English Journal
- Antibodies to the Plasmodium falciparum Proteins MSPDBL1 and MSPDBL2 Opsonize Merozoites, Inhibit Parasite Growth, and Predict Protection From Clinical Malaria.
- Chiu CY1, Hodder AN1, Lin CS1, Hill DL1, Li Wai Suen CS2, Schofield L3, Siba PM4, Mueller I5, Cowman AF1, Hansen DS1.
- The Journal of infectious diseases.J Infect Dis.2015 Aug 1;212(3):406-15. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiv057. Epub 2015 Feb 2.
- Increasing evidence suggests that antibodies against merozoite surface proteins (MSPs) play an important role in clinical immunity to malaria. Two unusual members of the MSP-3 family, merozoite surface protein duffy binding-like (MSPDBL)1 and MSPDBL2, have been shown to be extrinsically associated t
- PMID 25646353
- pH-Responsive Micelle Sequestrant Polymers Inhibit Fat Absorption.
- Qian J1, Sullivan BP1, Berkland C1,2.
- Biomacromolecules.Biomacromolecules.2015 Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Current antiobesity therapeutics are associated with side effects and/or poor long-term patient compliance, necessitating development of more efficacious and safer alternatives. Herein, we designed and engineered a new class of orally acting pharmaceutical agents, or micelle sequestrant polymers (MS
- PMID 26133544
- Spontaneous formation of an ideal-like field-effect channel for decay-free polymeric thin-film transistors by multiple-scale phase separation.
- Cheng HL, Lin JW, Ruan J, Lin CH, Wu FC, Chou WY, Chen CH, Chang CK, Sheu HS.
- ACS applied materials & interfaces.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.2015 Jul 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- We demonstrate semiconducting polymer-based thin-film transistors (PTFTs) with fast switching performance and an uncommon non-decaying feature. These PTFTs based on widely studied poly(3-hexylthiophene) are developed by incorporating the insulating polymer into the active channel and subjecting the
- PMID 26177076
Japanese Journal
- ジュニア・コーナ 至れり尽くせり時代は8ビットでもてんこ盛り! 実験&研究! もはやCPUより重要!? PICマイコン最新周辺機能(第7回)12ビット10MSpsの超高速A-Dコンバータ
- 「社会的責任に関する円卓会議」の意義と課題 : マルチステークホルダー・プロセスによる社会的課題解決モデルとして
- 古谷 由紀子
- 日本経営倫理学会誌 (22), 95-108, 2015-01-31
- … The Multi-stakeholder Forum on Social Responsibility for a Sustainable Future, established in 2009, is a new framework of Multi-stakeholder Processes (MSPs) in Japan. …
- NAID 110009922773
- A 270-MS/s 6-b SAR ADC with Preamplifier Sharing and Self-locking Comparators
- Chen Chixiao,Xiang Jixuan,Fan Jiang,Jun Xu,Fan Ye,Junyan Ren
- IEICE Electronics Express advpub(0), 2015
- … The ADC is fabricated in 0.13μm CMOS technology to achieve a performance of 6-b resolution at 270-MSps rate.Its power consumption is 4.25 mW under a supply of 1.2V. …
- NAID 130004940060
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