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- 1. 腎細胞癌治療の概要 overview of the treatment of renal cell carcinoma
- 2. 非淡明細胞型腎癌に対する治療アプローチ the treatment approach to non clear cell renal carcinoma
- 3. 腎細胞癌の疫学、病理、および病因 epidemiology pathology and pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma
- 4. 遺伝性腎癌症候群 hereditary kidney cancer syndromes
- 5. 腎細胞癌の臨床症状、評価、および病期分類 clinical manifestations evaluation and staging of renal cell carcinoma
English Journal
- Immunohistochemical marker panel differentiates between the three most common subtypes of renal cell carcinoma independent from histomorphologic criteria.
- Walter B, Hartmann A, Hofstädter F, Junker K, Moch H, Bertz S, Denzinger S, Otto W, Gajda M, Stoehr CG.SourceDepartment of Urology, Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany, bernhard.walter@uk-erlangen.de.
- Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology.Virchows Arch.2012 Mar;460(3):343-52. Epub 2012 Feb 17.
- To develop a reliable immunohistochemical marker panel differentiating between the three most common renal cell carcinoma (RCC) subtypes without inclusion of histomorphologic criteria we investigated protein expression of vimentin, glutathione S-transferase alpha (GST-α), CD10, CD117 (C-KIT), carbo
- PMID 22350003
- [Prevention of ABO-incompatible transfusion].
- Fujii Y.SourceDepartment of Blood Transfusion, Yamaguchi University Hospital, Ube 755-8505.
- Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology.Masui.2011 Jan;60(1):47-54.
- "Identification error between patient and blood product" is the main cause of ABO-incompatible blood transfusion, but "Phlebotomy error" also has serious consequences. In order to prevent ABO-incompatible transfusion, it is important to establish a management system of blood transfusion in the hospi
- PMID 21348250
Japanese Journal
- 小児開心術における赤血球製剤変更による影響に関する検討
- 古平 聡,藤井 正実,東條 圭一,宮地 鑑,小原 邦義
- 体外循環技術 = The journal of extra-corporeal technology 37(2), 104-106, 2010-06-01
- NAID 10030358435
- 危機的大量輸血--O型および異型適合血輸血 (特集 麻酔科医のための新しい輸血法)
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