肺炎球菌莢膜多糖体ワクチン pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/09/11 09:34:18」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
PPV, ppv
- Pay Per View(ペイ・パー・ビュー)
- Plum pox virus(プラムポックスウイルス)
- poly(p-phenylene vinylene)(ポリパラフェニレンビニレン)
- tvkで放送されている音楽番組の通称。(Power Play Video)
- Windows CE用Pocket PowerPointファイルの拡張子
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[Wiki en表示]
PPV, pPv or ppv may refer to:
- 1 Technology
- 2 Biology
- 3 Material
- 4 Mathematics
- 5 Others
Technology[edit source | edit]
- Pay-per-view on cable or satellite television
- People powered vehicle, a human-powered vehicle from 1970
Biology[edit source | edit]
- Plum pox virus, a plant virus
- Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, a pneumococcal vaccine
- Porcine parvovirus, a virus causes reproductive failure of swine.
Material[edit source | edit]
- Poly(p-phenylene vinylene), a conjugated polymer
Mathematics[edit source | edit]
- Positive predictive value in statistics
Others[edit source | edit]
- Post-perovskite (pPv), in geophysics
- Public/Private Ventures, a nonprofit social research and policy organization
- Pajamäen Pallo-Veikot, a football team in western Helsinki, Finland.
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Prevalence of blaZ Gene and Performance of Phenotypic Tests to Detect Penicillinase in Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Japan.
- Takayama Y1,2, Tanaka T2,3, Oikawa K1, Fukano N1, Goto M2, Takahashi T4.
- Annals of laboratory medicine.Ann Lab Med.2018 Mar;38(2):155-159. doi: 10.3343/alm.2018.38.2.155.
- PMID 29214760
- PMID 29029766
- Optimisation of the MR protocol in pregnant women with suspected acute appendicitis.
- Shin I1, Chung YE2, An C1, Lee HS3, Kim H1, Lim JS1, Kim MJ1.
- European radiology.Eur Radiol.2018 Feb;28(2):514-521. doi: 10.1007/s00330-017-5038-y. Epub 2017 Sep 11.
- PMID 28894912
Japanese Journal
- 4) 妊娠36週未満発症の妊娠高血圧腎症の発症予知法の改良 : 血中血管新生関連因子の正常域から疾患発症閾値への展開(シンポジウム2:周産期「妊娠高血圧症候群の基礎と臨床-予防・治療の新戦略に向けて」,第65回日本産科婦人科学会・学術講演会)
- 大口 昭英
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 65(11), 2604-2615, 2013-11-01
- … In the second clinical study, while changing the laboratory methods from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA), we developed a prediction method of the imminent onset of PE with onset at <4 weeks after blood sampling during 19-31 weeks of gestation, resulting in improvements of LR+, sensitivity (SE), and the positive predictive value (PPV). … This approach resulted in improvement of cost performance while showing LR+ of >10, SE of >0.80 and PPV of >0.20. …
- NAID 110009674984
- 4) 妊娠36週未満発症の妊娠高血圧腎症の発症予知法の改良 : 血中血管新生関連因子の正常域から疾患発症閾値への展開(シンポジウム2:周産期「妊娠高血圧症候群の基礎と臨床-予防・治療の新戦略に向けて」,第65回日本産科婦人科学会・学術講演会)
- 大口 昭英
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 65(11), 2604-2615, 2013-11-01
- … In the second clinical study, while changing the laboratory methods from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA), we developed a prediction method of the imminent onset of PE with onset at <4 weeks after blood sampling during 19-31 weeks of gestation, resulting in improvements of LR+, sensitivity (SE), and the positive predictive value (PPV). … This approach resulted in improvement of cost performance while showing LR+ of >10, SE of >0.80 and PPV of >0.20. …
- NAID 110009661872
- The Diagnosis of Hypovascular Hepatic Lesions Showing Hypo-intensity in the Hepatobiliary Phase of Gd-EOB- DTPA-enhanced MR Imaging in High-risk Patients for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Nakamura Shinichiro,Nouso Kazuhiro,Kobayashi Yoshiyuki,Shiraha Hidenori,Ohnishi Hideki,Toshimori Junichi,Kuwaki Kenji,Hagihara Hiroaki,Takayama Hiroki,Yamamoto Kazuhide
- Acta Medica Okayama 67(4), 239-244, 2013-08
- … The positive predictive value (PPV) of hypointensity at the hepatobiliary phase of EOB-MRI for the diagnosis of HCC increased to 77-90% when combined with the following factors: washout appearance on the delayed phase of triple-phase CT, hyperintensity in diffusion-weighted image of MRI, or the appearance of a hypoechoic part in ultrasonography. … PPV increased to 100% when all 3 factors were positive. …
- NAID 120005315585
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Related Pictures

- 英
- pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide vaccine, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, PPV
肺炎球菌莢膜多糖体ワクチン PPV
- 英
- continuous positive pressure ventilation
- 同
- 持続的陽圧換気法
良性発作性頭位眩暈症 benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
非侵襲的陽圧換気 noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
間欠的陽圧換気 intermittent positive pressure ventilation