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- phosphorusの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/10/23 17:42:32」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ポリアセタール
- ポートモレスビー・ジャクソン国際空港を表すIATA空港コード。
- ポリオキソメタレート。ポリ酸を参照。
- えひめ飲料の清涼飲料水、ポンジュース
- 音楽バンドcan/gooのギタリスト、POM
- プレビューオンリーメンバー (Preview Only Member) - 画像掲示板に於いて、閲覧だけで書き込みをしない人を意味する和製英語。
- 小林由佳が開発した漫画設計支援システム、POM。漫画の"コマ割り"を選択した作家風に作成することができる。
- プロジェクトオブジェクトモデル (Project Object Model) - Apache Maven プロジェクト管理ツールの主要概念。
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[Wiki en表示]
POM, Pom, POm or pom may refer to:
- 1 Business
- 2 Science
- 2.1 Astronomy
- 2.2 Chemistry
- 2.3 Ecology
- 2.4 Geoscience
- 2.5 Medicine
- 2.6 Neuroscience
- 3 Technologies
- 4 Television, film, music
- 5 Places
- 6 Publications
- 7 Words for people
- 8 Other uses
- 9 External links
- Pepco Holdings, the stock symbol for Pepco Holdings, Inc.
- Production and Operations Management
Food and beverages
- POM Wonderful, a brand of pomegranate juice
- Pom (dish), a taro like root based oven dish native to Suriname
- Phase of Moon, or lunar phase, the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon
- Pivaloyloxymethyl, the (CH3)3C-CO-O-CH2- functional group in organic chemistry
- Polyoxometalate, a type of inorganic compound used as catalysts
- Polyoxymethylene, a common plastic polymer
- Particulate organic matter of biological origin that is suspended in water (lakes, rivers, oceans)
- Princeton Ocean Model, a model for ocean circulation
- Prescription-only medicine, a medicine that requires a prescription
- Posteromedial (POm) nucleus of the thalamus
- Parallax occlusion mapping (computer graphics), a method to add 3D complexity to textures
- Probabilistic Ontology Model, a method for ontology learning, see KAON
- Project Object Model, the central construct of the Apache Maven build management system
Television, film, music
- Baby Pom, the youngest of the Fimbles in the CBeebies television programme
- Piece of Mind, an album of British heavy metal band Iron Maiden
- Puddle of Mudd, an American hard rock band
- The Penguins of Madagascar, an animated television series
- Piece of Me, Britney Spears song from the album Blackout
- Port of Morrow (album), the fourth album by American indie band The Shins, released in March 2012
- Port Moresby Airport, IATA code
- Presidio of Monterey, California, an active US Army installation located in Monterey
- PlayStation: The Official Magazine, a video game magazine
- Pom (comics), a Belgian comic strip writer and artist
Words for people
- Pom, a slang term for a British person
Other uses
- Pom-pon or pompom, a decorative ball
- Pomeranian (dog), a breed of dog
prince of Macedon a famous Total War video game player, most notably for Rome Total war.
External links
- POM, a brand of instant mashed potato sold in the 1940s
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Seeking a compromise between pharmaceutical pollution and phosphorus load: Management strategies for Lake Tegel, Berlin.
- Schimmelpfennig S, Kirillin G, Engelhardt C, Nützmann G, Dünnbier U.SourceLeibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Department of Ecohydrology, Müggelseedamm 310, D-12587 Berlin, Germany.
- Water research.Water Res.2012 Sep 1;46(13):4153-63. Epub 2012 May 23.
- Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany) is controlled by two main inflows: inflow #1 (River Havel) is heavily phosphorus-laden, whereas inflow #2 is an artificial confluence that includes discharge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant distinguished by high levels of phosphorus and pharmaceuticals. To re
- PMID 22683406
- Climatic warming and overgrazing induced the high concentration of organic matter in Lake Hulun, a large shallow eutrophic steppe lake in northern China.
- Chen X, Chuai X, Yang L, Zhao H.SourceState Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2012 Aug 1;431:332-8. Epub 2012 Jun 15.
- An abnormally high concentration of organic matter (OM) in Lake Hulun, a large shallow eutrophic lake located in the sparsely populated Hulun Buir Steppe, was observed in a field investigation. Little was known about the origin of the OM. To identify the source of the OM in Lake Hulun, the carbon/ni
- PMID 22705868
Japanese Journal
- メタモデルを用いたソースコードからのモデル自動抽出手法の提案
- 市井 誠,明神 智之,小川 秀人
- 情報処理学会研究報告. ソフトウェア工学研究会報告 2011-SE-174(1), 1-8, 2011-10-25
- … .そこで,本研究では,モデルの抽象化を考慮したソースコードからのモデル自動抽出手法 Program Oriented Modeling(POM) を提案する.POM はメタモデルによるモデル定義と,モデル変換言語による段階的抽象化により,目的に応じたモデルを柔軟に抽出する.また,モデル検査向けの検証モデルを抽出するツール POM/MC を試作した.また,適用実験により,検査可能なモデルを抽出できることを示した. …
- NAID 110008668855
- Piezoelectric Characteristics of Poly($\gamma$-benzyl-l-glutamate) Film Oriented under Strong Magnetic Field
- Uehara Yusuke,Fukumoto Takahiro,Kamimura Yuuki,Kuroda Shintaro,Kimura Tsunehisa,Date Munehiro,Fukada Eiichi,Tajitsu Yoshiro
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(9), 09ND02-09ND02-4, 2011-09-25
- … First, the orientation of the PBLG principal chain in the film was observed macroscopically by polarizing microscopy (POM), and it was found that the orientation of the principal chain differed in each region. …
- NAID 150000058007
Related Links
- POMは、化学名であるポリオキシメチレン(polyoxymethylene)の省略した呼称ですが一般的にはポリアセタール、アセタール樹脂(acetal resin)と呼んでおり、主として(-CH 2 O-)の構造単位からなる結晶性の熱可塑性樹脂です。
- もんちぃのサイト『PoM』へようこそ 今は ぷにです (未成年の閲覧を禁止いたします) >>いりぐちです~<< 最終更新 13.07.30
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