- register electronically; "They recorded her singing" (同)tape
- a document that can serve as legal evidence of a transaction; "they could find no record of the purchase"
- the number of wins versus losses and ties a team has had; "at 9-0 they have the best record in their league"
- the sum of recognized accomplishments; "the lawyer has a good record"; "the track record shows that he will be a good president" (同)track_record
- an extreme attainment; the best (or worst) performance ever attested (as in a sport); "he tied the Olympic record"; "coffee production last year broke all previous records"; "Chicago set the homicide record"
- a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone; "Al Smith used to say, `Lets look at the record"; "his name is in all the record books" (同)record book, book
- anything (such as a document or a phonograph record or a photograph) providing permanent evidence of or information about past events; "the film provided a valuable record of stage techniques"
- make a record of; set down in permanent form (同)enter, put down
- be aware of; "Did you register any change when I pressed the button?" (同)register
- familiarize (someone) with new surroundings or circumstances; "The dean of students tries to orient the freshmen"
- determine ones position with reference to another point; "We had to orient ourselves in the forest" (同)orientate
- be oriented; "The weather vane points North"; "the dancers toes pointed outward" (同)point
- cause to point; "Orient the house towards the West"
- requiring or amenable to treatment by medicine especially as opposed to surgery; "medical treatment"; "pneumonia is a medical disease"
- relating to the study or practice of medicine; "the medical profession"; "a medical student"; "medical school"
- a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved; "she and her husband are having problems"; "it is always a job to contact him"; "urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog" (同)job
- a question raised for consideration or solution; "our homework consisted of ten problems to solve"
- the act of making a record (especially an audio record); "she watched the recording from a sound-proof booth" (同)transcription
- a signal that encodes something (e.g., picture or sound) that has been recorded
- a storage device on which information (sounds or images) have been recorded
- 〈C〉(…の)『記録』,(…を)記録すること《+『of』(『about』)+『名』(『wh-節』)》 / 〈C〉公文書;公判記録;(昔の)遺物 / 〈C〉(個人・団体の)『経歴』;業績;成績 / 〈C〉(スポーツなどの)『最高記録』,レコード / (また『disc』)〈C〉音盤,レコード / 記録的な / (文書・写真などに)…‘を'『記録する』 / 〈計器などが〉|‘を'示す / 〈音〉‘を'テープ(レコード)に吹き込む / 〈作品など〉‘を'録音する
- (新しい環境などに)〈人〉‘を'適応させる,慣れさせる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / …‘の'位置を確定する / (ある方向に)…‘を'向ける
- 東方の / (太陽・月が地平線から)昇る,現れる
- 『医学の』,医術の;医者の / 内科の;内科治療を要する / 診察
- (特に解決の容易でない)『問題』,やっかいな事熊 / 《単数形で》《話》(…にとって)やっかいな人《+『to』+『名』》 / (特に,数学の)問題 / 扱いにくい,問題の
- 〈C〉録音したもの;レコード,テープ / 〈U〉録音された音
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English Journal
- Relation between process measures and diagnosis-specific readmission rates in patients with heart failure.
- Bottle A1, Goudie R1, Cowie MR2, Bell D3, Aylin P1.
- Heart (British Cardiac Society).Heart.2015 Nov;101(21):1704-10. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2014-307328. Epub 2015 Jun 11.
- OBJECTIVES: To explore the relations between cause-specific readmission rates and National Heart Failure Audit process of care measures in patients admitted for heart failure (HF).METHODS: Using admissions data for all acute hospitals in England for April 2009-March 2012, we defined an index admissi
- PMID 26069329
- Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergic Fungal Sinusitis.
- Melzer JM1, Driskill BR2, Clenney TL2, Gessler EM2.
- The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol.2015 Oct;124(10):782-7. doi: 10.1177/0003489415583686. Epub 2015 Apr 22.
- Allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) is a condition that has an allergic basis caused by exposure to fungi in the sinonasal tract leading to chronic inflammation. Despite standard treatment modalities, which typically include surgery and medical management of allergies, patients still have a high rate of
- PMID 25902841
- Problem list completeness in electronic health records: A multi-site study and assessment of success factors.
- Wright A1, McCoy AB2, Hickman TT3, Hilaire DS4, Borbolla D5, Bowes WA 3rd6, Dixon WG7, Dorr DA8, Krall M9, Malholtra S10, Bates DW11, Sittig DF12.
- International journal of medical informatics.Int J Med Inform.2015 Oct;84(10):784-90. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2015.06.011. Epub 2015 Jul 17.
- OBJECTIVE: To assess problem list completeness using an objective measure across a range of sites, and to identify success factors for problem list completeness.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of electronic health record data and interviews at ten healthcare organizations within the U
- PMID 26228650
Japanese Journal
- 医学生に対する診断の思考過程教育におけるPOS診療録記載演習の意義
- 加藤 博之,大沢 弘
- 21世紀教育フォーラム 5, 31-37, 2010-03-31
- … Problem Oriented System(POS)によってまとめられた診療録は、患者情報の集大成であると同時に、これを記載する若い医師や医学生にとっては、自らの思考過程を検証し、診断能力を高める重要な学習ツールでもある。 …
- NAID 120004814198
- 卒前の臨床実習における診療録作成法の指導経験 : 医学生はなぜPOMRが書けないのか
- 電子カルテ導入のために--メリットとデメリットを知る (これからの小児科クリニック) -- (小児科クリニックの運営ポイント)
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- Looking for online definition of problem-oriented medical record in the Medical Dictionary? problem-oriented medical record explanation free. What is problem-oriented medical record? Meaning of problem-oriented medical record ...
- POSのおなじみSOAPは以下の内容で情報を分類してPOMR(=Problem Oriented Medical Record:問題志向型診療記録のことで開局薬剤師の場合、薬歴に相当)に記入します。そもそ もSOAPはPOSを上手に活用するため記録方法に ...
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- 英
- problem-oriented medical record POMR
- 同
- 問題指向型診療録
- 医学の、医科の、医薬の、医学的な、メディカルな、医療用の、医用の、医学上の
- 関
- biomedical、iatrology、med、medical department、medical science、medically、medicine
- 関
- archive、enroll、log、recording、register、registry、statement
- 関
- issue、matter、problematic、question
- 関
- direct
- 関
- archive、log、record